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5117 bouldinalfalfa_2019_04_03_091610.jpg
Camilo on site
Bouldin Alfalfa2019-04-03 09:22:22 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Camilo on site
5023 20190403BA_LargeLeaves.JPG
Large, beautiful alfalfa leaves on the first crop of the year. Camilo's hand for reference.
Bouldin Alfalfa2019-04-03 10:50:30 1080x1440 iPhone SE Large, beautiful alfalfa leaves on the first crop of the year. Camilo
5024 20190403BA_TowerAlfalfa.JPG
Alfalfa under the tower is slightly shorter than the surrounding alfalfa. The surrounding alfalfa is the first crop of the year, so it's especially vigorous.
Bouldin Alfalfa2019-04-03 10:50:57 1920x1440 iPhone SE Alfalfa under the tower is slightly shorter than the surrounding alfalfa. The surrounding alfalfa is the first crop of the year, so it
5026 20190403EE_FrogAzolla.JPG
Frog blending in with mosquito fern (azolla).
East End2019-04-03 12:53:02 1080x1440 iPhone SE Frog blending in with mosquito fern (azolla).
5025 20190403EE_CamiloMethaneFunnel.JPG
Camilo disturbing the wetland soil with a hoe and collecting methane in the funnel (precipitation bucket funnel), trying to collect enough to make an appreciable flame.
East End2019-04-03 12:53:21 1080x1440 iPhone SE Camilo disturbing the wetland soil with a hoe and collecting methane in the funnel (precipitation bucket funnel), trying to collect enough to make an appreciable flame.
5167 siwetland_2019_04_13_111405.jpg
Robert and Camilo on site
Sherman Wetland2019-04-13 11:26:48 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Robert and Camilo on site
5114 siwetland_2019_04_18_084405.jpg
Grackles on railing and rad sensors
Sherman Wetland2019-04-18 08:56:46 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Grackles on railing and rad sensors
5118 siwetland_2019_04_18_134405.jpg
Jiangong and Alex enjoying the view
Sherman Wetland2019-04-18 13:56:48 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Jiangong and Alex enjoying the view
5134 WP_autocam_20190427_1845.JPG
Nice sunset
West Pond2019-04-27 18:45:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Nice sunset
5136 WP_autocam_20190429_0815.JPG
Green tules coming up through the thatch.
West Pond2019-04-29 08:15:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Green tules coming up through the thatch.
5042 20190430VR_KunocamiloSoilsampling.JPG
Kuno and Camilo sampling soils at Vaira.
Vaira2019-04-30 10:41:44 1920x1440 iPhone SE Kuno and Camilo sampling soils at Vaira.
5169 vaira_2019_04_30_100121.jpg
Taking soil samples
Vaira2019-04-30 10:58:36 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Taking soil samples
5043 20190430VR_SiyanJiangongSoilsampling.JPG
Siyan and Jiangong sampling soils at Vaira.
Vaira2019-04-30 11:11:22 1920x1440 iPhone SE Siyan and Jiangong sampling soils at Vaira.
5044 20190430VR_Soilsampling.JPG
Kuno and Camilo sampling soils at Vaira.
Vaira2019-04-30 11:20:31 1920x1440 iPhone SE Kuno and Camilo sampling soils at Vaira.
5029 20190430VR_NewArable.jpg
New Arable Mark mounted on end or radiation boom
Vaira2019-04-30 11:31:52 1280x960 iPhone SE New Arable Mark mounted on end or radiation boom
5031 20190430TZ_FringePod-Thysanocarpus_radians_1.jpg
Thysanocarpus radians, a dicot, is an annual herb that is native to California, is also found outside of California, but is confined to western North America
Tonzi2019-04-30 14:00:00 1920x1440 GooglePhotoScan Thysanocarpus radians, a dicot, is an annual herb that is native to California, is also found outside of California, but is confined to western North America
5033 20190430TZ_RattlesnakeGRass-Briza_maxima_2.jpg
Briza maxima, a monocot, is an annual grass that is not native to California; it was introduced from elsewhere and naturalized in the wild. Cal-IPC rating: Limited
Tonzi2019-04-30 14:00:00 1127x1602 GooglePhotoScan Briza maxima, a monocot, is an annual grass that is not native to California; it was introduced from elsewhere and naturalized in the wild. Cal-IPC rating: Limited
5030 20190430TZ_Frog.jpg
Tree frog in the grass
Tonzi2019-04-30 14:32:17 1338x1920 iPhone SE Tree frog in the grass
5032 20190430TZ_FringePod-Thysanocarpus_radians_3.jpg
Thysanocarpus radians, a dicot, is an annual herb that is native to California, is also found outside of California, but is confined to western North America
Tonzi2019-04-30 14:40:03 1440x1920 iPhone SE Thysanocarpus radians, a dicot, is an annual herb that is native to California, is also found outside of California, but is confined to western North America
5162 shermanbarn_2019_05_06_054505.jpg
Pretty clouds
Sherman Barn2019-05-06 05:58:26 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Pretty clouds
5119 bouldinalfalfa_2019_05_06_084611.jpg
Tractor racking the field
Bouldin Alfalfa2019-05-06 08:53:54 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Tractor racking the field
5121 bouldinalfalfa_2019_05_07_151614.jpg
The field getting baled
Bouldin Alfalfa2019-05-07 15:24:02 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC The field getting baled
5137 bouldincorn_2019_05_09_064506.jpg
Tractor work - planting?
Bouldin Corn2019-05-09 07:01:06 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Tractor work - planting?
5139 bouldincorn_2019_05_10_124506.jpg
Tractor work
Bouldin Corn2019-05-10 13:01:08 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Tractor work
5141 bouldincorn_2019_05_12_104505.jpg
Tractor work - planting?
Bouldin Corn2019-05-12 11:01:14 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Tractor work - planting?
5034 20190514TZ_RingAroundSun.jpg
Nice ring around the sun most of the morning
Tonzi2019-05-14 10:33:05 1920x1440 iPhone SE Nice ring around the sun most of the morning
5047 20190514TZ_Cows.JPG
Cows at Tonzi.
Tonzi2019-05-14 12:22:11 1920x1440 iPhone SE Cows at Tonzi.
5048 20190514TZ_JoePressurebomb.JPG
Joe taking plant water potential measurements using the pressure bomb.
Tonzi2019-05-14 13:27:37 1080x1440 iPhone SE Joe taking plant water potential measurements using the pressure bomb.
5049 20190514TZ_pond.JPG
Pond behind Tonzi's house.
Tonzi2019-05-14 13:40:12 1920x1440 iPhone SE Pond behind Tonzi
5050 20190514VR_Wateringhole.JPG
Watering hole at Vaira. Grass is starting to turn brown.
Vaira2019-05-14 13:48:10 1920x1440 iPhone SE Watering hole at Vaira. Grass is starting to turn brown.
5163 shermanbarn_2019_05_19_094506.jpg
Pretty clouds
Sherman Barn2019-05-19 09:58:48 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Pretty clouds
5164 shermanbarn_2019_05_20_121505.jpg
Pretty clouds
Sherman Barn2019-05-20 12:28:48 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Pretty clouds
5138 WP_autocam_20190520_1915.jpg
Nice sunset
West Pond2019-05-20 19:15:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Nice sunset
5140 WP_autocam_20190522_1915.jpg
Nice sunset
West Pond2019-05-22 19:15:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Nice sunset
5035 20190523BA_GopherSnake.jpg
Why does the gopher snake cross the road
Bouldin Alfalfa2019-05-23 00:00:00 1920x1349 iPhone SE Why does the gopher snake cross the road
5036 20190523BA_MethaneRelease.jpg
Camilo releasing CH4 for footprint experiment
Bouldin Alfalfa2019-05-23 00:00:00 1440x1920 iPhone SE Camilo releasing CH4 for footprint experiment
5143 bouldincorn_2019_05_23_134506.jpg
Tractor work
Bouldin Corn2019-05-23 14:01:20 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Tractor work
5145 bouldincorn_2019_05_25_151505.jpg
Tractor work
Bouldin Corn2019-05-25 15:31:24 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Tractor work
5037 20190530TZ_Thunderhead.jpg
Thunderheads over the Sierras
Tonzi2019-05-30 00:00:00 1920x1440 iPhone SE Thunderheads over the Sierras
5038 20190531MB_Llama.jpg
Llama standing guard over the flock
Mayberry2019-05-31 00:00:00 1920x1440 iPhone SE Llama standing guard over the flock
5152 EE_autocam_20190531_1330.jpg
East End2019-05-31 13:30:00 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A570 IS USGS/NASA CH4 drone
5046 20190605BC_WeedsTower.JPG
Weeds under BC tower radiometers; we need to move the tower closer into the field.
Bouldin Corn2019-06-04 13:21:23 1080x1440 iPhone SE Weeds under BC tower radiometers; we need to move the tower closer into the field.
5054 20190613TZ_Flowers.jpg
Lots of flowers this year
Tonzi2019-06-13 00:00:00 1920x1440 iPhone SE Lots of flowers this year
5154 EP_picam_20190613_0845.JPG
Beginning of biomass harvest experiement
East Pond2019-06-13 08:45:11 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Beginning of biomass harvest experiement
5155 EP_picam_20190613_1015.JPG
Biomass harvest experiment
East Pond2019-06-13 10:15:07 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Biomass harvest experiment
5052 20190613EP_Jiangong.JPG
Jiangong cutting tules at East Pond.
East Pond2019-06-13 11:26:42 1080x1440 iPhone SE Jiangong cutting tules at East Pond.
5053 20190613EP_LeafCutters.JPG
Robert, Kuno, and Camilo cutting tules and cattail at East pond. The skiff is under Kuno's feet, hidden by the harvested plant material.
East Pond2019-06-13 11:27:16 1920x1440 iPhone SE
5156 EP_picam_20190613_1145.JPG
Biomass harvest experiment
East Pond2019-06-13 11:45:04 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Biomass harvest experiment
5051 20190613EP_Cutting.JPG
East Pond after the cutting and harvest.
East Pond2019-06-13 13:28:56 1920x1440 iPhone SE East Pond after the cutting and harvest.
5168 tonzi_2019_06_16_060114.jpg
Tonzi2019-06-16 06:00:02 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Fog
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