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6789 20240815MB_HannahDaphneKyle.jpg
Hannah, Daphne, and Kyle wading in waist-deep water in the Mayberry channel
Mayberry2024-08-15 00:00:00 1920x1440 unknown Hannah, Daphne, and Kyle wading in waist-deep water in the Mayberry channel
6787 20240815MB_MaoyaDylan.jpg
Maoya and Dylan in the water at Mayberry for the chamber campaign
Mayberry2024-08-15 09:16:03 1920x1440 iPhone 12 mini Maoya and Dylan in the water at Mayberry for the chamber campaign
6777 20240815MB_BrokenScaffolding.jpg
Northeast post on lower scaffolding level has rusted and broken
Mayberry2024-08-15 10:14:28 1440x1920 iPhone 8 Northeast post on lower scaffolding level has rusted and broken
6779 20240815MB_KunoRobert.jpg
Kuno and Robert sampling CH4 and N2O fluxes at Mayberry
Mayberry2024-08-15 10:51:55 1920x1440 iPhone 8 Kuno and Robert sampling CH4 and N2O fluxes at Mayberry
6778 20240815MB_HannahKyleMaoya.jpg
Hannah, Kyle, and Maoya sampling CH4 fluxes at Mayberry
Mayberry2024-08-15 10:52:04 1920x1440 iPhone 8 Hannah, Kyle, and Maoya sampling CH4 fluxes at Mayberry
6797 20240815EE_Box.jpg
Temporarily moved met box to short side of scaffolding to make space for adding additional half layer to raise height of eddy/rad sensors
East End2024-08-15 14:15:28 1158x1920 iPhone 8 Temporarily moved met box to short side of scaffolding to make space for adding additional half layer to raise height of eddy/rad sensors
6785 20240816GT_HannahCharlie.jpg
Hannah and Charlie taking sample B1 at Gilbert Tract during the last day of the chamber campaign. They are recording open water CH4 fluxes.
Gilbert Tract2024-08-16 09:23:47 1920x1440 iPhone 8 Hannah and Charlie taking sample B1 at Gilbert Tract during the last day of the chamber campaign. They are recording open water CH4 fluxes.
6781 20240816GT_CanopySample.jpg
Charlie carefully placing the soil chamber down underneath the cattail canopy. We saw 3+ crayfish hanging out just under the water near the chamber.
Gilbert Tract2024-08-16 10:03:43 1440x1920 iPhone 8 Charlie carefully placing the soil chamber down underneath the cattail canopy. We saw 3+ crayfish hanging out just under the water near the chamber.
6782 20240816GT_ChamberCampaign.jpg
Charlie and Hannah sampling CH4 fluxes on open water
Gilbert Tract2024-08-16 10:43:54 1440x1920 iPhone 8 Charlie and Hannah sampling CH4 fluxes on open water
6780 20240816GT_7700Scratches.jpg
I scratched the lower 7700 mirror while cleaning off bird poop in the middle. RSSI seems fine.
Gilbert Tract2024-08-16 10:52:27 1440x1920 iPhone 8 I scratched the lower 7700 mirror while cleaning off bird poop in the middle. RSSI seems fine.
6783 20240816GT_DennisHannahCharlie.jpg
Hannah showing Dennis one of the soil samples collected during the chamber campaign
Gilbert Tract2024-08-16 10:54:18 1920x1440 iPhone 8 Hannah showing Dennis one of the soil samples collected during the chamber campaign
6786 20240816GT_NewExoMount.jpg
The EXO3s and miniDOT for the Gilbert Tract channel are installed behind the ADCP plate
Gilbert Tract2024-08-16 12:11:11 1440x1920 iPhone 8 The EXO3s and miniDOT for the Gilbert Tract channel are installed behind the ADCP plate
6784 20240816GT_ExoEnclosure.jpg
ADCP enclosure after adding the CR6
Gilbert Tract2024-08-16 13:02:05 1440x1920 iPhone 8 ADCP enclosure after adding the CR6
6925 gilberttract_2024_08_16_091405.jpg
Someone doing chamber measurements
2024-08-16 17:38:00 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Someone doing chamber measurements
6927 gilberttract_2024_08_16_104405.jpg
Kuno and Robert doing chamber measurements
2024-08-16 19:08:02 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Kuno and Robert doing chamber measurements
6889 gilberttract_IR_2024_08_16_114405.jpg
Daphne working on tower in IR
2024-08-16 20:08:50 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Daphne working on tower in IR
6928 gilberttract_2024_08_16_124405.jpg
Kuno on the tower
2024-08-16 21:07:56 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Kuno on the tower
6792 20240821TZ_CH4ScreenShot.jpg
Screen shot of decreasing CH4 time series
Tonzi2024-08-21 00:00:00 1920x886 unknown Screen shot of decreasing CH4 time series
6793 20240821TZ_StemSoilChamber.jpg
CO2/CH4/N2O flux measurements from the ground and tree truncks
Tonzi2024-08-21 00:00:00 1446x1920 unknown CO2/CH4/N2O flux measurements from the ground and tree truncks
6795 20240821TZ_Acorns.jpg
A few acorns on the big oak tree
Tonzi2024-08-21 13:10:47 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) A few acorns on the big oak tree
6794 20240821TZ_KunoSoilFlux.jpg
Kuno doing soil flux measurements near the Floor tower
Tonzi2024-08-21 15:35:02 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Kuno doing soil flux measurements near the Floor tower
6929 gilberttract_2024_08_22_144406.jpg
Starlings all over the tower
2024-08-22 23:08:08 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Starlings all over the tower
6798 20240829EE_ScaffoldingRaisedCompare.jpg
Before and after photos of adding a half frame to the East End tower
East End2024-08-29 00:00:00 1368x837 unknown Before and after photos of adding a half frame to the East End tower
6930 gilberttract_2024_08_29_084405.jpg
Joe cleaning the eddy sensors
2024-08-29 17:08:08 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Joe cleaning the eddy sensors
6799 20240830HS_HorizontalEXO.jpg
EXO remounted in a horizontal orientation above the mud
Hill Slough2024-08-30 10:00:24 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) EXO remounted in a horizontal orientation above the mud
6800 20240830BA_GoopOn7500Window.jpg
Goop on the upper window of the 7500
Bouldin Alfalfa2024-08-30 12:00:16 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Goop on the upper window of the 7500
6931 gilberttract_2024_09_04_091405.jpg
Great blue heron on the radiometers
2024-09-04 17:38:22 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Great blue heron on the radiometers
6932 gilberttract_2024_09_07_144405.jpg
Great blue heron on the radiometers
2024-09-07 23:08:26 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Great blue heron on the radiometers
6801 20240910TZ_ChamberTreeChambers.jpg
Ladder and tree trunk gas flux chambers at Tonzi
Tonzi2024-09-10 15:17:40 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Ladder and tree trunk gas flux chambers at Tonzi
6802 20240910TZ_AnalyzersTreeChambers.jpg
Analyzers doing tree trunk flux measurements
Tonzi2024-09-10 15:18:03 1223x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Analyzers doing tree trunk flux measurements
6804 20240911MB_JoeJackedScaffolding.jpg
Joe with jacked-up scaffolding. The east side of the tower is supported by two long metal posts clamped to the second level of the scaffolding.
Mayberry2024-09-11 15:10:57 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Joe with jacked-up scaffolding. The east side of the tower is supported by two long metal posts clamped to the second level of the scaffolding.
6803 20240911MB_RustedFrame.jpg
Rusted frame removed from Mayberry, compared to a fresh scaffolding layer.
Mayberry2024-09-11 16:22:37 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Rusted frame removed from Mayberry, compared to a fresh scaffolding layer.
6933 gilberttract_2024_09_12_084405.jpg
Someone cleaning the eddy sensors
2024-09-12 17:08:26 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Someone cleaning the eddy sensors
6871 gilberttract_2024_09_18_174406.jpg
Blackbirds on tower railings
2024-09-19 02:08:36 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Blackbirds on tower railings
6875 gilberttract_2024_09_24_111406.jpg
Great blue heron on the radiometers
2024-09-24 19:40:26 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Great blue heron on the radiometers
6809 20240925MB_Crayfish.jpg
Crayfish on cattail stem under water
Mayberry2024-09-25 10:44:48 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Crayfish on cattail stem under water
6808 20240925GT_DaphneWading.jpg
Daphne waist deep in the azolla covered wetland
Gilbert Tract2024-09-25 15:15:31 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Daphne waist deep in the azolla covered wetland
6805 20240925GT_BatteryBox.jpg
Empty ActionPacker battery box on the ground under the solar panels. Batteries stolen
Gilbert Tract2024-09-25 15:30:25 1440x1920 iPhone 8 Empty ActionPacker battery box on the ground under the solar panels. Batteries stolen
6811 20240926GT_BatteryStrapTop.jpg
New batteries strapped into battery box
Gilbert Tract2024-09-26 10:57:03 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) New batteries strapped into battery box
6810 20240926GT_BatteryStrapBottom.jpg
Security nut on underside of boardwalk to secure the new batteries
Gilbert Tract2024-09-26 10:57:25 1442x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Security nut on underside of boardwalk to secure the new batteries
6806 20240926EE_Wasps1.jpg
Wasps in enclosure. Guess I should have sealed this box better.
East End2024-09-26 12:14:31 1440x1920 iPhone 8 Wasps in enclosure. Guess I should have sealed this box better.
6807 20240926EE_Wasps2.jpg
Wasps on back of wooden backing board
East End2024-09-26 12:46:50 1440x1920 iPhone 8 Wasps on back of wooden backing board
6873 gilberttract_2024_09_25_091405.jpg
Great blue heron on the radiometers
2024-09-26 20:45:52 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Great blue heron on the radiometers
6940 MB_picam_20240930_1545.jpg
King fisher on the railing
Mayberry2024-09-30 15:45:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 King fisher on the railing
6941 MB_picam_20240930_1645.jpg
Great blue heron on the radiometers
Mayberry2024-09-30 16:45:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Great blue heron on the radiometers
6812 20241005GT_OtterPoop.jpg
Fresh otter poop at one of the thermocouple profile sites seen during low tide
Gilbert Tract2024-10-05 00:00:00 1446x1920 unknown Fresh otter poop at one of the thermocouple profile sites seen during low tide
6942 MB_picam_20241006_1645.jpg
Great blue heron on the radiometers
Mayberry2024-10-06 16:45:06 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Great blue heron on the radiometers
6943 MB_picam_20241007_0545.jpg
Great blue heron on the radiometers
Mayberry2024-10-07 05:45:06 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Great blue heron on the radiometers
6893 HS_picam_20241007_0615.jpg
Early morning Canada geese on the water
Hill Slough2024-10-07 06:15:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Early morning Canada geese on the water
6866 bouldinalfalfa_2024_10_08_104505.jpg
Bird on the eddy mounts
Bouldin Alfalfa2024-10-08 18:46:20 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Bird on the eddy mounts
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