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3505 SI_autocam_20130620_1115.jpg
Someone in the field
Sherman Island2013-06-20 11:15:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A480 Someone in the field
3513 SI_autocam_20130620_1445.jpg
Bird in sonic path
Sherman Island2013-06-20 14:45:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A480 Bird in sonic path
3511 TW_autocam_20130621_1515.jpg
Egrets on radiation boom
Twitchell Rice2013-06-21 15:15:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A480 Egrets on radiation boom
3502 TA_autocam_20130621_1715.jpg
Mowing alfalfa
Twitchell Alfalfa2013-06-21 17:15:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A480 Mowing alfalfa
3520 TA_autocam_20130621_1745.jpg
Mowing alfalfa
Twitchell Alfalfa2013-06-21 17:45:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A480 Mowing alfalfa
3512 TA_autocam_20130621_1815.jpg
Mowing alfalfa
Twitchell Alfalfa2013-06-21 18:15:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A480 Mowing alfalfa
3503 SI_autocam_20130621_1945.jpg
Cows at sunset
Sherman Island2013-06-21 19:45:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A480 Cows at sunset
3507 SI_autocam_20130622_0645.jpg
Spider photo-bomb
Sherman Island2013-06-22 06:45:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A480 Spider photo-bomb
3506 TW_autocam_20130622_1015.jpg
Egrets on radiation boom
Twitchell Rice2013-06-22 10:15:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A480 Egrets on radiation boom
3518 TW_autocam_20130623_1345.jpg
Egrets on radiation boom
Twitchell Rice2013-06-23 13:45:03 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A480 Egrets on radiation boom
3509 TA_autocam_20130623_1945.jpg
Nice clouds
Twitchell Alfalfa2013-06-23 19:45:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A480 Nice clouds
3519 SI_autocam_20130623_1945.jpg
Cows at sunset
Sherman Island2013-06-23 19:45:03 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A480 Cows at sunset
3510 MB_autocam_20130624_1115.jpg
Grackle on HMP45
Mayberry2013-06-24 11:15:03 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A480 Grackle on HMP45
3517 SI_autocam_20130625_2015.jpg
Nice clouds
Sherman Island2013-06-25 20:15:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A480 Nice clouds
3521 WP_autocam_20130627_0945.jpg
Just cause
West Pond2013-06-27 09:45:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Just cause
3501 20130627TW_cutdowncattails.jpg
Cattails cut down
Twitchell Rice2013-06-27 10:30:00 1296x968 Cattails cut down
3553 TA_autocam_20130627_1215.jpg
finished mowing the field
Twitchell Alfalfa2013-06-27 12:15:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A480 finished mowing the field
3552 TW_autocam_20130628_1015.jpg
Egrets on the tower, leavs me sour
Twitchell Rice2013-06-28 10:15:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A480 Egrets on the tower, leavs me sour
3543 TW_autocam_20130629_1115.jpg
Egrets everywhere
Twitchell Rice2013-06-29 11:15:03 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A480 Egrets everywhere
3556 DC_autocam_20130630_0745.jpg
Bird on the sonic
DWR Corn2013-06-30 07:45:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Bird on the sonic
3538 WP_autocam_20130630_1915.jpg
Spider web
West Pond2013-06-30 19:15:03 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Spider web
3542 MB_autocam_20130701_0815.jpg
Grackel on HMP45
Mayberry2013-07-01 08:15:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A480 Grackel on HMP45
3546 TA_autocam_20130701_1915.jpg
Nice sunset
Twitchell Alfalfa2013-07-01 19:15:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A480 Nice sunset
3547 TW_autocam_20130702_0945.jpg
Egrets in the rice, oh so nice
Twitchell Rice2013-07-02 09:45:03 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A480 Egrets in the rice, oh so nice
3539 WP_autocam_20130703_1045.jpg
Cleaning ditches
West Pond2013-07-03 10:45:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Cleaning ditches
3551 DC_autocam_20130703_1315.jpg
DWR Corn2013-07-03 13:15:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Dust
3557 SI_autocam_20130704_0645.jpg
Pheasant on the fence
Sherman Island2013-07-04 06:45:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A480 Pheasant on the fence
3536 DC_autocam_20130706_0945.jpg
Ship on the river
DWR Corn2013-07-06 09:45:03 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Ship on the river
3537 TW_autocam_20130706_1645.jpg
Bird of prey on PAR
Twitchell Rice2013-07-06 16:45:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A480 Bird of prey on PAR
3545 TA_autocam_20130707_1215.jpg
Baling aflalfa
Twitchell Alfalfa2013-07-07 12:15:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A480 Baling aflalfa
3540 DC_autocam_20130708_0745.jpg
DWR Corn2013-07-08 07:45:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Dust
3548 TA_autocam_20130708_0945.jpg
Baling alfalfa
Twitchell Alfalfa2013-07-08 09:45:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A480 Baling alfalfa
3584 SI_autocam_20130710_0815.jpg
Sherman Island2013-07-10 08:15:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A480 Fieldwork
3575 SI_autocam_20130710_0845.jpg
Sherman Island2013-07-10 08:45:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A480 Fieldwork
3528 20130710SI_EddyPositions.jpg
Position of the eddy sensors
Sherman Island2013-07-10 09:17:31 1920x1440 COOLPIX S9100 Position of the eddy sensors
3529 20130710SI_RadPositions.jpg
Position of the solar radiation sensors
Sherman Island2013-07-10 09:30:13 1920x1440 COOLPIX S9100 Position of the solar radiation sensors
3544 MB_autocam_20130710_1015.jpg
Joe on site
Mayberry2013-07-10 10:15:03 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A480 Joe on site
3524 20130710MB_EddyPositions.jpg
Position of the eddy sensors
Mayberry2013-07-10 10:39:29 1920x1440 COOLPIX S9100 Position of the eddy sensors
3549 TW_autocam_20130710_1045.jpg
Twitchell Rice2013-07-10 10:45:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A480 Fieldwork
3526 20130710TW_DirtyPanels.jpg
Dirty solar panels
Twitchell Rice2013-07-10 11:29:26 1920x1440 COOLPIX S9100 Dirty solar panels
3533 20130710TW_DirtySonic.jpg
left overs on sonic transducer
Twitchell Rice2013-07-10 11:40:56 1920x1440 COOLPIX S9100 left overs on sonic transducer
3527 20130710TW_DirtyPyranometer.jpg
Dirty Pyranometer
Twitchell Rice2013-07-10 11:44:32 1920x1440 COOLPIX S9100 Dirty Pyranometer
3564 TA_autocam_20130710_1245.jpg
Twitchell Alfalfa2013-07-10 12:45:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A480 Fieldwork
3531 20130710WP_EddyPositions.jpg
Position of the eddy sensors
West Pond2013-07-10 13:10:32 1920x1440 COOLPIX S9100 Position of the eddy sensors
3530 20130710DC_EddyPositions.jpg
Position of the eddy sensors
DWR Corn2013-07-10 14:50:06 1920x1440 COOLPIX S9100 Position of the eddy sensors
3568 DC_autocam_20130710_2015.jpg
Moon after sunset
DWR Corn2013-07-10 20:15:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Moon after sunset
3525 20130711VR_SiyanBumbleBee.jpg
Bumble bee on Siyan
Vaira2013-07-11 09:11:52 1920x1440 COOLPIX S9100 Bumble bee on Siyan
3532 20130711TZ_DeadTrees.jpg
Dead and dying trees
Tonzi2013-07-11 10:17:27 1920x1440 COOLPIX S9100 Dead and dying trees
3589 vaira_2013_07_11_085244.jpg
Vaira2013-07-11 16:50:22 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Fieldwork
3581 WP_autocam_20130711_1845.jpg
Spider web
West Pond2013-07-11 18:45:03 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Spider web
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