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4642 20170316VR_SiyanFromTrees.jpg
Siyan taking clip plots
Vaira2017-03-16 09:40:09 1920x1440 iPhone SE Siyan taking clip plots
4852 twitchellalfalfa_2017_03_18_112021.jpg
Snow geese
Twitchell Alfalfa2017-03-18 09:33:10 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Snow geese
4853 twitchellalfalfa_2017_03_19_081944.jpg
Snow geese
Twitchell Alfalfa2017-03-19 06:31:50 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Snow geese
4850 bouldinalfalfa_2017_03_21_111608.jpg
Red winged black bird
Bouldin Alfalfa2017-03-21 10:19:36 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Red winged black bird
4668 20170420BC_FieldMap.jpg
Bouldin field numbers
Bouldin Corn2017-03-23 09:58:57 1920x1440 iPhone SE Bouldin field numbers
4657 20170323MB_zerocalgas.JPG
Zero air and calibration gas for calibration LI7700 in the field.
Mayberry2017-03-23 14:32:37 1080x1440 iPhone SE Zero air and calibration gas for calibration LI7700 in the field.
4655 20170323MB_7700hood.JPG
Calibration hood on LI7700
Mayberry2017-03-23 14:32:40 1080x1440 iPhone SE Calibration hood on LI7700
4656 20170323MB_Daphne.JPG
Daphne at Mayberry with water sensors on boom
Mayberry2017-03-23 14:49:56 1080x1440 iPhone SE Daphne at Mayberry with water sensors on boom
4851 bouldinalfalfa_2017_03_28_054609.jpg
Bouldin Alfalfa2017-03-28 04:49:50 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Dawn
4854 twitchellalfalfa_2017_03_29_085124.jpg
Twitchell Alfalfa2017-03-29 07:05:04 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Sheep
4659 20170404TW_radboom.jpg
Last look from the top of the tower before the tower was removed
Twitchell Rice2017-04-04 10:31:47 3264x1836 SGH-I337M Last look from the top of the tower before the tower was removed
4658 20170404TW_notower.jpg
Twitchell Rice field after the tower was removed...can hardly see there was a tower there at all.
Twitchell Rice2017-04-04 12:08:21 3264x1836 SGH-I337M Twitchell Rice field after the tower was removed...can hardly see there was a tower there at all.
4661 20170405TZ_WellCableRotting.jpg
Well cable is rotting
Tonzi2017-04-05 12:26:32 1080x1440 iPhone SE Well cable is rotting
4786 vaira_2017_04_10_110103.jpg
Sigrid, Stephen, Joe, and Daphne working on the Ameriflux comparison
Vaira2017-04-10 10:00:12 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Sigrid, Stephen, Joe, and Daphne working on the Ameriflux comparison
4660 20170410VR_Ameriflux.jpg
Ameriflux comparison
Vaira2017-04-10 11:43:56 1920x1440 iPhone SE Ameriflux comparison
4662 20170410VR_DualEddy.jpg
Daphne setting up the Ameriflux inter-comparison
Vaira2017-04-10 11:54:07 1080x1440 iPhone SE Daphne setting up the Ameriflux inter-comparison
4787 vaira_2017_04_10_153102.jpg
Ameriflux comparison
Vaira2017-04-10 14:30:24 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Ameriflux comparison
4667 20170420BC_Map.jpg
Map of field site
Bouldin Corn2017-04-20 00:00:00 1568x970 unknown Map of field site
4664 20170420BC_FacingNorth.jpg
Field to the north
Bouldin Corn2017-04-20 09:52:20 1920x1080 SGH-I337M Field to the north
4663 20170420BC_FacingNorthWest.jpg
Field to the west - dominant wind direction
Bouldin Corn2017-04-20 09:52:26 1920x1080 SGH-I337M Field to the west - dominant wind direction
4665 20170420BC_FacingSouthWest.jpg
Drain in the southeast corner
Bouldin Corn2017-04-20 09:52:33 1920x1080 SGH-I337M Drain in the southeast corner
4666 20170420BC_FacingSouth.jpg
Heather and Joe
Bouldin Corn2017-04-20 09:52:37 1920x1080 SGH-I337M Heather and Joe
4669 20170420BC_FacingEast.jpg
Duck hunters clubhouse to the east
Bouldin Corn2017-04-20 09:52:53 1920x1080 SGH-I337M Duck hunters clubhouse to the east
4672 20170424VR_Pond.jpg
Staff gauge at Vaira pond reading 22.00 feet
Vaira2017-04-24 11:18:30 1440x1920 iPhone SE Staff gauge at Vaira pond reading 22.00 feet
4674 20170424TZ_Flowers.jpg
Larkspur - purple flower
Tonzi2017-04-24 11:52:43 1440x1920 iPhone SE Larkspur - purple flower
4675 20170426BC_SettingUp.jpg
Daphne, Kyle, and Sam setting up the corn tower
Bouldin Corn2017-04-26 12:27:59 1920x1440 iPhone SE Daphne, Kyle, and Sam setting up the corn tower
4670 20170426BC_Trench.jpg
We used a rented trencher to dig a 12in deep trench from the northwest corner of the porch, just past the end of a north-south drainage ditch to the tower location. It crosses both roads at a diagonal. The power cable (two conductor #10 with ground UF-B direct burial cable) is in 3/4in plastic conduit at the bottom of the trench.
Bouldin Corn2017-04-26 12:48:29 1440x1920 iPhone SE We used a rented trencher to dig a 12in deep trench from the northwest corner of the porch, just past the end of a north-south drainage ditch to the tower location. It crosses both roads at a diagonal. The power cable (two conductor #10 with ground UF-B direct burial cable) is in 3/4in plastic conduit at the bottom of the trench.
4671 20170426BC_TowerDone.jpg
Kyle and Daphne on the newly installed corn tower. The corn field is still bare soil.
Bouldin Corn2017-04-26 16:10:18 1440x1920 iPhone SE Kyle and Daphne on the newly installed corn tower. The corn field is still bare soil.
4673 20170426BC_SonicHeading.jpg
Sonic orientation with initial tower set up
Bouldin Corn2017-04-26 16:13:16 1440x1920 iPhone SE Sonic orientation with initial tower set up
4676 20170427BA_mowed.JPG
Recently mowed alfalfa, and Sam is trimming the plants by the tower.
Bouldin Alfalfa2017-04-27 09:45:21 1920x1440 iPhone SE Recently mowed alfalfa, and Sam is trimming the plants by the tower.
4677 20170427MB_lowwaterlevel.JPG
Low water level at Mayberry as Bryan is draining and then refilling to correct for high salinity. Sam is getting air bubbles out of the fluorometer.
Mayberry2017-04-27 12:44:05 1080x1440 iPhone SE Low water level at Mayberry as Bryan is draining and then refilling to correct for high salinity. Sam is getting air bubbles out of the fluorometer.
4788 vaira_2017_05_11_093101.jpg
Vaira2017-05-11 08:30:20 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Fieldwork
4678 20170518WP_NewSolarDaphne.jpg
Daphne in progress of upgrading the solar system: new batteries, new 24V solar panels, an additional layer of scaffolding
West Pond2017-05-18 12:45:36 1920x1440 iPhone SE Daphne in progress of upgrading the solar system: new batteries, new 24V solar panels, an additional layer of scaffolding
4679 20170518WP_NewSolar.jpg
Upgraded the solar system: new batteries, new 24V solar panels, an additional layer of scaffolding
West Pond2017-05-18 14:47:40 1920x1440 iPhone SE Upgraded the solar system: new batteries, new 24V solar panels, an additional layer of scaffolding
4727 bouldinalfalfa_2017_05_21_134610.jpg
seismic soundings
Bouldin Alfalfa2017-05-21 12:51:22 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC seismic soundings
4728 bouldinalfalfa_2017_05_21_164610.jpg
seismic soundings
Bouldin Alfalfa2017-05-21 15:51:22 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC seismic soundings
4789 vaira_2017_05_24_101654.jpg
Siyan, Joe, Daphne
Vaira2017-05-24 09:15:28 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Siyan, Joe, Daphne
4682 20170524VR_dryinggrass.JPG
Most of the grass had turned golden
Vaira2017-05-24 10:30:53 1920x1440 iPhone SE Most of the grass had turned golden
4690 20170525MB_WaterSensorsFloat.jpg
Installed a 5-gal bucket on the end of the folding boom to make it float. The miniDOT and eosGP sensors should now remain at the same approx height relative to the water surface
Mayberry2017-05-25 10:32:03 1920x1440 iPhone SE Installed a 5-gal bucket on the end of the folding boom to make it float. The miniDOT and eosGP sensors should now remain at the same approx height relative to the water surface
4751 siwetland_2017_05_30_174405.jpg
Kestrel on radiometer boom
Sherman Wetland2017-05-30 16:43:14 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Kestrel on radiometer boom
4684 20170601EE_OpenWaterTower_SensorsView.jpg
Eddy sensors on the East End Open water temporary tower, with Mt. Diablo in the background
East End2017-06-01 00:00:00 2448x1377 unknown Eddy sensors on the East End Open water temporary tower, with Mt. Diablo in the background
4685 20170601EE_OpenWaterTower_Veg.jpg
Kyle setting up the East End Open Water temporary tower. Radiometers are over the vegetation
East End2017-06-01 00:00:00 2448x1377 unknown Kyle setting up the East End Open Water temporary tower. Radiometers are over the vegetation
4686 20170601EE_OpenWaterTower_Sensors.jpg
Eddy sensors above green wetland plants at the East End Open Water temporary tower
East End2017-06-01 00:00:00 1377x2448 unknown Eddy sensors above green wetland plants at the East End Open Water temporary tower
4687 20170601EE_OpenWaterTower_Solar.jpg
Sam and Kyle working to set up the East End Open Water temporary tower
East End2017-06-01 00:00:00 1377x2448 unknown Sam and Kyle working to set up the East End Open Water temporary tower
4688 20170601EE_OpenWaterTower_SonicHeading.jpg
Sonic heading at the East End Open Water temporary tower
East End2017-06-01 00:00:00 1377x2448 unknown Sonic heading at the East End Open Water temporary tower
4774 twitchellalfalfa_2017_06_01_114606.jpg
Twitchell Alfalfa2017-06-01 10:47:08 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Raking
4683 20170601BC_Field.jpg
Eddy sensors over a furrowed, bare field
Bouldin Corn2017-06-01 11:30:08 1920x1440 iPhone SE Eddy sensors over a furrowed, bare field
4680 20170601BC_weeds.JPG
Weeds growing under the tower. Field has furrows but no sprouts yet.
Bouldin Corn2017-06-01 11:37:46 1920x1440 iPhone SE Weeds growing under the tower. Field has furrows but no sprouts yet.
4681 20170601VR_drygrass.JPG
Grass is mostly brown. Grass was fully green ~3 weeks before this.
Vaira2017-06-01 12:52:33 1920x1440 iPhone SE Grass is mostly brown. Grass was fully green ~3 weeks before this.
4689 20170601EE_OpenWaterTower.JPG
Kyle, Sam, Elke, and Joe setting up the East End Open Water temporary tower.
East End2017-06-01 16:07:36 1920x1440 iPhone SE Kyle, Sam, Elke, and Joe setting up the East End Open Water temporary tower.
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