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3273 20081211TZ_BoimassSampleAfter.jpg
Biomass clip plot after harvest
Tonzi2008-12-11 15:16:39 2048x1536 Canon PowerShot S1 IS Biomass clip plot after harvest
3274 20081211TZ_Floor.jpg
Solar panels at Tonzi late season
Tonzi2008-12-11 16:19:50 2048x1536 Canon PowerShot S1 IS Solar panels at Tonzi late season
3278 20081211TZ_Trees.jpg
Big pine tree at Tonzi
Tonzi2008-12-11 16:19:56 2048x1536 Canon PowerShot S1 IS Big pine tree at Tonzi
3275 20081211TZ_Leaves.jpg
Oak tree leaves turning yellow
Tonzi2008-12-11 16:20:07 2048x1536 Canon PowerShot S1 IS Oak tree leaves turning yellow
3276 20081211TZ_Road.jpg
Dirt road through oak woodland
Tonzi2008-12-11 16:20:16 2048x1536 Canon PowerShot S1 IS Dirt road through oak woodland
3277 20081211TZ_SouthEast.jpg
Some new grass south east of the tower
Tonzi2008-12-11 16:20:22 2048x1536 Canon PowerShot S1 IS Some new grass south east of the tower
862 SI_webcam_2008350_0845.jpg
Nice clouds
Sherman Island2008-12-15 08:45:04 640x480 D-Link DCS-900 Nice clouds
863 SI_webcam_2008350_1615.jpg
Nice clouds
Sherman Island2008-12-15 16:15:04 640x480 D-Link DCS-900 Nice clouds
864 SI_webcam_2008355_1115.jpg
People in the field
Sherman Island2008-12-20 11:15:02 640x480 D-Link DCS-900 People in the field
865 SI_webcam_2008358_0745.jpg
Bird and shadows
Sherman Island2008-12-23 07:45:04 640x480 D-Link DCS-900 Bird and shadows
866 SI_webcam_2008362_0745.jpg
Flock of birds on the ground
Sherman Island2008-12-27 07:45:04 640x480 D-Link DCS-900 Flock of birds on the ground
867 SI_webcam_2008363_1715.jpg
Nice sunset
Sherman Island2008-12-28 17:15:02 640x480 D-Link DCS-900 Nice sunset
868 SI_webcam_2008365_0715.jpg
Cows and fog
Sherman Island2008-12-30 07:15:02 640x480 D-Link DCS-900 Cows and fog
14 20090227TZ_ApogeeSerialNos.jpg
Serial Numbers on new Apogee IR surface temperature sensors. Hand written one is wrong.
Tonzi2009-02-27 14:39:38 2048x1536 Canon PowerShot S1 IS Serial Numbers on new Apogee IR surface temperature sensors.  Hand written one is wrong.
13 20090227TZ_23xWiring.jpg
Serial numbers an wiring of new Apogee IR surface temperature sensors.
Tonzi2009-02-27 14:40:12 2048x1536 Canon PowerShot S1 IS Serial numbers an wiring of new Apogee IR surface temperature sensors.
1619 20090409TW_PanelsTower.jpg
Solar panels and eddy tower at edge or rice field with overcast skies
Twitchell Rice2009-04-09 12:29:17 2048x1536 Canon PowerShot S1 IS Solar panels and eddy tower at edge or rice field with overcast skies
1620 20090409TW_TowerTop.jpg
Eddy tower at the rice field
Twitchell Rice2009-04-09 12:29:26 2048x1536 Canon PowerShot S1 IS Eddy tower at the rice field
1621 20090414TW_FranksTower1.jpg
USGS eddy tower at rice field
Twitchell Rice2009-04-14 14:55:35 2048x1536 Canon PowerShot S1 IS USGS eddy tower at rice field
1622 20090414TW_FranksTower2.jpg
Two eddy tower at the rice field
Twitchell Rice2009-04-14 14:55:52 2048x1536 Canon PowerShot S1 IS Two eddy tower at the rice field
1623 20090414TW_TowerCamera.jpg
Eddy tower solar panels and camera at the rice site
Twitchell Rice2009-04-14 14:56:19 2048x1536 Canon PowerShot S1 IS Eddy tower solar panels and camera at the rice site
1626 20090513TW_RiceTower.jpg
Eddy tower at edge of newly planted rice field
Twitchell Rice2009-05-13 14:37:38 2048x1536 Canon PowerShot S1 IS Eddy tower at edge of newly planted rice field
1624 20090513TW_FranksTower.jpg
USGS eddy tower with new rice sprouting
Twitchell Rice2009-05-13 14:37:51 2048x1536 Canon PowerShot S1 IS USGS eddy tower with new rice sprouting
1625 20090513TW_Rice.jpg
Weeds and rice seedling in the paddy
Twitchell Rice2009-05-13 14:38:05 2048x1536 Canon PowerShot S1 IS Weeds and rice seedling in the paddy
1628 20090520TW_DataLoggerBox.jpg
Wiring inside the data logger box at the rice site
Twitchell Rice2009-05-20 13:34:49 2048x1536 Canon PowerShot S1 IS Wiring inside the data logger box at the rice site
1629 20090520TW_DataLoggers.jpg
Data logger and wiring inside box at the rice field
Twitchell Rice2009-05-20 13:34:58 2048x1536 Canon PowerShot S1 IS Data logger and wiring inside box at the rice field
1627 20090520TW_23xWires.jpg
23x data logger wiring at the rice site
Twitchell Rice2009-05-20 13:35:17 2048x1536 Canon PowerShot S1 IS 23x data logger wiring at the rice site
1630 20090520TW_Oliver.jpg
Oliver doing spectra measurements in the rice field
Twitchell Rice2009-05-20 13:36:00 2048x1536 Canon PowerShot S1 IS Oliver doing spectra measurements in the rice field
1636 20090520TW_TowerGroundSensors.jpg
Ground sensors installed in the rice field before flooding
Twitchell Rice2009-05-20 13:36:33 2048x1536 Canon PowerShot S1 IS Ground sensors installed in the rice field before flooding
1633 20090520TW_ShipFranksTower.jpg
Ship above the rice field and USGS tower
Twitchell Rice2009-05-20 14:03:22 2048x1536 Canon PowerShot S1 IS Ship above the rice field and USGS tower
1634 20090520TW_ShipTower1.jpg
Eddy tower at edge of newly planted rice field
Twitchell Rice2009-05-20 14:03:37 2048x1536 Canon PowerShot S1 IS Eddy tower at edge of newly planted rice field
1631 20090520TW_Ship1.jpg
Ship on river above rice paddies
Twitchell Rice2009-05-20 14:04:56 2048x1536 Canon PowerShot S1 IS Ship on river above rice paddies
1635 20090520TW_ShipTower2.jpg
Eddy tower at edge of newly planted rice field
Twitchell Rice2009-05-20 14:05:06 2048x1536 Canon PowerShot S1 IS Eddy tower at edge of newly planted rice field
1632 20090520TW_Ship2.jpg
Ship on river above rice paddies
Twitchell Rice2009-05-20 14:05:16 2048x1536 Canon PowerShot S1 IS Ship on river above rice paddies
1637 20090521TW_LAIHarvest.jpg
Example of clip plot square
Twitchell Rice2009-05-21 14:11:24 2048x1536 Canon PowerShot S1 IS Example of clip plot square
1639 20090604TW_TowerLGR1.jpg
Eddy tower at rice field with LGR running
Twitchell Rice2009-06-04 13:04:55 2048x1536 Canon PowerShot S1 IS Eddy tower at rice field with LGR running
1643 20090604TW_UCDInField.jpg
UC Davis student doing chamber measurements in the rice paddy
Twitchell Rice2009-06-04 13:05:29 2048x1536 Canon PowerShot S1 IS UC Davis student doing chamber measurements in the rice paddy
1640 20090604TW_TowerLGR2.jpg
Eddy tower at rice field with LGR running
Twitchell Rice2009-06-04 13:05:45 2048x1536 Canon PowerShot S1 IS Eddy tower at rice field with LGR running
1642 20090604TW_UCDCynthia.jpg
UC Davis student doing chamber measurements in the rice paddy
Twitchell Rice2009-06-04 13:16:13 2048x1536 Canon PowerShot S1 IS UC Davis student doing chamber measurements in the rice paddy
1641 20090604TW_TowerLGR3.jpg
Eddy tower at rice field with LGR running
Twitchell Rice2009-06-04 13:16:48 2048x1536 Canon PowerShot S1 IS Eddy tower at rice field with LGR running
1638 20090604TW_LGRInlet.jpg
Eddy sensors and LGR inlet tubing
Twitchell Rice2009-06-04 13:17:01 2048x1536 Canon PowerShot S1 IS Eddy sensors and LGR inlet tubing
1644 20090609TW_BenJaclynDennis.jpg
Ben, Jaclyn and Dennis at the rice site
Twitchell Rice2009-06-09 11:55:58 2048x1536 Canon PowerShot S1 IS Ben, Jaclyn and Dennis at the rice site
1645 20090612TW_NewASUSNetbook.jpg
Netbook in data logger box
Twitchell Rice2009-06-12 14:39:26 2048x1536 Canon PowerShot S1 IS Netbook in data logger box
1646 20090626TW_Birds.jpg
Stilts in the rice field
Twitchell Rice2009-06-26 09:50:53 2048x1536 Canon PowerShot S1 IS Stilts in the rice field
1647 20090626TW_Jaclyn6400.jpg
Jaclyn doing leaf level measurements at the rice field
Twitchell Rice2009-06-26 09:51:54 2048x1536 Canon PowerShot S1 IS Jaclyn doing leaf level measurements at the rice field
1649 20090701TW_SolarMounts1.jpg
Bracket holding solar panel post
Twitchell Rice2009-07-01 14:39:49 2048x1536 Canon PowerShot S1 IS Bracket holding solar panel post
1650 20090701TW_SolarMounts2.jpg
Solar panels lowered for summer solar angle
Twitchell Rice2009-07-01 14:40:02 2048x1536 Canon PowerShot S1 IS Solar panels lowered for summer solar angle
1651 20090701TW_SolarMounts3.jpg
Solar panels lowered for summer solar angle
Twitchell Rice2009-07-01 14:40:21 2048x1536 Canon PowerShot S1 IS Solar panels lowered for summer solar angle
1648 20090701TW_FranksTower.jpg
USGS eddy tower with lush rice
Twitchell Rice2009-07-01 14:40:44 2048x1536 Canon PowerShot S1 IS USGS eddy tower with lush rice
1652 20090701TW_Tower1.jpg
Rice eddy tower on the edge of the field
Twitchell Rice2009-07-01 14:41:13 2048x1536 Canon PowerShot S1 IS Rice eddy tower on the edge of the field
1653 20090701TW_Tower2.jpg
Rice eddy tower on the edge of the field
Twitchell Rice2009-07-01 14:42:02 2048x1536 Canon PowerShot S1 IS Rice eddy tower on the edge of the field
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