Equipment and Calibration

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View History for Gilbert Tract
SELECT * from equiplist WHERE 1 AND curloc LIKE :LL1 ORDER BY FIELD(curloc, 'Returned', 'Disposed'), recno DESC
Array ( [:LL1] => Gilbert Tract% )

44 rows returned

IDSMAP LocModelSerial No.Last EntryCurrent Location Project Description
1036 DO Sensor Channel PME miniDOT-usb 413106 2024-10-17Gilbert Tract Ducks-Hill Slough Came with a maintenace kit - extra o-rings and teflon lubricant (, P/N 82340)
995 Water Level Boardwalk METER Group HYDROS21 H21G00003238 2024-10-10Gilbert Tract Dutch Slough Replacement under warranty for H21G200002433. EC, temperature, water depth, 10 meter Pigtail Cable
987 Battery Bank Fabricated BB-Fab BB-GT 2024-09-26Gilbert Tract CDFW Previously sn BB-SW. A Midnite Solar battery box MNBE-A and four EnergyCell-106RE AGM, 106Ahr, 12V, group 31 batteries. sn BB-SW had 6 batteries listed, but sn BB-GT only has 4 batteries. We don't know where the other 2 batteries ended up.
982 pH ORP YSI EXO pH-ORP 24G102326 2024-10-23Gilbert Tract DeltaCouncil-Dutch Electrolyte in the sensor module will be depleted in 12-18 months at which point the module will need to be replaced. Ideally, delta slope > 165 mV, and the mV per decade = 59.16 +/- 5. Part number 577612 0 to 14 unit measurement range T63<3 sec response time for pH, T63<5 response time for ORP ±0.1 pH unit accuracy within ±10°C of calibration temperature ±20 mV ORP unit accuracy in Redox standard solutions
980 Wiper YSI EXO Central Wiper 24F104086 2024-10-23Gilbert Tract DeltaCouncil-Dutch Part number 599090-01 Installed in the central port of the EXO2 and EXO3
978 Turbidity YSI EXO Turbidity 24F102410 2024-10-23Gilbert Tract DeltaCouncil-Dutch Part number 599101-01 0 to 4000 FNU, NTU measurement range T63<2 sec response time 0.3 FNU or ±2% of reading accuracy from 0 to 999 FNU
977 Conductivity Sensor Channel YSI EXO Wiped Cond/Temp 24F100050 2024-10-23Gilbert Tract DeltaCouncil-Dutch Wiped conductivity/temperature sensor for EXO sensor. Came with an extra wiper brush, spacing o-rings, and zip ties.
976 EXO YSI EXO3S 23H107001 2024-10-23Gilbert Tract DeltaCouncil-Dutch Part number 577503-01, five ports, no battery compartment, 10m depth. Integrated non-vented depth sensor sn 23E104163. Came with a 10m flying lead cable.
953 Weather Station LCJ Capteurs SONIC-ANEMO-SPE10 022365359 2024-03-07Gilbert Tract CalVal 4 of 4 received from Arable to be connected to a Mark 3 for CalVal project, Arable sn 23230025
949 Weather Station Arable Mark 3 D006946 2024-03-07Gilbert Tract CalVal 4 of 4 received from Arable for calval project, includes a separate 2D sonic
894 fDOM YSI EXO fDOM 22C100780 2024-10-23Gilbert Tract Dutch Slough Bare fluorescent dissolved organic matter sensor to be installed in USGS EXO Sonde at Gilbert Tract. 0 to 300 ppb Quinine Sulfate equivalent (QSE) measurement range 0.01 ppb QSE resolution T63<2 sec response time
888 RH & Temp Campbell Sci. HygroVUE10 E3452 2023-02-14Gilbert Tract Carlos Came with RAD10E 10-plate solar radiation shield
885 Solar Controller ADCP MorningStar SS-6L-12V 21501243 2022-04-13Gilbert Tract Carlos SunSaver 12V, 6A
863 Flowmeter ADCP SonTek SL1500 SL2149007 2024-10-23Gilbert Tract Dutch Slough Side looking Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP. Came with 20ft of railing and caddie to lower and retrieve the sensor from the side of the water channel.
801 Solar Controller Midnite Solar MNKID-B KB15214 2021-09-02Gilbert Tract CDFW MPPT Charge controller, 30A, 12-48V battery bank, up to 150V input
720 Solar Panel ADCP BP Solar SX350J T21009229B43579 2022-02-18Gilbert Tract OSU AirMOSS 20W, 16.8V, 1.19A Has a Morningstar SunKeeper-6 solar controller, Acquired from the OSU AirMOSS project, Location SP02-22
663 DO Sensor PME miniDOT-usb 906606 2024-09-25Gilbert Tract Fellowship-Kyle
662 DO Sensor PME miniDOT-usb 899502 2025-01-15Gilbert Tract Fellowship-Kyle
643 CO2 Probe Forerunner-Eosense GP-001 GP20160117 2023-11-28Gilbert Tract LBNL 0-1% range. Received from LBNL in exchange from probes given to Jennifer Soong on 2017-09-08
586 Camera StarDot SD130BN 0030F4D214A5 2021-09-02Gilbert Tract CDFW 1.3MP, 4.0mm 1/1.8" IR lens HFOV: 101°
539 Solar Panel B Kyosera KU265-6MCA 158APW4M0000193 2021-09-02Gilbert Tract CDFW 265W, 31.0V, 8.55A
537 Solar Panel A Kyosera KU265-6MCA 158APW4M0000190 2021-09-02Gilbert Tract CDFW 265W, 31.0V, 8.55A
531 PAR Sensor Diffuse Kipp & Zonen PQS 1 140457 2021-09-02Gilbert Tract CDFW NULL
524 PAR Sensor Reflected Kipp & Zonen PQS 1 140450 2021-09-02Gilbert Tract CDFW NULL
520 Narrow Band PRI Incoming Decagon-METER SRS-Pi PRI 912903006 2021-09-02Gilbert Tract CDFW Cosine correcting Teflon diffuser, hemispherical field of view
514 Narrow Band PRI Reflected Decagon-METER SRS-Pr PRI 930203026 2021-09-02Gilbert Tract CDFW Field stop, 36 degree field of view
489 Net Radiometer 4-way Hukseflux NR01 2466 2021-09-02Gilbert Tract CDFW
484 Heat Flux Plate A Hukseflux HFP01 11325 2021-09-09Gilbert Tract CDFW Wht = +sig, Grn = -sig, Blk = shield
483 Heat Flux Plate C Hukseflux HFP01 11329 2021-09-09Gilbert Tract CDFW Wht = +sig, Grn = -sig, Blk = shield
482 Heat Flux Plate B Hukseflux HFP01 11328 2021-09-09Gilbert Tract CDFW Wht = +sig, Grn = -sig, Blk = shield
476 Precipitation Texas Electronics TE525MM 65552-615 2021-09-15Gilbert Tract CDFW
473 Barometer Vaisala PTB110 L2510774 2021-09-02Gilbert Tract CDFW
466 Multiplexer Thermocouple Campbell Sci. AM25T 7909 2021-09-02Gilbert Tract CDFW
462 Multiplexer Met Campbell Sci. AM16/32B 21689 2022-03-07Gilbert Tract CDFW
460 Data Logger Channel Campbell Sci. CR6 2115 2024-08-16Gilbert Tract CDFW
448 Interface LI-7550 Licor LI-7550 AIU-1569 2023-10-27Gilbert Tract CDFW GHG-1 package comprised of: sn TG1-0423, sn 75H-2668, sn AIU-1569
391 Interface NL115 Campbell Sci. NL115 13054 2021-09-02Gilbert Tract DOE-TCP NULL
304 Anemometer Gill WM 1590 120906 2021-09-02Gilbert Tract DWR-Wetland 4x14bit analog out, 20Hz, Firmware version 2329-116-01
260 Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Licor LI-7500A 75H-2180 2025-01-15Gilbert Tract DWR-Wetland Part of LI-7500a system with LI-7500A sn 75H-2180
257 Gas Analyzer Licor LI-7700 TG1-0223 2024-08-07Gilbert Tract DWR-Wetland Part of GHG1 system with LI-7550 sn AIU-0650 and LI-7500A sn 75H-2176
149 Conductivity Sensor Campbell Sci. CS547A 5688 2021-09-02Gilbert Tract DWR-Rice Requires A547 interface to connect to data logger. Cell constant Kc = 1.343
141 Data Logger Met Campbell Sci. CR1000 38211 2021-09-02Gilbert Tract DWR-Rice Wiring panel sn 31705. Original cal 03 Jan 11.
95 Data Logger Diffuse PAR Campbell Sci. CR10X 25799 2021-09-02Gilbert Tract
36 PAR Sensor Incoming Kipp & Zonen PAR-LITE 990031 2022-02-02Gilbert Tract