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Site: East End (US-Tw4)

Sheep in the eddy tower footprint

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Ameriflux Site Info

Last field site visit:

2024-11-19 13:30:00 Regular data collection/cleaning, storms coming later this week

Equipment installed at the site:
Campbell Sci. Interface A547
Campbell Sci. Multiplexer AM16/32B
Campbell Sci. Multiplexer AM25T
Campbell Sci. Data Logger CR1000
Campbell Sci. Data Logger CR10X
Campbell Sci. Water Level CS451
Campbell Sci. Conductivity Sensor CS547A
Campbell Sci. RH & Temp HygroVUE10
Fabricated Battery Bank BB-Fab
Gill Anemometer WM 1590
Hukseflux Heat Flux Plate HFP01
Hukseflux Net Radiometer NR01
Kipp & Zonen PAR Sensor PAR-LITE
Kipp & Zonen PAR Sensor PQS 1
Licor Gas Analyzer LI-7500A
Licor Interface LI-7550
Licor Gas Analyzer LI-7700
PME DO Sensor miniDOT
Raspberry Pi Camera RPI0W
Texas Electronics Precipitation TR-525M
Vaisala Barometer PTB110

Data Streams:

EE_flux 30 minute averages of the 20Hz flux data
EE_cam Digital number data from the autocam imagery
EE_t1flux Eddy flux from temporary tower T1 at the open water site at East End. Originally on the levee at 38.109522, -121.636071, but moved about 60m south to the location below after the first month.
EE_t2met Met data from Temporary tower 2 in and area with a largely closed canopy of cattails
EE_t2flux 30min averages of the 20Hz flux data from the Temporary Tower in an area with a closed canopy of cattails
EE_t3met Met data from East End Temporary Tower 3 on the first boardwalk to the south of the permanent tower.
EE_t3flux 30min averages of the 10Hz flux data from the East End Temporary Tower #3 on the first boardwalk south of the permanent tower.
EE_minidot Dissolved oxygen from the minidot sensor from different locations
BC_cam Digital number data from Pheoncamera at Bouldin Alfalfa
EE_processed Data loaded from the Level 1 processed data including fluxes and turbulence data
EE_processed3 Gap filled and partitioned data from Level 3 processing files