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2441 MB_autocam_20120322_1845.jpg
Birds flying by
Mayberry2012-03-22 18:45:03 3648x2736 Canon PowerShot A480 Birds flying by
2713 vaira_2012_03_23_083103.jpg
Ameriflux setup
Vaira2012-03-23 08:29:56 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Ameriflux setup
2452 SI_autocam_20120325_0815.jpg
Geese on the field
Sherman Island2012-03-25 08:15:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A480 Geese on the field
2453 SI_autocam_20120325_0845.jpg
Geese on the field
Sherman Island2012-03-25 08:45:03 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A480 Geese on the field
2442 MB_autocam_20120326_1115.jpg
Birds in flight
Mayberry2012-03-26 11:15:02 3648x2736 Canon PowerShot A480 Birds in flight
2489 TW_plantcam_20120326_1600.jpg
UC Davis working on chamber measurements
Twitchell Rice2012-03-26 16:00:00 2560x1920 COACH UC Davis working on chamber measurements
2443 MB_autocam_20120329_0815.jpg
Flock of birds on Tule Tower
Mayberry2012-03-29 08:15:02 3648x2736 Canon PowerShot A480 Flock of birds on Tule Tower
2277 20120329TW_DWRScaffolding1.jpg
Scaffolding for DWR project delivered to Twitchell work lot
Twitchell Rice2012-03-29 10:17:52 4000x3000 COOLPIX S9100 Scaffolding for DWR project delivered to Twitchell work lot
2278 20120329TW_DWRScaffolding2.jpg
Scaffolding for DWR project delivered to Twitchell work lot
Twitchell Rice2012-03-29 10:18:08 4000x3000 COOLPIX S9100 Scaffolding for DWR project delivered to Twitchell work lot
2275 20120329TW_CornField.jpg
Corn field has been tilled
Twitchell Rice2012-03-29 10:33:57 4000x3000 COOLPIX S9100 Corn field has been tilled
2276 20120329TW_CornFieldExistingEquip.jpg
Some existing equipment in the corn field
Twitchell Rice2012-03-29 10:34:08 4000x3000 COOLPIX S9100 Some existing equipment in the corn field
2444 MB_autocam_20120329_1115.jpg
Joe pulling pepper weed
Mayberry2012-03-29 11:15:02 3648x2736 Canon PowerShot A480 Joe pulling pepper weed
2454 SI_autocam_20120329_1115.jpg
Cows, fence down for LGR trailer
Sherman Island2012-03-29 11:15:03 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A480 Cows, fence down for LGR trailer
2268 20120329MB_Site.jpg
Wetland is turning green
Mayberry2012-03-29 11:18:38 4000x3000 COOLPIX S9100 Wetland is turning green
2271 20120329SI_LGRAtSite1.jpg
LGR trailer at Sherman cow pasture doors open
Sherman Island2012-03-29 13:49:05 4000x3000 COOLPIX S9100 LGR trailer at Sherman cow pasture doors open
2272 20120329SI_LGRAtSite2.jpg
LGR trailer at Sherman cow pasture
Sherman Island2012-03-29 13:49:28 4000x3000 COOLPIX S9100 LGR trailer at Sherman cow pasture
2274 20120329SI_LGRAutoSoil.jpg
Automated soil respiration chamber
Sherman Island2012-03-29 13:49:39 4000x3000 COOLPIX S9100 Automated soil respiration chamber
2273 20120329SI_LGRAtSite3.jpg
LGR trailer at Sherman cow pasture bridge in the background
Sherman Island2012-03-29 13:49:58 4000x3000 COOLPIX S9100 LGR trailer at Sherman cow pasture bridge in the background
2269 20120329SI_FengLGRTrailer1.jpg
Feng working inside the LGR trailer
Sherman Island2012-03-29 13:50:21 4000x3000 COOLPIX S9100 Feng working inside the LGR trailer
2270 20120329SI_FengLGRTrailer2.jpg
Feng working inside the LGR trailer
Sherman Island2012-03-29 13:50:37 4000x3000 COOLPIX S9100 Feng working inside the LGR trailer
2714 vaira_2012_03_30_070102.jpg
Ameriflux tear down
Vaira2012-03-30 06:59:50 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Ameriflux tear down
2715 vaira_2012_03_30_073101.jpg
Ameriflux tear down
Vaira2012-03-30 07:29:50 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Ameriflux tear down
2716 vaira_2012_03_30_080102.jpg
Ameriflux tear down
Vaira2012-03-30 07:59:52 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Ameriflux tear down
2717 vaira_2012_03_30_083103.jpg
Ameriflux tear down
Vaira2012-03-30 08:29:52 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Ameriflux tear down
2718 vaira_2012_03_30_090103.jpg
Ameriflux tear down
Vaira2012-03-30 08:59:52 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Ameriflux tear down
2719 vaira_2012_03_30_093102.jpg
Ameriflux tear down
Vaira2012-03-30 09:29:52 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Ameriflux tear down
2473 TW_autocam_20120331_0745.jpg
Rainbow over fallow rice paddy
Twitchell Rice2012-03-31 07:45:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A480 Rainbow over fallow rice paddy
2455 SI_autocam_20120331_1315.jpg
Phenocam view of the cow pasture
Sherman Island2012-03-31 13:15:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A480 Phenocam view of the cow pasture
2720 vaira_2012_03_31_140102.jpg
Ameriflux gone
Vaira2012-03-31 13:59:52 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Ameriflux gone
2640 SI_webcam_20120930945.jpg
Fence down for work on mercury trailer
Sherman Island2012-04-02 09:45:04 640x480 D-Link DCS-900 Fence down for work on mercury trailer
2456 SI_autocam_20120402_1015.jpg
Phenocam view of the cow pasture
Sherman Island2012-04-02 10:15:03 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A480 Phenocam view of the cow pasture
2490 TW_plantcam_20120402_1100.jpg
UC Davis working on chamber measurements
Twitchell Rice2012-04-02 11:00:00 2560x1920 COACH UC Davis working on chamber measurements
2457 SI_autocam_20120403_1015.jpg
Jaclyn doing fieldwork on the cow pasture
Sherman Island2012-04-03 10:15:03 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A480 Jaclyn doing fieldwork on the cow pasture
2434 20120403SI_SoilCO2Probes1.jpg
Soil CO2 sensors and young pepper weed
Sherman Island2012-04-03 11:33:31 4000x3000 COOLPIX S9100 Soil CO2 sensors and young pepper weed
2435 20120403SI_SoilCO2Probes2.jpg
Soil CO2 sensors and young pepper weed
Sherman Island2012-04-03 11:33:52 4000x3000 COOLPIX S9100 Soil CO2 sensors and young pepper weed
2432 20120403MB_JaclynOnTuleTower1.jpg
Jaclyn on site
Mayberry2012-04-03 12:11:44 4000x3000 COOLPIX S9100 Jaclyn on site
2433 20120403MB_JaclynOnTuleTower2.jpg
Jaclyn on site
Mayberry2012-04-03 12:12:55 4000x3000 COOLPIX S9100 Jaclyn on site
2601 MB_autocam_20120403_1245.jpg
Truck on far side of site
Mayberry2012-04-03 12:45:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A480 Truck on far side of site
2729 tonzi_2012_04_04_180102.jpg
Nice light
Tonzi2012-04-04 18:00:30 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Nice light
2730 tonzi_2012_04_05_100102.jpg
Fieldwork near Jessicas (liukangs) tree setting up Lidar profiler
Tonzi2012-04-05 10:00:34 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Fieldwork near Jessicas (liukangs) tree setting up Lidar profiler
2721 vaira_2012_04_05_093102.jpg
Site visit - Martin, Joe
Vaira2012-04-05 10:29:58 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Site visit - Martin, Joe
2722 vaira_2012_04_05_130102.jpg
Vaira2012-04-05 13:59:58 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Cows
2436 20120403TZ_CloudsGrass.jpg
Nice puffy clouds over green pasture
Tonzi2012-04-05 15:12:03 4000x3000 COOLPIX S9100 Nice puffy clouds over green pasture
2649 TW_autocam_20120405_1515.jpg
UC Davis on site
Twitchell Rice2012-04-05 15:15:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A480 UC Davis on site
2650 TW_autocam_20120405_1545.jpg
UC Davis on site and rain
Twitchell Rice2012-04-05 15:45:02 3648x2736 Canon PowerShot A480 UC Davis on site and rain
2651 TW_autocam_20120405_1745.jpg
Nice clouds
Twitchell Rice2012-04-05 17:45:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A480 Nice clouds
2652 TW_autocam_20120406_0945.jpg
UC Davis on site
Twitchell Rice2012-04-06 09:45:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A480 UC Davis on site
2653 TW_autocam_20120408_1345.jpg
UC Davis on site
Twitchell Rice2012-04-08 13:45:03 3648x2736 Canon PowerShot A480 UC Davis on site
2654 TW_autocam_20120409_1245.jpg
UC Davis on site removing boardwalks
Twitchell Rice2012-04-09 12:45:02 3648x2736 Canon PowerShot A480 UC Davis on site removing boardwalks
2655 TW_autocam_20120409_1315.jpg
UC Davis on site removing boardwalks
Twitchell Rice2012-04-09 13:15:02 3648x2736 Canon PowerShot A480 UC Davis on site removing boardwalks
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