Auto Camera Gallery
Best photos from MB_autocam for 2011-02
2011-01 | Back to camera list | 2011-0317 photos found
2011-02-02 08:45:02: Ducks and coots
2011-02-03 08:45:02: Joe installing new LI7700
2011-02-03 09:15:01: Joe installing new LI7700
2011-02-06 18:15:04: Nice sunset
2011-02-08 10:45:03: High wind
2011-02-08 14:15:02: High wind
2011-02-08 15:45:02: Heavy wind from the north ~20mph
2011-02-09 18:15:04: Nice sunset
2011-02-12 15:45:02: Birds on far levee behind tower - white pelicans?
2011-02-14 07:45:02: Nice light on the hills.
2011-02-14 18:15:04: Site after sunset
2011-02-15 10:45:02: Safflower bales added
2011-02-16 19:45:04: Site in moonlight
2011-02-21 18:15:03: Nice sunset
2011-02-26 15:45:02: Guessing average wind from the north.
2011-02-27 14:45:02: Guessing stronger wind from east.