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6910 HS_picam_20241114_1215.jpg
Smoke plume to the west over the water
Hill Slough2024-11-14 12:15:05 1920x1442 RP_imx219 Smoke plume to the west over the water
6912 HS_picam_20241114_1315.jpg
Smoke plume to the west over the water
Hill Slough2024-11-14 13:15:05 1920x1442 RP_imx219 Smoke plume to the west over the water
6844 20241115TZ_DIYWashReservoir.jpg
Black plastic jug of the DIY washer kit
Tonzi2024-11-15 11:08:57 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Black plastic jug of the DIY washer kit
6843 20241115TZ_DIYWashPump.jpg
Bottom of DIY washer kit showing the pump
Tonzi2024-11-15 11:26:33 1920x1442 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Bottom of DIY washer kit showing the pump
6845 20241115TZ_DIYWashSpray.jpg
Spray head of the DIY spray kit spraying the 7700 mirror
Tonzi2024-11-15 11:42:02 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Spray head of the DIY spray kit spraying the 7700 mirror
6842 20241115TZ_CloudsFallWoodland.jpg
Puffy clouds over the autumn oak woodland
Tonzi2024-11-15 15:26:51 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Puffy clouds over the autumn oak woodland
6846 20241115VR_FallSunset.jpg
Nice sunset from the hills at Vaira
Vaira2024-11-15 16:50:42 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Nice sunset from the hills at Vaira
6914 HS_picam_20241118_1415.jpg
Helicopter removing the third power line tower
Hill Slough2024-11-18 14:15:06 1920x1442 RP_imx219 Helicopter removing the third power line tower
6847 20241119GT_Boardwalk.jpg
Installed 3 sets of azolla in mesh bags for Kuno's decomposition experiment. They are installed low enough to remain submerged during low tide. The profiles are marked with the bright orange mason string.
Gilbert Tract2024-11-19 10:33:41 1440x1920 iPhone 8 Installed 3 sets of azolla in mesh bags for Kuno
6848 20241119MB_FishScales.jpg
A pile of white fish bones/scales on the Mayberry boardwalk. Joe thinks they are from a heron, who can regurgitate scales/bones kind of like owl pellets.
Mayberry2024-11-19 12:19:12 1440x1920 iPhone 8 A pile of white fish bones/scales on the Mayberry boardwalk. Joe thinks they are from a heron, who can regurgitate scales/bones kind of like owl pellets.
6849 20241119MB_PicamMount.jpg
New mount for the picam that should no longer tilt to the side
Mayberry2024-11-19 12:54:45 1440x1920 iPhone 8 New mount for the picam that should no longer tilt to the side
6869 bouldinalfalfa_2024_11_22_124506.jpg
Rain puddles on the winter wheat field
Bouldin Alfalfa2024-11-22 20:45:24 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Rain puddles on the winter wheat field
6916 HS_picam_20241123_0815.jpg
Rainbow over the flooded wetland
Hill Slough2024-11-23 08:15:05 1920x1442 RP_imx219 Rainbow over the flooded wetland
6947 MB_picam_20241129_1515.jpg
White tailed kite on the radiometer boom
Mayberry2024-11-29 15:15:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 White tailed kite on the radiometer boom
6918 HS_picam_20241202_1145.jpg
Helicopter removing last power line tower
Hill Slough2024-12-02 11:45:05 1920x1442 RP_imx219 Helicopter removing last power line tower
6920 HS_picam_20241202_1715.jpg
Nice sunset clouds reflected in the water
Hill Slough2024-12-02 17:15:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Nice sunset clouds reflected in the water
6850 20241203EL_PattyInbar.jpg
Patty and Inbar taking porewater samples at the boardwalk next to the Eden Landing tower
Eden Landing2024-12-03 12:39:10 1920x1440 iPhone 8 Patty and Inbar taking porewater samples at the boardwalk next to the Eden Landing tower
6854 20241204GT_FoggyRadiometers.jpg
Foggy morning
Gilbert Tract2024-12-04 07:39:27 1920x1440 iPhone 8 Foggy morning
6855 20241204GT_FoggySensors.jpg
Foggy morning
Gilbert Tract2024-12-04 07:39:42 1440x1920 iPhone 8 Foggy morning
6857 20241204GT_Otters.jpg
Otters hanging out on the yellow divider at the channel
Gilbert Tract2024-12-04 08:12:17 1440x1920 iPhone 13 Pro Otters hanging out on the yellow divider at the channel
6851 20241204BA_WheatSprouts.jpg
Wheat has finally sprouted on our "alfalfa" field. We parked on the side of the road and walked in.
Bouldin Alfalfa2024-12-04 12:00:18 1920x1440 iPhone 8 Wheat has finally sprouted on our "alfalfa" field. We parked on the side of the road and walked in.
6852 20241204BA_Zcams.jpg
Installed two zcams in the wheat. One is in line with the wheat row and one is between the rows.
Bouldin Alfalfa2024-12-04 12:38:19 1920x1440 iPhone 8 Installed two zcams in the wheat. One is in line with the wheat row and one is between the rows.
6853 20241204BA_ZcamTower.jpg
Wheat sprouts and bushy alfalfa around the tower
Bouldin Alfalfa2024-12-04 12:38:56 1920x1440 iPhone 8 Wheat sprouts and bushy alfalfa around the tower
6858 20241204RR_Cows.jpg
Curious cows checking out what we're up to. The longer we stayed, the more cows gathered.
Rush Ranch2024-12-04 15:23:31 1440x1920 iPhone 13 Pro Curious cows checking out what we
6856 20241204RR_Solar.jpg
Solar panels have been secured to the L-brackets on top of the platform. The platform lid has been temporarily screwed shut to the bottom layer.
Rush Ranch2024-12-04 15:50:39 1920x1440 iPhone 8 Solar panels have been secured to the L-brackets on top of the platform. The platform lid has been temporarily screwed shut to the bottom layer.
6922 HS_picam_20241205_0715.jpg
Pink morning clouds reflected in the water
Hill Slough2024-12-05 07:15:06 1920x1442 RP_imx219 Pink morning clouds reflected in the water
6924 HS_picam_20241212_1245.jpg
A clump of floating tules
Hill Slough2024-12-12 12:45:06 1920x1442 RP_imx219 A clump of floating tules
6926 HS_picam_20241214_1315.jpg
Big waves at high tide
Hill Slough2024-12-14 13:15:05 1920x1442 RP_imx219 Big waves at high tide
6959 20241217TZ_FungusAmongUs.jpg
Assorted fungus on a dead log
Tonzi2024-12-17 11:39:13 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Assorted fungus on a dead log
6958 20241217TZ_NewSolarPanel.jpg
Another solar panel added to the Floor system
Tonzi2024-12-17 15:01:59 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Another solar panel added to the Floor system
6957 20241217VR_MovedLicorBox.jpg
Moved the LI7550 box to the leg
Vaira2024-12-17 15:38:14 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Moved the LI7550 box to the leg
6956 20241217VR_PondReflections.jpg
Reflections in the pond at Vaira
Vaira2024-12-17 15:56:38 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Reflections in the pond at Vaira
6964 20241218RR_SoilSensors2.jpg
Soil heat flux and soil moisture sensor installation
Rush Ranch2024-12-18 13:42:10 933x1920 SM-G960U Soil heat flux and soil moisture sensor installation
6963 20241218RR_SoilSensors1.jpg
Soil heat flux and soil moisture sensor installation
Rush Ranch2024-12-18 13:46:11 933x1920 SM-G960U Soil heat flux and soil moisture sensor installation
6962 20250102RR_DiabloGreenFields.jpg
Rush Ranch2025-01-02 10:38:04 1920x1147 iPhone SE (2nd generation)  Diablo Green Fields
6961 20250102GT_SunsetOnDiablo.jpg
Gilbert Tract2025-01-02 16:42:17 1920x1036 iPhone SE (2nd generation)  Sunset On Diablo
6960 20250102GT_MoonVenusDiablo.jpg
Gilbert Tract2025-01-02 17:21:03 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation)  Moon Venus Diablo
6967 20250108EL_LowTide.jpg
Super low tide at lateral flux station. The EXO, pCO2, and water level sensors are mounted within the tubes at the bottom of the beam.
Eden Landing2025-01-08 13:37:07 1920x1440 iPhone 8 Super low tide at lateral flux station. The EXO, pCO2, and water level sensors are mounted within the tubes at the bottom of the beam.
6965 20250108EL_DataloggerWiring1.jpg
Datalogger wiring at EL lateral flux station
Eden Landing2025-01-08 14:06:43 1440x1920 iPhone 8 Datalogger wiring at EL lateral flux station
6966 20250108EL_DataloggerWiring2.jpg
Datalogger wiring at EL lateral flux station showing the serial connector for the ADCP
Eden Landing2025-01-08 14:10:16 1440x1920 iPhone 8 Datalogger wiring at EL lateral flux station showing the serial connector for the ADCP
6970 20250109TZ_Trees.jpg
Bare oak trees with just a glimmer of green grass starting to poke up through the litter
Tonzi2025-01-09 10:59:34 1920x1440 iPhone 14 Bare oak trees with just a glimmer of green grass starting to poke up through the litter
6969 20250109TZ_Tower.jpg
Eddy covariance tower and Troy's SIF tower
Tonzi2025-01-09 11:04:12 1440x1920 iPhone 14 Eddy covariance tower and Troy
6968 20250109TZ_KunoChamber.jpg
Kuno taking soil chamber measurements
Tonzi2025-01-09 13:36:26 1440x1920 iPhone 14 Kuno taking soil chamber measurements
6971 20250129GT_ChannelEnclosure.jpg
Reorganized the GT channel enclosure. Rotated the ADCP interface to prevent condensation from the ceiling dripping down into the power plug. Also made space in the middle for the EXO DCP signal output adapter.
Gilbert Tract2025-01-29 12:52:26 1440x1920 iPhone 8 Reorganized the GT channel enclosure. Rotated the ADCP interface to prevent condensation from the ceiling dripping down into the power plug. Also made space in the middle for the EXO DCP signal output adapter.
6972 20250130BA_ArmanDennis.jpg
Arman and Dennis on site in the wheat field. The new LI-720 is installed on the northwestern scaffolding post.
Bouldin Alfalfa2025-01-30 13:45:02 1920x1440 iPhone 8 Arman and Dennis on site in the wheat field. The new LI-720 is installed on the northwestern scaffolding post.
6973 20250130BA_Li720.jpg
The new LI-720 is installed on the northwestern scaffolding post over our wheat field (Bouldin Alfalfa site)
Bouldin Alfalfa2025-01-30 14:00:20 1440x1920 iPhone 8 The new LI-720 is installed on the northwestern scaffolding post over our wheat field (Bouldin Alfalfa site)
6974 20250130BA_LicorEnclosure.jpg
Removed Sutron datalogger and installed our own CR6 datalogger to measure the prototype LI-720.
Bouldin Alfalfa2025-01-30 14:00:35 1440x1920 iPhone 8 Removed Sutron datalogger and installed our own CR6 datalogger to measure the prototype LI-720.
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