Detailed Stream Information

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Record ID: 188
Site Association: RR  <?>
Fairfield, CA  USA
Stream Code: RR_cam  <?>
Stream Name: Rush Ranch Autocam  <?>
Description: Digital number data from Stardot camera at Rush Ranch
Cluster: Delta
Status: active  <?>
File Name Format: RR_stardot_%Y%m%d.dat  <?>
Date Time Format: %Y %j %H%M,0,1,2  <?>
Time of first reading: 09:30
Reading Interval: 1800 Seconds
Readings per day: 14
Measurement Type: Average
Offset from PST: 0 seconds
Year of earliest data: 2017  <?>
First day of data: 2017-03-03
Last day of data: 9999-12-31