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We moved a 2x12 plank from the edge of the platform to the middle so that we had more area to secure the scaffolding foot. The feet were drilled into the platforms and the scaffolding was tied down with a chain and turnbuckle attached to an eyebolt screwed into the platform (not pictured). The holes in the platform were later covered by chain link fencing.
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We moved a 2x12 plank from the edge of the platform to the middle so that we had more area to secure the scaffolding foot. The feet were drilled into the platforms and the scaffolding was tied down with a chain and turnbuckle attached to an eyebolt screwed into the platform (not pictured). The holes in the platform were later covered by chain link fencing.

When the turnbuckle broke during the previous site visit, we created tension between the chain and the fence post using a long u-bolt and a carabiner
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When the turnbuckle broke during the previous site visit, we created tension between the chain and the fence post using a long u-bolt and a carabiner

Today we replaced our hacked-together connector with a real turnbuckle. Next time I should loosen up the bolts more before tightening it down. Now there
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Today we replaced our hacked-together connector with a real turnbuckle. Next time I should loosen up the bolts more before tightening it down. Now there's not much more tightening that can be done before it needs to be reset.

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