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6741 20260612HS_TowerAtLowTide.jpg
Daphne, Arman and Irene working at the Hill Slough tower
Hill Slough2024-06-12 13:14:44 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Daphne, Arman and Irene working at the Hill Slough tower
6743 20240618MB_KyleCharlie.jpg
Kyle and Charlie taking porewater samples from the channel (unvegetated) sippers
Mayberry2024-06-18 12:16:41 1920x1440 iPhone 8 Kyle and Charlie taking porewater samples from the channel (unvegetated) sippers
6748 20240625HS_KoongRobert.jpg
Koong and Robert dragging soil coring equipment across the wetland. Taken between HSM_6 and HSM_4, and the water level got that low in that area during spring tide, even though it is close to the levees.
Hill Slough2024-06-25 00:00:00 1440x1920 unknown Koong and Robert dragging soil coring equipment across the wetland. Taken between HSM_6 and HSM_4, and the water level got that low in that area during spring tide, even though it is close to the levees.
6749 20240625HS_RobertGps.jpg
Robert taking GPS points in the mud pit
Hill Slough2024-06-25 00:00:00 1382x1842 unknown Robert taking GPS points in the mud pit
6750 20240625HS_Tules.jpg
Tules establishing in the wetland
Hill Slough2024-06-25 00:00:00 1920x1440 unknown Tules establishing in the wetland
6759 20240626HS_Hsm3Mud.jpg
Green mud near HSM_3
Hill Slough2024-06-25 00:00:00 1440x1920 unknown Green mud near HSM_3
6755 20240625HS_Sign.jpg
Welcome to Suisun Marsh!
Hill Slough2024-06-25 09:59:17 1920x1440 iPhone 14 Pro Welcome to Suisun Marsh!
6758 20240625HS_IreneKoong.jpg
Irene and Koong preparing to sample over standing water
Hill Slough2024-06-25 11:34:22 1920x1440 moto g power Irene and Koong preparing to sample over standing water
6757 20240625HS_Upland.jpg
Irene and Robert walking into the upland section at the north end of Hill Slough marsh. We are trying to relocate HSM_9 to take its GPS point.
Hill Slough2024-06-25 14:28:56 1920x1440 iPhone 14 Pro Irene and Robert walking into the upland section at the north end of Hill Slough marsh. We are trying to relocate HSM_9 to take its GPS point.
6752 20240625HS_GpsTrouble.jpg
Robert and Irene troubleshooting the GPS at HSM_9.
Hill Slough2024-06-25 14:30:38 1440x1920 iPhone 14 Pro Robert and Irene troubleshooting the GPS at HSM_9.
6754 20240625HS_Robert.jpg
Robert modeling our newest waders which already have a broken clip
Hill Slough2024-06-25 14:45:37 1920x1440 iPhone 14 Pro Robert modeling our newest waders which already have a broken clip
6751 20240625HS_Boardwalk.jpg
The boardwalk and tower at low tide
Hill Slough2024-06-25 14:47:07 1920x1440 iPhone 14 Pro The boardwalk and tower at low tide
6756 20240625HS_Trekking.jpg
Robert and Irene trekking into the wetland. We are trying to relocate HSM_8 to take its GPS point. Either we did not find the exact point, or we could not find the tall, thin, green garden stake we used to mark the location. So the garden stake is still in there somewhere.
Hill Slough2024-06-25 14:47:47 1920x1440 iPhone 14 Pro Robert and Irene trekking into the wetland. We are trying to relocate HSM_8 to take its GPS point. Either we did not find the exact point, or we could not find the tall, thin, green garden stake we used to mark the location. So the garden stake is still in there somewhere.
6753 20240625HS_Irene.jpg
Irene among the cattails. We are trying to relocate HSM_8 to take its GPS point.
Hill Slough2024-06-25 14:49:54 1440x1920 iPhone 14 Pro Irene among the cattails. We are trying to relocate HSM_8 to take its GPS point.
6746 20240626HS_Irene.jpg
A tiny Irene taking the GPS point at HSM_1
Hill Slough2024-06-26 11:33:08 1920x1440 iPhone 8 A tiny Irene taking the GPS point at HSM_1
6744 20240626HS_Hsm2.jpg
Irene and Eddie taking a core at HSM_2
Hill Slough2024-06-26 13:47:57 1920x1440 iPhone 8 Irene and Eddie taking a core at HSM_2
6745 20240626HS_Hsm2Irene.jpg
Wetland Barbie: Her job is just wetland
Hill Slough2024-06-26 13:48:33 1920x1440 iPhone 8 Wetland Barbie: Her job is just wetland
6747 20240626HS_MuddyStroll.jpg
Irene and Eddie walking from HSM_2 back toward the tower
Hill Slough2024-06-26 14:08:00 1920x1440 iPhone 8 Irene and Eddie walking from HSM_2 back toward the tower
6763 20240709TZ_RedBerries.jpg
Bright red berries on a shrub that might be hollyleaf redberry.
Tonzi2024-07-09 11:03:50 1440x1920 iPhone 8 Bright red berries on a shrub that might be hollyleaf redberry.
6762 20240709TZ_Mike.jpg
Mike on his way to collect leaves from Liu Kang's tree for leaf water potential measurements
Tonzi2024-07-09 13:40:40 1920x1440 iPhone 8 Mike on his way to collect leaves from Liu Kang
6764 20240709BC_LithiumPowerPack.jpg
Adding a 24V lithium power pack in-line with our power system to buffer the met/flux systems from power interruptions
Bouldin Corn2024-07-09 14:52:48 1920x1440 iPhone 8 Adding a 24V lithium power pack in-line with our power system to buffer the met/flux systems from power interruptions
6761 20240709BC_UnevenCorn.jpg
The corn in the middle of the field is sparser this year relative to the edges of the field. The middle of the field still has some bare soil visible.
Bouldin Corn2024-07-09 15:56:20 1920x1440 iPhone 8 The corn in the middle of the field is sparser this year relative to the edges of the field. The middle of the field still has some bare soil visible.
6760 20240709BC_Radiometers.jpg
Corn under the radiometers is taller than the corn in the middle of the field
Bouldin Corn2024-07-09 15:56:32 1920x1440 iPhone 8 Corn under the radiometers is taller than the corn in the middle of the field
6892 bouldincorn_2024_07_10_091505.jpg
Someone lost in the sorghum field
Bouldin Corn2024-07-10 17:16:32 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Someone lost in the sorghum field
6911 gilberttract_2024_07_14_131405.jpg
Great white egret on the radiometer boom
2024-07-14 21:37:32 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Great white egret on the radiometer boom
6765 20240717BC_SorghumFlowers.jpg
Once the flowers appeared on the stalks, it started to seem like this field was not planted with corn after all...
Bouldin Corn2024-07-17 10:24:45 1920x1440 iPhone 8 Once the flowers appeared on the stalks, it started to seem like this field was not planted with corn after all...
6913 gilberttract_2024_07_18_081406.jpg
Visitors on the GT tower
2024-07-18 16:37:16 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Visitors on the GT tower
6915 gilberttract_2024_07_18_104405.jpg
Great white egret on the radiometer boom
2024-07-18 19:07:22 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Great white egret on the radiometer boom
6917 gilberttract_2024_07_22_081405.jpg
Radiometers and eddy sensors at GT
2024-07-22 16:37:26 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Radiometers and eddy sensors at GT
6919 gilberttract_2024_07_22_084405.jpg
Daphne cleaning radiometers
2024-07-22 17:07:26 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Daphne cleaning radiometers
6870 bouldinalfalfa_IR_2024_07_22_121505.jpg
Dennis doing fieldwork in IR
Bouldin Alfalfa2024-07-22 20:16:34 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Dennis doing fieldwork in IR
6767 20240723EE_TreeDown.jpg
Tree down on the interior levee road, just south of our tower
East End2024-07-23 09:15:29 1920x1440 iPhone 8 Tree down on the interior levee road, just south of our tower
6766 20240723EE_TallCattails.jpg
Tall cattails are starting to brush the bottom of the radiometer boom
East End2024-07-23 09:40:01 1920x1440 iPhone 8 Tall cattails are starting to brush the bottom of the radiometer boom
6769 20240723HS_Irene.jpg
Irene taking GPS points
Hill Slough2024-07-23 12:27:23 1920x1440 iPhone 8 Irene taking GPS points
6772 20240723HS_WhitePelicans.jpg
White pelicans (?) flying above the wetland
Hill Slough2024-07-23 12:31:36 1920x1440 iPhone 8 White pelicans (?) flying above the wetland
6771 20240723HS_SensorsMud.jpg
CTD and eosGP sensor were in the mud when we arrived
Hill Slough2024-07-23 13:01:35 1440x1920 iPhone 8 CTD and eosGP sensor were in the mud when we arrived
6770 20240723HS_RaisedSensors.jpg
Raised all water level sensors 10-15cm to raise them above the mud
Hill Slough2024-07-23 13:56:37 1440x1920 iPhone 8 Raised all water level sensors 10-15cm to raise them above the mud
6768 20240723HS_ChannelLowTide.jpg
At spring low tide, there is almost no surface water in the channel
Hill Slough2024-07-23 13:57:23 1440x1920 iPhone 8 At spring low tide, there is almost no surface water in the channel
6921 gilberttract_2024_08_06_104405.jpg
Birds all over the sensors
2024-08-06 19:07:58 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Birds all over the sensors
6773 20240807EE_KunoTowerTop.jpg
Kuno on top of the East End tower
East End2024-08-07 14:04:13 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Kuno on top of the East End tower
6796 20240807EE_MetBox.jpg
Inside of met box. This will need to be reorganized when we increase the scaffolding height.
East End2024-08-07 14:22:29 1440x1920 iPhone 8 Inside of met box. This will need to be reorganized when we increase the scaffolding height.
6774 20240807MB_GardenSpider.jpg
Giant garden spider in the cattails
Mayberry2024-08-07 15:42:45 1309x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Giant garden spider in the cattails
6894 bouldincorn_2024_08_07_111506.jpg
Joe doing clip plots in the sorghum
Bouldin Corn2024-08-07 19:17:24 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Joe doing clip plots in the sorghum
6923 gilberttract_2024_08_07_154405.jpg
Joe working on the tower
2024-08-08 00:07:46 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Joe working on the tower
6887 gilberttract_IR_2024_08_07_154405.jpg
Joe cleaning something in IR
2024-08-08 00:08:34 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Joe cleaning something in IR
6775 20240814EL_RamonInbarDem.jpg
Ramon, Inbar, and Dem taking a chamber CH4 flux sample at Eden Landing for the first day of the chamber campaign
Eden Landing2024-08-14 13:03:28 1920x1440 iPhone 8 Ramon, Inbar, and Dem taking a chamber CH4 flux sample at Eden Landing for the first day of the chamber campaign
6790 20240814EL_ChamberB9.jpg
Chamber sample B9 in a very thin layer of water. The water had a lot of small/tiny bubbles clustered at the surface. The soil surface was cracked into geometric patterns. Other photos from team B's sampling locations are on box:
Eden Landing2024-08-14 13:33:34 1441x1920 iPhone 8 Chamber sample B9 in a very thin layer of water. The water had a lot of small/tiny bubbles clustered at the surface. The soil surface was cracked into geometric patterns. Other photos from team B
6791 20240814EL_ChamberCampaign.jpg
Kuno, Hannah, and Arman trekking across the wetland
Eden Landing2024-08-14 13:41:39 1920x1440 iPhone 8 Kuno, Hannah, and Arman trekking across the wetland
6776 20240814EL_UcbTeam.jpg
Hannah, Arman, Daphne, and Kuno at the end of the first day of the chamber campaign. Arman is carrying a homemade dark soil chamber.
Eden Landing2024-08-14 14:43:15 1920x1440 iPhone 8 Hannah, Arman, Daphne, and Kuno at the end of the first day of the chamber campaign. Arman is carrying a homemade dark soil chamber.
6788 20240815MB_DaphneKyleHannah.jpg
Daphne, Kyle, and Hannah sampling B1 at Mayberry for CH4 fluxes
Mayberry2024-08-15 00:00:00 1920x1440 unknown Daphne, Kyle, and Hannah sampling B1 at Mayberry for CH4 fluxes
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