

Title: SW 4-way comparison - 2021
Date:2021-02-25 - 2021-03-16
Data File: SWRadComp_30min_20210225.csv
Refers to:2420, 2466, 121038

From 2021-02-26 to 2021-03-16, we installed two additional 4-way radiometers on the Sherman Wetland radiometer boom to do an intercomparison among the 3 4-way radiometers.

sn 121038 - AMP standard

sn 2420 - Previously on Bouldin Corn tower when it fell down in late January 2021. Joe repaired it and we are now testing it before installing the sensor on the new Hill Slough tower in march.This sensor was turned upside down on 2021-03-11 in the middle of the intercomparison so that the SWout and LWout sensors were facing upward.

sn 2466 - Radiometer at Sherman wetland since initial setup in 2015.


  sn 121038 (reference sensor) (uV/(W/m2)) sn 2420 factory sn 2420 new (sensor right side up) sn 2420 new (sensor upside down) sn 2466 factory sn 2466 new
SWin 14.56 19.56 19.9 18.3 (compared to ref SWout) 13.92 13.4 (compared to ref SWin)
SWout 14.17 16.38 16.1 16.7 (compared to ref SWin) 15.09 13.9 (compared to ref SWout)
LWin 6.83 11.50 10.8 10.4 (compared to ref LWout) 13.54 same as factory
LWout 5.48 13.15 12.1 12.4 (compared to ref LWin) 14.14 same as factory



Figure 1. Time series of SWin data

Regression Data


Figure 2. Linear regression for SWin

Figure 3. Time series of SWout data

Regression Data


Figure 4. Linear regression for SWout data

Figure 5. Time series of LWin data

Figure 6. Time series of LWout data


Figure 7. Time series of PRT temperature

Regression Data


Figure 8. Linear regression of PRT temperature


Regression Data


Figure 9. Linear regression solving for LWin coefficients