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Site: West Pond (WP) aka US-Tw1

2012-04-24 - 2024-05-01

Dennis on site
More photos
The Twitchell Wetland site is a 7.4-acre restored wetland on Twitchell Island, that is managed by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). In the fall of 1997, the site was permanently flooded to a depth of approximately 25 cm. The wetland was almost completely covered by cattails and
tules by the third growing season. A flux tower equipped to analyze energy, H2O, CO2, and CH4 fluxes was installed on May 17, 2012.

Ameriflux BADM Site Info

Last field site visit: more fieldnotes

2024-05-01 10:00:00 Removing all sensors and equipment, only solar panels, one TC set, scaffolding and some structural parts left.

Latest data processing: more processing notes

2021-03-15 7700 time sync error fixed after 7550 firmware upgrade, all 7500 data filtered out on 2021-01-28 for dates: 2021-01-01 - 2021-03-03

Processor of record:
2013-02-05 - Not Known
2013-07-30 - Cove Sturtevant
2013-08-07 - Sara Knox
2016-06-01 - Kyle Hemes
2016-09-09 - Elke Eichelmann
2018-05-23 - Alex Valach
2021-01-07 - Daphne Szutu
Ameriflux Author:
20120424 - Joseph Verfaillie
20120424 - Dennis Baldocchi
20130807 - Sara Knox
20160429 - Kyle Hemes
20160801 - Elke Eichelmann
20161200 - Daphne Szutu
20180212 - Alex Valach
20210304 - Robert Shortt

Data Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

Equipment Locations more details

EquipmentStart DateEnd DateXYZNotes
Anemometer 2012-05-02 2023-09-12 0 0 4.39 Heading=352deg from fn WP2013-07-16 height 4.64m on that day. From fn WP2018-03-07 3.69m to water
2023-09-12 - Heading measured at 18 deg true N
Anemometer ATI 2012-10-18 2012-11-08 ATI sonic inter-comparison
Barometer 2012-04-17 - 1.03 2.1 2.02
Battery Bank 2012-05-02 -
Camera 2012-07-05 - 4
CO2 probe A 2013-01-23 - 1.13 2.87 0
CO2 Probe B 2014-01-23 -
Conductivity Sensor 2012-04-17 - 1.13 2.87 0
Data Logger ATI 2012-10-18 2012-11-08 ATI sonic inter-comparison
Data Logger Met 2012-04-17 - 0.96 1.91 2.42 Met
Data Logger Test 2020-11-19 - For cross comparison, mounted in box just south of 7550
DO Sensor A 2014-09-25 2014-10-09 0.13
2018-05-31 -
DO Sensor B 2014-09-25 2014-10-09 0.075
DO Sensor C 2014-09-25 2014-10-09 0.02
DO Sensor Lower 2012-07-05 -
DO Sensor Upper 2012-04-17 2013-01-03 1.13 2.87 0
Gas Analyzer CH4 2012-05-02 - 0.23 0.21 4.3 CH4
Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O 2012-05-02 - 0.09 0.18 4.39 CO2/H2O
Interface A547 2012-04-17 -
Interface LI-7550 2012-05-02 - 0.84 1.61 1.82 LI-7550
Interface NL115 ATI 2012-10-18 2012-11-08 ATI sonic inter-compairson
Multiplexer Met 2012-04-17 - 0.96 1.91 2.02
Multiplexer Thermocouples 2012-04-17 - 1.03 2.1 2.22
Narrow Band NDVI Incoming 2017-06-05 - 3.8 NDVI Incoming
Narrow Band NDVI Reflected 2017-06-05 - 3.7 NDVI Reflected
Net Radiometer 2012-04-17 - -0.18 -0.9 3.75
PAR Sensor Incoming 2012-04-17 - -0.07 -0.64 3.8 Incoming
PAR Sensor Incoming Cal 2020-11-19 -
PAR Sensor Reflected 2012-04-17 - -0.07 -0.64 3.7 Reflected
PAR Sensor Reflected Cal 2020-12-16 -
PAR Sensor Test 2020-11-19 - for cross comparison just north of permanent
RH & Temp 2012-04-17 - 0.65 0.9 4.19
RH & Temp Test 2020-11-19 - for cross comparison just south of permanent
Solar Controller 2012-05-02 -
Solar Panel A 2012-05-02 2017-05-18
Solar Panel B 2012-05-02 2017-05-18
Solar Panel C 2012-05-02 2017-05-18
Thermocouple Profile A 2012-04-17 - -0.03 0.53 -0.32
2012-04-17 - -0.03 0.53 -0.16
2012-04-17 - -0.03 0.53 -0.08
2012-04-17 - -0.03 0.53 -0.04
2012-04-17 - -0.03 0.53 -0.02
2012-07-05 - -0.03 0.53 0.04
2012-07-05 - -0.03 0.53 0.08
2012-07-05 - -0.03 0.53 0.16
Thermocouple Profile B 2012-04-17 - 1.5 2.72 -0.32
2012-04-17 - 1.5 2.72 -0.16
2012-04-17 - 1.5 2.72 -0.08
2012-04-17 - 1.5 2.72 -0.04
2012-04-17 - 1.5 2.72 -0.02
2012-07-05 - 1.5 2.72 0.04
2012-07-05 - 1.5 2.72 0.08
2012-07-05 - 1.5 2.72 0.16
Thermocouple Profile C 2012-04-17 - 3.25 1.9 -0.32
2012-04-17 - 3.25 1.9 -0.16
2012-04-17 - 3.25 1.9 -0.08
2012-04-17 - 3.25 1.9 -0.04
2012-04-17 - 3.25 1.9 -0.02
2012-07-05 - 3.25 1.9 0.04
2012-07-05 - 3.25 1.9 0.08
2012-07-05 - 3.25 1.9 0.16
Water Level 2012-04-17 2012-07-12 1 4.04 0.404 Sensor moved, Height calibrated against staff gauge
2012-07-12 2023-08-08 1 4.04 -0.357 Offset calibrated against staff gauge n=49 R2=97
2023-08-08 - 1 4.04 -0.12 Offset calibrated against staff gauge
Weather Station 2021-06-22 -

Data Streams: more data

CodeFirst DayLast DayDescription
WP_arable 2021-06-22 2024-05-01 Hourly met data from an Arable Mark II device. Raw times are in UTC, hourly averages with the time at the beginning of the averaging period - stored in PST at end of averaging period.
WP_cam 2012-07-05 2024-05-01 RGB digital number data extracted from autocam photos from four photos from 13:25 to 14:45 Phenocam archive
WP_flux 2012-05-02 2024-01-04 30 minute averages of the 10Hz flux data.
WP_met 2012-04-24 2024-05-01 Met data from the West Pond collected with a CR1000 data logger.
WP_minidot 2018-05-31 2024-01-11 Dissolved oxygen from the minidot sensor at the tower
WP_processed 2012-07-13 - Processed data equivalent to L1, L2, L3 and Ameriflux outputs from the Matlab processing.
WP_processed3 2012-07-13 - Gap filled and partitioned data from Level 3 processing

Metadata and Data Sets: more data

IdTypeSiteDates FrequencyTitle Description
10 Leaf Level EE, WP, SW 2017-07-12 - 2018-06-26 Handful of dates LI-6400 measurements of Tule and Cattail Leaf level measurements of tule and cattails including at least one 24 hour measurement period.

More details needed here.
26 Lidar BA, BC, EE, MB, SB, SW, TA, WP 2016-12-01 - 2017-03-07 Once Delta-wide USGS Lidar flight Winter time Lidar flight commissioned by the USGS and flown by Woolpert. Horizontal datum: NAD83 (NSRS2007) Epoch 2017.95, UTM Zone 10N, meters. Vertical datum: NAVD88, GEOID12B, US Survey Feet, Orthometric. Includes classified point cloud, features shape files, bare earth DEM, orthometric imagery (0.3-meter16-bit 4-band RGB-IR tiles in TIFF format with World Files). The entire Delta is covered by 8 points per m2, 0.5m DEM.
3 Lidar BA, BC, WP, EP, EE, TA, TW, MB, SB, SW 2018-09-20 Once NCALM Lidar Flight Lidar flight data collection from Kyle Hemes NCAL project: Ecosystem Structure as a Driver of Climatic, Habitat, and Hydrological Services in Heterogeneous Restored Wetlands. Point clouds (*.las files), 1m resolution DEM and DSM (arcgis GridFloat files), visible imagery (*.tif files) of Sherman, Twitchel and Bouldin Islands. UTM Zone 10N, meters, NAD83(2011) epoch 2010.00 / NAVD88 (GEOID12B)
35 Soils WP, MB 2013-08-30 - 2013-10-14 Once Delta-wide soil survey by JGI Susannah Tringe Soil samples collected by Wyatt Hartman and Susie Theroux from Susannah Tringe's group at LBL. Sites were sampled for bulk density, C/N/anions/elements in the soil and porewater, and microbial communities. Soil samples were incubated in the lab to measure greenhouse gas fluxes.
Cospectra_Comparison_Delta.pdf - Plots of cospectra from the Delta sights
PilotPondsProjectInfo.pdf -
ATI_Gill_compare_SI_WP_TT.pdf - An ATI orthogonal sonic was borrowed from the Goldstein Lab and intercompared with Gill sonics at Sherman Island, West Pond and Tonzi Ranch.
PondMap.png - Diagram of West Pond and East Pond including boardwalks, inlets and outlets
HMP RH and AirT Comparison 12-2017
Delta SW PAR Comparison 10-2016
Water Level sensor calibration with staff gauge
WP Golden Set comparison 2020
West Pond - NDVI (SRS, Planet)
West Pond - Radiometer Calibration 2021
Camera comparison at West Pond
Conductivity CS547A TempCoef