Site Information

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Site ID: US-Snd
Sheet: SiteGeneralInfo

3 more TEAM entries: view reps ->
Site tower team member name (First Last/Family).: Dennis Baldocchi
Site tower team member role: PI (LIST(TEAM_ROLE))
Site tower team member email:
Site tower team member institution (required for PI only): University of California, Berkeley
Site tower team member address (not required): Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management, 130 Mulford Hall, 345 Hilgard Hall Berkeley, CA USA 94720-3114
Site tower shipping address: 54 Mulford Hall Berkeley, CA 94720
Network affiliation(s) of the site.: AmeriFlux (LIST(NETWORK))
Method used to measure the flux variables: (LIST(FLUX_METHOD))
Flux variable measured: (LIST(FLUX_VARIABLE))
Date when data collection for the reported flux variable/method started.: (YYYYMMDDHHMM)
Date when data collection for the reported flux variable/method ended: (YYYYMMDDHHMM)
Operational status of flux measurements.: (LIST(FLUX_OPERATIONS))
Flux measurements comments:
State or province: CA (LIST(STATE_PROVINCE))
Short description of the site characteristics and history: The Sherman Island site is a 38-ha peatland pasture, west of the Delta, that is owned by the state and managed by the California Department of Water Resources. The site is degraded and heavily grazed with ~100 cattle in the area that circumscribes the main field and fetch. The island has been drained and farmed since the late 1800s. The soils of the Delta overlay deep peat that was sequestered over the Holocene period as sea-level rose and flooding of archaic wetlands prevented decomposition of roots and stems. Hence, the upper 10 m of peatland has been lost to decomposition, compaction, and subsidence. Today a mineral soil overlays a peat layer, which coincides with the general depth of the water table.
Site research topics: The research approach of the University of California, Berkeley Biometeorology Laboratory involves the coordinated use of experimental measurements and theoretical models to understand the physical, biological, and chemical processes that control trace gas fluxes between the biosphere and atmosphere and to quantify their temporal and spatial variations. By developing and testing methane efflux models within a peatland pasture, new methane emission algorithms can later be implemented in coupled climate-carbon cycle models. The research objectives of the Mayberry Wetland, Sherman Island, and Twitchell Island sites are as follows: 1) Describe differences in the fluxes of CO2, CH4, H2O, and energy between different land uses; 2) Understand the mechanisms controlling these fluxes; 3) Use ecosystem modeling to understand controls on these mechanisms under different environmental scenarios. These three sites were selected to capture a wide range of inundated conditions within the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta. The research focuses on the eddy covariance technique to measure CH4, CO2, H2O, and energy fluxes and works to combine measurements of both net fluxes and partitioned fluxes in order to achieve a mechanistic understanding of the ecological controls on current and future carbon flux in the Delta.
Site funding agencies/institutions (one column only): NSF/California Department of Water Resources
Latitude of the site.: 38.03661294 (decimal deg ref WGS84)
Longitude of the site: -121.75399615 (decimal deg ref WGS84)
Elevation of the site above sea level: -3 (m)
Begin date of the location information: (YYYYMMDDHHMM)
Location information comments:
Vegetation type based on the IGBP definition.: GRA (LIST(IGBP))
Date when this vegetation type first applied: (YYYYMMDDHHMM)
Vegetation type comments: this is a degraded peatland pasture infested with pepperweed, Lepidium latifolium L.
Land ownership type: public (LIST(LAND_OWNERSHIP))
Land owner: California Department of Water Resources
Tower web site URL (maintained by tower team): (URL)
7 more REFERENCE entries: view reps ->
Papers relevant for understanding the site: Hatala, J. A., M. Detto, O. Sonnentag, S. J. Deverel, J. Verfaillie, and D. D. Baldocchi (2012), Greenhouse gas (CO2, CH4, H2O) fluxes from drained and flooded agricultural peatlands in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 150, 1-18.
DOI of the reference:
Suggested use of the reference: (LIST(REFERENCE_USAGE))
Brief description of paper relevance or other comments:
Acknowledgement text (88 character limit): This work was funded by NSF-ATM grant number AGS-0628720 and the California Department of Water Resources grant #006550
Additional information about the acknowledgement:
Offset from UTC of site data: -8 (hours)
Begin date of the UTC offset: (YYYYMMDDHHMM)
Offset from UTC comments:
Climatological long-term mean annual average air temperature: 16 (degrees C)
Climatological long-term mean annual average precipitation: 338 (mm)
K�ppen climate classification: (LIST(CLIMATE_KOEPPEN))
Slope and/or relief of the site: (LIST(TERRAIN))
Direction the site is facing (Exposure): (LIST(ASPECT))
Prevailing wind direction: 280 (LIST(DIR))
Distance for which the ecosystem is homogeneous in the prevailing wind direction.: (m)
Days per year that the site is covered by snow: (days)
Recent and historic disturbance and management events that affect the tower site years of measurement: (LIST(DIST_MGMT))
Type of physical tower structure used in the site: (LIST(TOWER_TYPE))
How the eddy covariance system is powered: (LIST(TOWER_POWER))