Equipment and Calibration History

History for Licor LI-7700 TG1-0514

Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
6905 2024-10-10 Lab none Installed Tonzi Gas Analyzer CH4 Floor Installed on the Floor tower by adding a new mount using L-brackets and a rail fitting removing existing Allen screws and reusing the sockets for standard 1/4-20 bolts. No wash box, hat but no spikes.
6901 2024-10-07 Lab Calibration Lab Calibration Location: Lab
Last calibration: 2021-07-12
RSSI=79%, Optical RH=21%
Ambient P=100.2kPa, Tair=31.5C
Zero Air at 1400psi, AMP FB04035 1.19156 at 1000
CH4 Zero Offset: -0.057ppm
CH4 Span Offset: 0.0704ppm
Notes: First check of instrument from USGS. Last zero was 2023-09-08. Clock 25min behind, set heater and wash to Biomet Default. TC was dead, swapped with repaired one. Initial span used ppb instead of ppm so off by a factor of 1000. Redid span on 10/08 with different tank - seemed fine less than ppb off.