

Title: Forced Diffusion Tonzi Vaira
Data File: IoneFDexp_hh.csv
Refers to:TZ,VR

Tonzi, Vaira
2017-10-18 to 2018-01-15

For about three months at the end of 2017 and the beginning of 2019, Eosense loaned us five Forced Diffusion (FD) chambers for measuring soil respiration at Tonzi and Vaira.  Three of these chambers were installed at Vaira: North sn 20160004, West sn 20160005 and East sn 20160006. Chamber sn 20160004 initially would not start due to getting too hot in the sun and was install later on 10/25.  Two more chambers were install at Tonzi: Tree1 sn 20160003 and Open sn 20160002.  Chamber sn 20160002 also would not start due to over heating and was install later on 10/25.  This chamber also failed early on 11/14 probably due to a broken or stuck valve for switching sample cells internally.

Figure 1. Time series of all the FD chamber data with rain events.  The chamber under the tree had much high respiration as expected.  And all the chambers reacted swiftly to rain event despite block rain to the small area they sampled.

The FD data seemed to compare relatively well with Ecosystem Respiration (Reco) partitioned from the eddy towers.

Figure 2. Tonzi FD data with eddy tower partitioned Reco.

Figure 3. Vaira FD data with eddy tower partitioned Reco.