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904 mb_IMG_7573.jpg
Goats on the slough levee road
Mayberry2011-03-08 15:13:31 1600x1200 iPhone 3G Goats on the slough levee road
662 20110308MB_WhitePelicans.jpg
A big group of white pelicans on one of the higher patches
Mayberry2011-03-08 15:18:43 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 A big group of white pelicans on one of the higher patches
905 mb_IMG_7576.jpg
Hay bales laid down for erosion protection
Mayberry2011-03-08 15:20:32 1600x1200 iPhone 3G Hay bales laid down for erosion protection
906 mb_IMG_7578.jpg
Joe refilling the wash reservoir
Mayberry2011-03-08 15:21:18 1600x1200 iPhone 3G Joe refilling the wash reservoir
907 mb_IMG_7579.jpg
Eddy sensors
Mayberry2011-03-08 15:21:55 1600x1200 iPhone 3G Eddy sensors
908 mb_IMG_7581.jpg
Dennis and Joe on site
Mayberry2011-03-08 15:22:45 1600x1200 iPhone 3G Dennis and Joe on site
909 mb_IMG_7583.jpg
Joe cleaning the 7700 mirror
Mayberry2011-03-08 15:23:23 1600x1200 iPhone 3G Joe cleaning the 7700 mirror
910 mb_IMG_7585.jpg
Laurie, Naama, and Dennis on site
Mayberry2011-03-08 15:24:49 1600x1200 iPhone 3G Laurie, Naama, and Dennis on site
1231 MB_autocam_20110316_1845.jpg
Nice light
Mayberry2011-03-16 18:45:04 3648x2736 Canon PowerShot A480 Nice light
1232 MB_autocam_20110318_1845.jpg
Nice light
Mayberry2011-03-18 18:45:04 3648x2736 Canon PowerShot A480 Nice light
1077 TW_plantcam_20110322_0958.jpg
UC Davis on site
Twitchell Rice2011-03-22 09:58:00 2560x1920 COACH UC Davis on site
1068 SI_webcam_20110811015.jpg
Dennis and Emily taking soil cores
Sherman Island2011-03-22 10:15:04 640x480 D-Link DCS-900 Dennis and Emily taking soil cores
665 20110322MB_WindTiltedTuleTower.jpg
Wind tilted the tule tower
Mayberry2011-03-22 10:48:11 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 Wind tilted the tule tower
1078 TW_plantcam_20110322_1158.jpg
UC Davis on site
Twitchell Rice2011-03-22 11:58:00 2560x1920 COACH UC Davis on site
1233 MB_autocam_20110322_1245.jpg
Jaclyn on site
Mayberry2011-03-22 12:45:02 3648x2736 Canon PowerShot A480 Jaclyn on site
1079 TW_plantcam_20110324_0700.jpg
Geese in the sky
Twitchell Rice2011-03-24 07:00:00 2560x1920 COACH Geese in the sky
1080 TW_plantcam_20110324_1730.jpg
Nice light
Twitchell Rice2011-03-24 17:30:00 2560x1920 COACH Nice light
1081 TW_plantcam_20110329_1130.jpg
Chamber measurement boardwalks on the rice field
Twitchell Rice2011-03-29 11:30:00 2560x1920 COACH Chamber measurement boardwalks on the rice field
873 20110330VR_SiyanTower.jpg
Siyan doing spectral measurements near radiometer tower
Vaira2011-03-30 08:14:36 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 Siyan doing spectral measurements near radiometer tower
876 20110330VR_TreeToSE.jpg
New leaves on oak trees
Vaira2011-03-30 08:15:23 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 New leaves on oak trees
874 20110330VR_TreeAndSite.jpg
Green grass and big oak tree at Vaira
Vaira2011-03-30 08:16:25 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 Green grass and big oak tree at Vaira
871 20110330VR_SiteFromEast.jpg
Green grass and the Vaira site
Vaira2011-03-30 08:18:09 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 Green grass and the Vaira site
869 20110330VR_HillsToNE.jpg
Cows on rolling green hills with snow in the mountains
Vaira2011-03-30 08:19:08 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 Cows on rolling green hills with snow in the mountains
875 20110330VR_TreeToNW.jpg
New leaves on oak tree
Vaira2011-03-30 08:20:54 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 New leaves on oak tree
870 20110330VR_NewLeaves.jpg
New leaves on the oak trees
Vaira2011-03-30 08:21:12 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 New leaves on the oak trees
872 20110330VR_SiteFromNW.jpg
View of Vaira site from the north
Vaira2011-03-30 08:21:29 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 View of Vaira site from the north
881 tz_IMG_7600.jpg
New grass at the oak savanna
Tonzi2011-03-30 10:17:46 1600x1200 iPhone 3G New grass at the oak savanna
882 tz_IMG_7601.jpg
New grass at the oak savanna
Tonzi2011-03-30 10:17:54 1600x1200 iPhone 3G New grass at the oak savanna
883 tz_IMG_7602.jpg
New grass and dead oak leaves at the oak savanna
Tonzi2011-03-30 10:18:57 1600x1200 iPhone 3G New grass and dead oak leaves at the oak savanna
884 tz_IMG_7603.jpg
New grass in drainage at the oak savanna
Tonzi2011-03-30 10:19:09 1600x1200 iPhone 3G New grass in drainage at the oak savanna
885 tz_IMG_7605.jpg
Buds on oak twigs
Tonzi2011-03-30 11:01:53 1600x1200 iPhone 3G Buds on oak twigs
886 tz_IMG_7606.jpg
New grass and clouds at the oak savanna
Tonzi2011-03-30 11:02:15 1600x1200 iPhone 3G New grass and clouds at the oak savanna
887 tz_IMG_7607.jpg
Big tree and soil moist logger at the oak savanna
Tonzi2011-03-30 11:02:20 1600x1200 iPhone 3G Big tree and soil moist logger at the oak savanna
888 tz_IMG_7608.jpg
Big tree and soil moist logger at the oak savanna
Tonzi2011-03-30 11:02:30 1600x1200 iPhone 3G Big tree and soil moist logger at the oak savanna
889 tz_IMG_7609.jpg
Connection to the soil moisture probe
Tonzi2011-03-30 11:07:39 1600x1200 iPhone 3G Connection to the soil moisture probe
890 tz_IMG_7610.jpg
Close up or sprouting grass and herbs
Tonzi2011-03-30 11:08:12 1600x1200 iPhone 3G Close up or sprouting grass and herbs
891 tz_IMG_7611.jpg
Gopher mounds in the new grass
Tonzi2011-03-30 11:08:24 1600x1200 iPhone 3G Gopher mounds in the new grass
892 tz_IMG_7612.jpg
Gopher mounds in the new grass
Tonzi2011-03-30 11:08:41 1600x1200 iPhone 3G Gopher mounds in the new grass
893 tz_IMG_7613.jpg
Small oak with no leaves
Tonzi2011-03-30 11:08:55 1600x1200 iPhone 3G Small oak with no leaves
894 tz_IMG_7615.jpg
Solar pane specs tag
Tonzi2011-03-30 11:23:50 1600x1200 iPhone 3G Solar pane specs tag
895 tz_IMG_7616.jpg
Solar pane specs tag model number
Tonzi2011-03-30 11:24:22 1600x1200 iPhone 3G Solar pane specs tag model number
896 tz_IMG_7617.jpg
Soil co2 solar panels
Tonzi2011-03-30 11:24:31 1600x1200 iPhone 3G Soil co2 solar panels
897 tz_IMG_7618.jpg
Pink flowers in new grass
Tonzi2011-03-30 11:27:36 1600x1200 iPhone 3G Pink flowers in new grass
898 tz_IMG_7619.jpg
Pink flowers in new grass
Tonzi2011-03-30 11:27:42 1600x1200 iPhone 3G Pink flowers in new grass
899 tz_IMG_7620.jpg
Road well with cap knocked off
Tonzi2011-03-30 12:05:00 1600x1200 iPhone 3G Road well with cap knocked off
900 tz_IMG_cowprints.jpg
Cows dug up the fresh grass in the oak woodland
Tonzi2011-03-30 12:18:00 1600x1200 iPhone 3G Cows dug up the fresh grass in the oak woodland
1082 TW_plantcam_20110401_1230.jpg
UC Davis on site
Twitchell Rice2011-04-01 12:30:00 2560x1920 COACH UC Davis on site
1083 TW_plantcam_20110403_1430.jpg
UC Davis on site
Twitchell Rice2011-04-03 14:30:00 2560x1920 COACH UC Davis on site
1084 TW_plantcam_20110404_1530.jpg
UC Davis on site
Twitchell Rice2011-04-04 15:30:00 2560x1920 COACH UC Davis on site
1085 TW_plantcam_20110406_1130.jpg
UC Davis on site
Twitchell Rice2011-04-06 11:30:00 2560x1920 COACH UC Davis on site
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