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5623 bouldinalfalfa_2021_06_09_151505.jpg
Ari cleaning sensors
Bouldin Alfalfa2021-06-09 15:17:40 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Ari cleaning sensors
5545 20210609HS_RadCalKit.jpg
Radiometer calibration kit installed on Hill Slough rad boom (4-way radiometer, Apogee NDVI pair, PAR). Note high winds blowing the loose cables sideways.
Hill Slough2021-06-09 18:45:36 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) Radiometer calibration kit installed on Hill Slough rad boom (4-way radiometer, Apogee NDVI pair, PAR). Note high winds blowing the loose cables sideways.
5621 bouldinalfalfa_2021_06_12_101506.jpg
Collecting bales
Bouldin Alfalfa2021-06-12 10:17:54 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Collecting bales
5547 20210616BC_IRTsAdded.jpg
Belly high corn and new IRT sensors
Bouldin Corn2021-06-16 10:30:27 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Belly high corn and new IRT sensors
5548 20210616HS_LowTide.jpg
At low tide you can see the high tide water lines
Hill Slough2021-06-16 14:07:09 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) At low tide you can see the high tide water lines
5620 MB-stardot_2021_06_18_041612.jpg
Great blue heron
Mayberry2021-06-18 05:16:48 1296x960 unknown Great blue heron
5618 bouldinalfalfa_IR_2021_06_22_114505.jpg
Dennis taking spectral measurements
Bouldin Alfalfa2021-06-22 11:48:54 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Dennis taking spectral measurements
5616 siwetland_2021_06_22_151406.jpg
Ari cleaning sensors
Sherman Wetland2021-06-22 15:16:52 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Ari cleaning sensors
5550 20210624BC_7700Calibration.jpg
Calibrating 7700 off the tower, less wind don’t have to unload tanks.
Bouldin Corn2021-06-24 11:44:22 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Calibrating 7700 off the tower, less wind don’t have to unload tanks.
5549 20210624TZ_Thunderheads.jpg
Thunderheads over the mountains
Tonzi2021-06-24 13:08:07 1920x581 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Thunderheads over the mountains
5614 bouldinalfalfa_2021_06_25_104505.jpg
Bouldin Alfalfa2021-06-25 10:46:02 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Mowing
5612 bouldinalfalfa_2021_06_30_071506.jpg
Bouldin Alfalfa2021-06-30 07:16:22 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Raking
5610 bouldinalfalfa_2021_07_02_124505.jpg
Bouldin Alfalfa2021-07-02 12:46:32 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Bales
5555 20210706BA_Trimmed.jpg
We trimmed alfalfa underneath alfalfa tower, although at this point in the harvest cycle (11 days since harvesting) it was hard to say whether we should just wait for the next harvest. In the end, the alfalfa was pretty thick under the tower, so I decided to trim it today to avoid an even worse thicket after the next harvest.
Bouldin Alfalfa2021-07-06 17:58:33 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) We trimmed alfalfa underneath alfalfa tower, although at this point in the harvest cycle (11 days since harvesting) it was hard to say whether we should just wait for the next harvest.  In the end, the alfalfa was pretty thick under the tower, so I decided to trim it today to avoid an even worse thicket after the next harvest.
5608 HS_picam_20210707_0915.jpg
Ari and Carlos taking soil samples
Hill Slough2021-07-07 09:15:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Ari and Carlos taking soil samples
5557 20210707HS_ShortSoilCore.jpg
Carlos and Ari with a short soil core.
Hill Slough2021-07-07 12:09:29 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) Carlos and Ari with a short soil core.
5606 HS_picam_20210707_1215.jpg
Carlos, Ari, and Daphne sampling soils
Hill Slough2021-07-07 12:15:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Carlos, Ari, and Daphne sampling soils
5551 20210707HS_auger.jpg
Daphne and Carlos collecting a soil core with the narrow auger
Hill Slough2021-07-07 14:32:22 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) Daphne and Carlos collecting a soil core with the narrow auger
5556 20210707HS_CarlosAri.jpg
Carlos and Ari taking short (30cm) soil cores at Hill Slough. Carlos's shirt indicates how windy it is that day.
Hill Slough2021-07-07 16:26:18 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) Carlos and Ari taking short (30cm) soil cores at Hill Slough. Carlos
5552 20210708HS_hsm4.jpg
long core sampled with the wide open faced auger
Hill Slough2021-07-08 08:41:24 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) long core sampled with the wide open faced auger
5553 20210708HS_team.jpg
Joe, Carlos, Daphne, and Ari with long core hsm_4
Hill Slough2021-07-08 08:41:24 1440x1920 unknown Joe, Carlos, Daphne, and Ari with long core hsm_4
5559 20210709HS_SoilCoring.jpg
Dennis, Joe, Ari, and Carlos taking soil core samples before levee breach/flooding. They are in a thick patch of lamb's quarters (or similar plant).
Hill Slough2021-07-08 10:45:58 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) Dennis, Joe, Ari, and Carlos taking soil core samples before levee breach/flooding. They are in a thick patch of lamb
5554 20210708HS_hsm8.jpg
long core sampled with the narrow open faced auger
Hill Slough2021-07-08 13:23:00 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) long core sampled with the narrow open faced auger
5558 20210709HS_PrefloodSoilCoring.jpg
Joe, Ari, Daphne, and Carlos taking soil core samples before levee breach and flooding
Hill Slough2021-07-09 00:00:00 1920x1440 unknown Joe, Ari, Daphne, and Carlos taking soil core samples before levee breach and flooding
5604 bouldinalfalfa_2021_07_20_131505.jpg
Lower sonic and bouncer tower installed for advection experiment
Bouldin Alfalfa2021-07-20 13:16:38 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Lower sonic and bouncer tower installed for advection experiment
5575 20210720BA_sonic2.jpg
upper and lower sonics at the main tower in BA
Bouldin Alfalfa2021-07-20 13:53:29 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) upper and lower sonics at the main tower in BA
5560 20210720BA_BouncerHat.jpg
Marking of the bouncer tower location
Bouldin Alfalfa2021-07-20 14:05:57 1440x1920 iPhone 11 Pro Marking of the bouncer tower location
5573 20210720BA_bouncerinstallation.jpg
Carlos, Dennis, Joe and Daphne installing the bouncer tower for the
Bouldin Alfalfa2021-07-20 14:22:23 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) Carlos, Dennis, Joe and Daphne installing the bouncer tower for the
5574 20210720BA_bouncersonics.jpg
Joe and Carlos setting up the 3D sonics at the bouncer tower for the advection experiment
Bouldin Alfalfa2021-07-20 14:49:54 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) Joe and Carlos setting up the 3D sonics at the bouncer tower for the advection experiment
5576 20210720BA_datalogger.jpg
Data logger at the bouncer tower, Dennis in the background
Bouldin Alfalfa2021-07-20 14:56:57 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) Data logger at the bouncer tower, Dennis in the background
5561 20210720BA_BouncerTower.jpg
Finished deployment of the year 1 bouncer tower
Bouldin Alfalfa2021-07-20 15:11:38 1440x1920 iPhone 11 Pro Finished deployment of the year 1 bouncer tower
5564 20210721SW_Caterpillar.jpg
Caterpillar eating cattail at SW tower
Sherman Wetland2021-07-21 08:52:42 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) Caterpillar eating cattail at SW tower
5563 20210721SW_BabyCaterpillar.jpg
Small caterpillar munching on cattail
Sherman Wetland2021-07-21 08:53:29 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) Small caterpillar munching on cattail
5602 bouldinalfalfa_2021_07_21_104506.jpg
Bouldin Alfalfa2021-07-21 10:46:44 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Mowing
5562 20210721EE_RadIntercomparison.jpg
Reference radiometers (4-way, PAR, NDVI pair) set up on EE rad boom for an intercomparison
East End2021-07-21 12:54:22 1920x1441 iPhone SE (1st generation) Reference radiometers (4-way, PAR, NDVI pair) set up on EE rad boom for an intercomparison
5600 siwetland_2021_07_22_094405.jpg
Mystery people on a motorboat
Sherman Wetland2021-07-22 09:45:42 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Mystery people on a motorboat
5598 bouldinalfalfa_2021_07_26_054505.jpg
Blackbirds on field
Bouldin Alfalfa2021-07-26 05:47:02 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Blackbirds on field
5596 bouldinalfalfa_2021_07_27_074505.jpg
Bouldin Alfalfa2021-07-27 07:47:08 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Raking
5594 siwetland_2021_07_28_104405.jpg
Patty's student removing equipment during LGR decomissioning
Sherman Wetland2021-07-28 10:45:54 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Patty
5592 bouldinalfalfa_2021_07_28_104505.jpg
Baling tractor
Bouldin Alfalfa2021-07-28 10:47:14 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Baling tractor
5567 20210728BA_WheelTracks.jpg
Alfalfa knocked down just before mowing remains after mowing
Bouldin Alfalfa2021-07-28 15:05:49 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Alfalfa knocked down just before mowing remains after mowing
5565 20210729TZ_BrownLeaves.jpg
Some trees have many brown leaves most trees have some brown leaves
Tonzi2021-07-29 11:57:31 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Some trees have many brown leaves most trees have some brown leaves
5566 20210729TZ_LeavesOnTheGround.jpg
Some places a lot of fresh looking leaves on the ground
Tonzi2021-07-29 13:30:01 1920x1436 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Some places a lot of fresh looking leaves on the ground
5590 bouldinalfalfa_2021_08_02_061506.jpg
Smoke plume from Bradford Island fire
Bouldin Alfalfa2021-08-02 06:17:32 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Smoke plume from Bradford Island fire
5588 bouldincorn_2021_08_02_064505.jpg
Smoke plume from Bradford Island fire
Bouldin Corn2021-08-02 06:48:32 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Smoke plume from Bradford Island fire
5586 bouldinalfalfa_2021_08_03_051506.jpg
Tule fog?
Bouldin Alfalfa2021-08-03 05:17:34 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Tule fog?
5584 bouldinalfalfa_2021_08_03_081505.jpg
Smoke plume from Bradford Island fire, Bales on field
Bouldin Alfalfa2021-08-03 08:17:38 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Smoke plume from Bradford Island fire, Bales on field
5570 20210804HS_Staffgauge.jpg
New staff gauge probably installed by CDFW by the Hill Slough enclosure. The bottom of the staff gauge is at 4', which is our approximate elevation asl.
Hill Slough2021-08-04 07:55:04 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) New staff gauge probably installed by CDFW by the Hill Slough enclosure. The bottom of the staff gauge is at 4
5568 20210804BC_Feathers.jpg
Feathers aplenty under the Bouldin Corn tower
Bouldin Corn2021-08-04 08:53:18 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) Feathers aplenty under the Bouldin Corn tower
5582 bouldinalfalfa_2021_08_04_111716.jpg
Carlos cleaning flux sensors
Bouldin Alfalfa2021-08-04 11:19:38 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Carlos cleaning flux sensors
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