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6867 bouldinalfalfa_2024_10_08_131506.jpg
Tractor beginning to plow the alfalfa for replanting
Bouldin Alfalfa2024-10-08 21:16:22 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Tractor beginning to plow the alfalfa for replanting
6817 20241009BA_TowerAreaDisked.jpg
One tractor pass around the alfalfa tower before we could move it
Bouldin Alfalfa2024-10-09 11:14:58 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) One tractor pass around the alfalfa tower before we could move it
6819 20241009BA_LitterAccumulation.jpg
Scaffolding foot and ground level before moving the alfalfa tower
Bouldin Alfalfa2024-10-09 12:20:12 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Scaffolding foot and ground level before moving the alfalfa tower
6816 20241009BC_TowerMovedBack.jpg
The tower moved back from the sorghum for harvest
Bouldin Corn2024-10-09 16:04:11 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) The tower moved back from the sorghum for harvest
6818 20241009BA_PlowedTowerMoved.jpg
New location of the BA tower after the alfalfa fields have been plowed and tilled
Bouldin Alfalfa2024-10-09 17:10:15 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) New location of the BA tower after the alfalfa fields have been plowed and tilled
6813 20241010TZ_TowerTopMethane.jpg
LI-7700 installed on the Tonzi Tower top
Tonzi2024-10-10 12:45:23 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) LI-7700 installed on the Tonzi Tower top
6815 20241010TZ_FloorMethane.jpg
LI-7700 added to the Floor tower
Tonzi2024-10-10 14:31:45 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) LI-7700 added to the Floor tower
6814 20241010VR_GrassTreesClouds.jpg
Nice clouds over golden grass
Vaira2024-10-10 15:43:19 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Nice clouds over golden grass
6820 20241011MB_ArmanSipper.jpg
Arman sampling one of the open water porewater sippers
Mayberry2024-10-11 11:34:58 1920x1440 iPhone 8 Arman sampling one of the open water porewater sippers
6821 20241011MB_DirtyRadiometer.jpg
Muddy radiometers from dirty bird feet
Mayberry2024-10-11 12:19:28 1440x1920 iPhone 8 Muddy radiometers from dirty bird feet
6877 gilberttract_2024_10_14_142538.jpg
Great blue heron on the radiometers
2024-10-14 22:25:38 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Great blue heron on the radiometers
6879 gilberttract_2024_10_14_145536.jpg
Great blue heron on the radiometers
2024-10-14 22:55:36 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Great blue heron on the radiometers
6898 HS_picam_20241015_1215.jpg
White pelicans on the water
Hill Slough2024-10-15 12:15:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 White pelicans on the water
6900 HS_picam_20241016_0645.jpg
Nice double rainbow over the wetland
Hill Slough2024-10-16 06:45:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Nice double rainbow over the wetland
6823 20241017HS_WaterSensorInMud.jpg
Water sensors half buried in the mud at low tide
Hill Slough2024-10-17 09:38:07 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Water sensors half buried in the mud at low tide
6822 20241017HS_ChannelFilled.jpg
Channel east of the tower has completely filled in since reflooding in October 2021.
Hill Slough2024-10-17 09:38:09 1920x1440 iPhone 8 Channel east of the tower has completely filled in since reflooding in October 2021.
6824 20241017BA_DaphneWheatPlanted.jpg
Daphne walking out on newly planted wheat field
Bouldin Alfalfa2024-10-17 11:01:21 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Daphne walking out on newly planted wheat field
6825 20241023BC_FlatStover.jpg
Stover around edges of field were flattened. Charlotte's chambers mostly installed in the flattened area.
Bouldin Corn2024-10-23 14:23:00 1920x1440 iPhone 8 Stover around edges of field were flattened. Charlotte
6826 20241023BC_PostHarvest.jpg
Stover remaining after sorghum was harvested
Bouldin Corn2024-10-23 14:23:56 1920x1145 iPhone 8 Stover remaining after sorghum was harvested
6891 gilberttract_IR_2024_10_23_104405.jpg
Kuno cleaning sensors in IR
2024-10-23 18:47:02 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Kuno cleaning sensors in IR
6881 gilberttract_2024_10_23_171405.jpg
Great blue heron on the radiometers
2024-10-24 01:15:54 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Great blue heron on the radiometers
6828 20241024RR_Box.jpg
New enclosure set up for eddy power and data
Rush Ranch2024-10-24 11:41:23 1440x1920 iPhone 8 New enclosure set up for eddy power and data
6829 20241024RR_NewEddy.jpg
Arshdeep and Eddie working at the tower. Fresh eddy sensors installed on the west side of the scaffolding. The solar panels in the background are temporarily propped up to access the batteries below the platform.
Rush Ranch2024-10-24 11:42:29 1440x1920 iPhone 8 Arshdeep and Eddie working at the tower. Fresh eddy sensors installed on the west side of the scaffolding. The solar panels in the background are temporarily propped up to access the batteries below the platform.
6827 20241024BA_TowerMoved.jpg
After wheat was planted, tower was moved a few meters into the field and rotated so that the radiometers point south.
Bouldin Alfalfa2024-10-24 15:52:16 1920x1440 iPhone 8 After wheat was planted, tower was moved a few meters into the field and rotated so that the radiometers point south.
6883 gilberttract_2024_10_26_161405.jpg
Great blue heron on the radiometers
2024-10-27 00:16:04 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Great blue heron on the radiometers
6902 HS_picam_20241028_1715.jpg
Sunset perfectly reflected in the water
Hill Slough2024-10-28 17:15:06 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Sunset perfectly reflected in the water
6885 gilberttract_2024_10_28_124405.jpg
Great blue heron on the radiometers
2024-10-28 20:46:04 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Great blue heron on the radiometers
6830 20241029TZ_FloorKunoStemT.jpg
New tree trunk temperature logger, Floor eddy flux and Kuno doing chamber fluxes.
Tonzi2024-10-29 14:33:36 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) New tree trunk temperature logger, Floor eddy flux and Kuno doing chamber fluxes.
6831 20241029TZ_StemT.jpg
New temperature sensors added to tree trunk chamber measurements
Tonzi2024-10-29 14:55:12 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) New temperature sensors added to tree trunk chamber measurements
6944 MB_picam_20241031_0845.jpg
Bird of prey on the radiometer boom
Mayberry2024-10-31 08:45:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Bird of prey on the radiometer boom
6934 gilberttract_2024_10_31_154405.jpg
Great blue heron on the radiometers
2024-10-31 23:46:14 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Great blue heron on the radiometers
6945 MB_picam_20241102_1145.jpg
Bird of prey on the radiometer boom
Mayberry2024-11-02 11:45:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Bird of prey on the radiometer boom
6935 gilberttract_2024_11_03_151405.jpg
Great blue heron on the radiometers
2024-11-03 23:16:12 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Great blue heron on the radiometers
6904 HS_picam_20241104_1215.jpg
Helicopter removing far power line tower
Hill Slough2024-11-04 12:15:05 1920x1442 RP_imx219 Helicopter removing far power line tower
6906 HS_picam_20241105_0945.jpg
Helicopter removing second to farthest power line tower
Hill Slough2024-11-05 09:45:06 1920x1442 RP_imx219 Helicopter removing second to farthest power line tower
6832 20241105EE_EddyView.jpg
View on the eddy sensors and upwind wetland from the tower top
East End2024-11-05 15:39:00 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) View on the eddy sensors and upwind wetland from the tower top
6833 20241105EE_NewSolarScaffold.jpg
View of the new solar power scaffolding from the tower
East End2024-11-05 15:57:35 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) View of the new solar power scaffolding from the tower
6839 20241105EE_OldMetBox.jpg
Enclosure on the bottom layer of scaffolding. Previously had the CR1000 and AM16/32 mux as well, which were moved to the new enclosure on the second layer of scaffolding. Two SHF plates are wired to the new enclosure through the white screw terminal. The AM25T has a long wire connecting it to the CR1000 in the new enclosure. I left the old power strip there for extra parts.
East End2024-11-05 15:57:39 1440x1920 iPhone 8 Enclosure on the bottom layer of scaffolding. Previously had the CR1000 and AM16/32 mux as well, which were moved to the new enclosure on the second layer of scaffolding. Two SHF plates are wired to the new enclosure through the white screw terminal. The AM25T has a long wire connecting it to the CR1000 in the new enclosure. I left the old power strip there for extra parts.
6838 20241105EE_NewMetBox.jpg
East End2024-11-05 15:58:22 1440x1920 iPhone 8  New Met Box
6936 gilberttract_2024_11_05_144405.jpg
Great blue heron on the radiometers
2024-11-05 22:47:56 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Great blue heron on the radiometers
6954 vaira_2024_11_05_163128.jpg
Nice evening light on the cow pasture
Vaira2024-11-06 00:29:56 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Nice evening light on the cow pasture
6841 20241106MB_DownedPanel.jpg
One of the solar panels fell down because the wood holding one of the bolts had rotted. Temporarily fixed with a cable tie.
Mayberry2024-11-06 10:08:28 1920x1440 iPhone 8 One of the solar panels fell down because the wood holding one of the bolts had rotted. Temporarily fixed with a cable tie.
6840 20241106BA_ResproutingAlfalfa.jpg
It's been about 3 weeks since wheat was planted, but we don't see any wheat sprouts yet, just resprouting alfalfa.
Bouldin Alfalfa2024-11-06 11:48:31 1920x1440 iPhone 8 It
6946 MB_picam_20241108_1215.jpg
Bird of prey on the tower
Mayberry2024-11-08 12:15:06 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Bird of prey on the tower
6908 HS_picam_20241111_1215.jpg
Nice clouds at high tide
Hill Slough2024-11-11 12:15:05 1920x1442 RP_imx219 Nice clouds at high tide
6868 bouldinalfalfa_2024_11_13_134505.jpg
Sandhill cranes on alfalfa field replanted with winter wheat
Bouldin Alfalfa2024-11-13 21:45:42 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Sandhill cranes on alfalfa field replanted with winter wheat
6837 20241114RR_SolarBatteries.jpg
Rush Ranch2024-11-14 10:36:00 1920x1440 iPhone 16  Solar Batteries
6835 20241114RR_PanelsOnGRound.jpg
Rush Ranch2024-11-14 10:36:09 1920x1440 iPhone 16  Panels On G Round
6834 20241114RR_BackSideOfPanels.jpg
Rush Ranch2024-11-14 11:31:25 1920x1440 iPhone 16  Back Side Of Panels
6836 20241114RR_PanelsProppedUp.jpg
Rush Ranch2024-11-14 11:31:33 1920x1440 iPhone 16  Panels Propped Up
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