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5325 20181206EE_AlexMishalKaren.jpg
Alex, Mishal, and Karen on site collecting plants for litter decomposition experiment
East End2018-12-06 21:00:31 1440x1920 COOLPIX AW130 Alex, Mishal, and Karen on site collecting plants for litter decomposition experiment
5326 20181206EE_AlexMishalKaren2.jpg
Karen, Alex, and Mishal on site
East End2018-12-06 21:06:39 1920x1440 COOLPIX AW130 Karen, Alex, and Mishal on site
4994 bouldinalfalfa_2018_12_17_111612.jpg
Bird on 7700 spikes
Bouldin Alfalfa2018-12-17 11:18:16 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Bird on 7700 spikes
4961 20190103SB_7700TiltByWind.jpg
The 7700 was tilted by strong north wind
Sherman Barn2019-01-03 09:07:36 1440x1920 iPhone SE The 7700 was tilted by strong north wind
4962 20190103MB_FishInFluorometer.jpg
A fish has been living it the fluorometer.
Mayberry2019-01-03 11:21:53 1920x1440 iPhone SE A fish has been living it the fluorometer.
4963 20190103MB_SculpinMaybe.jpg
Maybe a type of sculpin living it the fluorometer
Mayberry2019-01-03 11:22:33 1920x1440 iPhone SE Maybe a type of sculpin living it the fluorometer
4964 20190104TZ_TreeFrog.jpg
Tree frog near OSU SP1
Tonzi2019-01-04 12:24:57 1881x1458 iPhone SE Tree frog near OSU SP1
5014 MB_autocam_20190109_1415.JPG
Hawk tail
Mayberry2019-01-09 14:15:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Hawk tail
4965 20190113TZ_NewFLIRCalPanel.jpg
New cal panel for the FLIR camera made from concrete (wonder) board.
Tonzi2019-01-13 10:15:03 1280x960 unknown New cal panel for the FLIR camera made from concrete (wonder) board.
4966 20190113TZ_WesAna.jpg
Wes and Ana at Tonzi
Tonzi2019-01-13 12:45:02 1280x960 unknown Wes and Ana at Tonzi
4967 20190114T_NewFLIRCalPanelTower.jpg
New cal panel for FLIR camera and Tower.
Tonzi2019-01-14 12:17:45 1440x1920 iPhone SE New cal panel for FLIR camera and Tower.
4968 20190118BA_DaphneTower.jpg
Daphne at Bouldin Alfalfa tower with nice green alfalfa.
Bouldin Alfalfa2019-01-18 00:00:00 1920x1440 unknown Daphne at Bouldin Alfalfa tower with nice green alfalfa.
4969 20190118EE_TuleBlowdown.jpg
Dennis and Camilo at East End tower; tules were blown down recently after high winds.
East End2019-01-18 00:00:00 1920x1440 unknown Dennis and Camilo at East End tower; tules were blown down recently after high winds.
4970 20190118MB_MbSign.jpg
Entrance to Mayberry with brown tule blowdown in the background.
Mayberry2019-01-18 00:00:00 1920x1440 unknown Entrance to Mayberry with brown tule blowdown in the background.
4971 20190118WP_CameraFan.jpg
Fan in camera enclosure to try to prevent condensation on enclosure window, which has been obscuring the camera's view.
West Pond2019-01-18 00:00:00 1080x1440 unknown Fan in camera enclosure to try to prevent condensation on enclosure window, which has been obscuring the camera
4972 20190118EE_DaphneJiangongKunoCamilo.JPG
Daphne, Jiangong, Kuno, and Camilo at East End tower. Jiangong and Camilo's first time to the Delta.
East End2019-01-18 12:50:33 1920x1440 iPhone 6s Daphne, Jiangong, Kuno, and Camilo at East End tower. Jiangong and Camilo
5007 EE_autocam_20190118_1303.JPG
Folks working on the tower
East End2019-01-18 13:03:11 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A570 IS Folks working on the tower
4975 20190118WP_fungus.jpg
Weird fungus growing on the boardwalk. Two weeks after this photo was taken, the fungus had shrunk down and dried up, looking like black liquid electrical tape painted onto the boardwalk.
West Pond2019-01-18 14:37:37 1080x1440 iPhone XR Weird fungus growing on the boardwalk. Two weeks after this photo was taken, the fungus had shrunk down and dried up, looking like black liquid electrical tape painted onto the boardwalk.
5021 vaira_2019_01_20_160131.jpg
Nice clouds
Vaira2019-01-20 16:03:18 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Nice clouds
4974 20190122TZ_OldWell.jpg
View of the site from the old well.
Vaira2019-01-22 10:34:52 1920x1440 iPhone SE View of the site from the old well.
4973 20190122TZ_SecoDiablo.jpg
View of Rancho Seco and Mt Diablo
Tonzi2019-01-22 11:41:55 1920x851 iPhone SE View of Rancho Seco and Mt Diablo
5010 siwetland_2019_01_25_104405.jpg
Hawk on railing
Sherman Wetland2019-01-25 10:53:28 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Hawk on railing
4977 20190131SB_geese.jpg
Geese taking flight from one of the ponds near the Sherman Barn tower.
Sherman Barn2019-01-31 09:49:35 1920x1440 iPhone XR Geese taking flight from one of the ponds near the Sherman Barn tower.
5027 20190131SB_KunoMotionTest.gif
Kuno dances for the motion sensor. -Joe
Sherman Barn2019-01-31 09:58:00 600x800 Bushnell Kuno dances for the motion sensor. -Joe
4976 20190131BA_sheepgrazing.jpg
Sheep grazing at Bouldin Alfalfa.
Bouldin Alfalfa2019-01-31 16:01:12 1920x1440 iPhone XR Sheep grazing at Bouldin Alfalfa.
5015 tonzi_2019_02_03_130121.jpg
Flooding from rain
Tonzi2019-02-03 13:00:50 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Flooding from rain
5016 tonzi_2019_02_04_103120.jpg
Nice light and clouds
Tonzi2019-02-04 10:30:56 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Nice light and clouds
4979 20190207VR_Site.jpg
Dennis, Baptiste, Kuno, Robert on site.
Vaira2019-02-07 13:17:03 1920x1441 iPhone SE Dennis, Baptiste, Kuno, Robert on site.
4980 20190207VR_PondClouds.jpg
The pond is full with more rain coming.
Vaira2019-02-07 13:33:49 1920x1440 iPhone SE The pond is full with more rain coming.
4991 shermanbarn_2019_02_09_131506.jpg
Snow geese
Sherman Barn2019-02-09 13:24:38 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Snow geese
4993 shermanbarn_2019_02_09_134506.jpg
Snow geese
Sherman Barn2019-02-09 13:54:44 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Snow geese
4982 20190212MB_Nutria.jpg
Close up of rodent/nutria we found in front of MB tower. About 30 cm long and had distinctive orange buck teeth. It ended up being a muskrat.
Mayberry2019-02-12 00:00:00 4032x3024 unknown Close up of rodent/nutria we found in front of MB tower. About 30 cm long and had distinctive orange buck teeth. It ended up being a muskrat.
5012 siwetland_2019_02_12_101405.jpg
Sherman Wetland2019-02-12 10:23:58 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Camilo
4981 20190212MB_CamiloNutria.jpg
Inspecting a rodent we found floating in front of the MB tower. It ended up being a muskrat, not a nutria.
Mayberry2019-02-12 10:52:00 1920x1440 unknown Inspecting a rodent we found floating in front of the MB tower. It ended up being a muskrat, not a nutria.
4996 bouldinalfalfa_2019_02_13_074613.jpg
Field flooded by rain
Bouldin Alfalfa2019-02-13 07:50:06 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Field flooded by rain
5013 siwetland_2019_02_14_094405.jpg
Sherman Wetland2019-02-14 09:53:58 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Rainbow
4995 shermanbarn_2019_02_20_081505.jpg
Snow geese
Sherman Barn2019-02-20 08:24:58 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Snow geese
4997 bouldinalfalfa_2019_02_21_114618.jpg
Geese on the field
Bouldin Alfalfa2019-02-21 11:50:36 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Geese on the field
4983 20190222EE_TruckStuckMud.jpg
Our rental 4x4 stuck in the mud, on the dirt road south of the old
East End2019-02-22 13:01:25 4032x3024 iPhone SE Our rental 4x4 stuck in the mud, on the dirt road south of the old
5009 EE_autocam_20190225_1700.JPG
Flagging in footprint
East End2019-02-25 17:00:01 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A570 IS Flagging in footprint
5011 EE_autocam_20190227_1700.JPG
Starlings on radiation boom
East End2019-02-27 17:00:00 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A570 IS Starlings on radiation boom
5160 shermanbarn_2019_03_07_181506.jpg
Lots of lights on the road
Sherman Barn2019-03-07 17:25:56 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Lots of lights on the road
4986 20190311VR_PondSpillway.jpg
Vaira pond spillway flowing
Vaira2019-03-11 10:52:30 1920x1440 iPhone SE Vaira pond spillway flowing
4985 20190311VR_AnaCutting.jpg
Ana clearing the downed tree
Vaira2019-03-11 11:03:06 1920x1440 iPhone SE Ana clearing the downed tree
4984 20190311TZ_PigDigging.jpg
Disturbed soil possibly from wild pig digging
Tonzi2019-03-11 13:07:06 1920x1440 iPhone SE Disturbed soil possibly from wild pig digging
5115 bouldinalfalfa_2019_03_15_084611.jpg
Geese all over the field
Bouldin Alfalfa2019-03-15 08:51:30 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Geese all over the field
5161 shermanbarn_2019_03_20_104505.jpg
Pretty green grass and dark clouds
Sherman Barn2019-03-20 10:56:26 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Pretty green grass and dark clouds
5132 tonzi_2019_03_20_140120.jpg
Pretty clouds, sun, grass and rain
Tonzi2019-03-20 15:00:32 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Pretty clouds, sun, grass and rain
5159 MB_autocam_20190322_0615.JPG
Mayberry2019-03-22 06:15:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Rainbow
5151 EE_autocam_20190328_1130.JPG
Rain is coming
East End2019-03-28 11:30:01 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A570 IS Rain is coming
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