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 Tules Upwind
448 20101021MB_TulesUpwind.jpg (2010-10-21 10:05:29 ) Full size: 3648x2736

 Jaclyn Tules
458 20101105MB_JaclynTules.jpg (2010-11-05 10:59:52 ) Full size: 3648x2736

Jaclyn near tules
1236 MB_autocam_20110422_1115.jpg (2011-04-22 11:15:02 ) Full size: 3648x2736
Jaclyn near tules

Tule stems reflected refracted in water
1013 20110426MB_WaterTules.jpg (2011-04-26 12:12:15 ) Full size: 2560x1920
Tule stems reflected refracted in water

View of the tule patch north on the Mayberry tower
1012 20110426MB_Tules.jpg (2011-04-26 13:35:14 ) Full size: 2560x1920
View of the tule patch north on the Mayberry tower

Grass, weeds, tules
1245 20110525MB_GrassAndTules.jpg (2011-05-25 09:22:48 ) Full size: 2560x1920
Grass, weeds, tules

Tules encroaching on the tule tower
1311 20110721MB_TuleTowerZoom.jpg (2011-07-21 09:09:28 ) Full size: 2560x1920
Tules encroaching on the tule tower

Tules encroaching on the tule tower
1310 20110721MB_TuleTower.jpg (2011-07-21 09:10:23 ) Full size: 2560x1920
Tules encroaching on the tule tower

Tules engulfuing the tule tower
1309 20110721MB_TulesTakeTower.jpg (2011-07-21 09:28:15 ) Full size: 2560x1920
Tules engulfuing the tule tower

Old tule tripod tower getting engulfed by tules
1525 20110902MB_OldTowerTCWires.jpg (2011-09-02 14:12:52 ) Full size: 3648x2736
Old tule tripod tower getting engulfed by tules

Tules (left) and cattails (right)
1789 20110929MB_BrownTules1.jpg (2011-09-29 11:29:13 ) Full size: 3648x2736
Tules (left) and cattails (right)

Patch of Tules
1790 20110929MB_BrownTules2.jpg (2011-09-29 11:29:19 ) Full size: 3648x2736
Patch of Tules

Tule patch west of tule tower
1794 20110929MB_TulesKnockedDown.jpg (2011-09-29 13:15:54 ) Full size: 2736x3648
Tule patch west of tule tower

Looking bad at the eddy tower from the tule tower
1830 20111027MB_TowerFromTules.jpg (2011-10-27 13:30:26 ) Full size: 2048x1536
Looking bad at the eddy tower from the tule tower

Senescent, nearly horizontal tules
1823 20111027MB_DyingTules.jpg (2011-10-27 13:32:17 ) Full size: 2048x1536
Senescent, nearly horizontal tules

Blue sky, blue water, green algae, green cattails
2595 20120615MB_TowerFromTules.jpg (2012-06-15 10:24:11 ) Full size: 4000x3000
Blue sky, blue water, green algae, green cattails

Cattails at a steep angle from gusty winds
2779 20120726MB_TowerFromTules.jpg (2012-07-26 14:03:35 ) Full size: 4000x3000
Cattails at a steep angle from gusty winds

Green wetland on a breezy day
2895 20120906MB_TowerFromTules.jpg (2012-09-06 10:10:50 ) Full size: 1920x1440
Green wetland on a breezy day

Hawk skimming above tules
2929 WP_autocam_20120913_0645.jpg (2012-09-13 06:45:02 ) Full size: 1920x1440
Hawk skimming above tules

Someone in the tules
3478 WP_autocam_20130529_1145.jpg (2013-05-29 11:45:02 ) Full size: 1920x1440
Someone in the tules

Someone in the tules mid-frame
3463 WP_autocam_20130605_1145.jpg (2013-06-05 11:45:02 ) Full size: 1920x1440
Someone in the tules mid-frame

New tules planted near the East End Tower
3751 20140110EE_PlantedTules.jpg (2014-01-10 14:52:54 ) Full size: 1920x1440
New tules planted near the East End Tower

Someone working in tules
4560 MB_autocam_20160713_0945.jpg (2016-07-13 09:45:02 ) Full size: 1920x1440
Someone working in tules

Kyle relocating some tules closer to the tower for future isotope chamber work.
4877 20180711SW_KyleTuleRelocation.jpg (2018-07-11 13:14:54 ) Full size: 1440x1920
Kyle relocating some tules closer to the tower for future isotope chamber work.

Tules at Sherman Wetland are looking brown 2 weeks after transplanting.
4884 20180726SW_TransplantedTules.jpg (2018-07-26 15:17:28 ) Full size: 1920x1440
Tules at Sherman Wetland are looking brown 2 weeks after transplanting.

Dennis and Camilo at East End tower; tules were blown down recently after high winds.
4969 20190118EE_TuleBlowdown.jpg (2019-01-18 00:00:00 ) Full size: 1920x1440
Dennis and Camilo at East End tower; tules were blown down recently after high winds.

Green tules coming up through the thatch.
5136 WP_autocam_20190429_0815.JPG (2019-04-29 08:15:02 ) Full size: 1920x1440
Green tules coming up through the thatch.

Jiangong cutting tules at East Pond.
5052 20190613EP_Jiangong.JPG (2019-06-13 11:26:42 ) Full size: 1080x1440
Jiangong cutting tules at East Pond.

5053 20190613EP_LeafCutters.JPG (2019-06-13 11:27:16 ) Full size: 1920x1440
Robert, Kuno, and Camilo cutting tules and cattail at East pond. The skiff is under Kuno's feet, hidden by the harvested plant material.

Joe trimmed tules in front of the solar panels. Some of the tules were 3.5+cm in diameter.
5093 20190918EE_TrimmedTules.JPG (2019-09-18 14:41:28 ) Full size: 1920x1440
Joe trimmed tules in front of the solar panels. Some of the tules were 3.5+cm in diameter.

Arable installed over tules at West Pond tower
5572 20210804WP_Arable.jpg (2021-08-04 14:23:46 ) Full size: 1440x1920
Arable installed over tules at West Pond tower

Caterpillars have chewed up this patch of cattail which are now much shorter compared to the tules
5569 20210804SW_ChewedCattail.jpg (2021-08-04 17:09:58 ) Full size: 1920x1440
Caterpillars have chewed up this patch of cattail which are now much shorter compared to the tules

Two different species of tules
5862 20220526EE_DifferentTules.jpg (2022-05-27 06:47:19 ) Full size: 1920x1482
Two different species of tules

The vegetation at East End looked especially vibrant and healthy compared to West Pond and Dutch Slough
6053 20220630EE_GreenTules.jpg (2022-06-30 10:40:11 ) Full size: 1920x1440
The vegetation at East End looked especially vibrant and healthy compared to West Pond and Dutch Slough

A sprinkling of cattails and tules are coming up on either side of the boardwalk
6321 20230815HS_CattailsSprouting.jpg (2023-08-15 09:25:13 ) Full size: 1920x1440
A sprinkling of cattails and tules are coming up on either side of the boardwalk

The tules and cattails at all the wetlands seem tall and lush this year
6329 20230823EE_TallTules.jpg (2023-08-23 14:44:50 ) Full size: 1440x1920
The tules and cattails at all the wetlands seem tall and lush this year

The tules are at the same height of the radiometers.
6336 20230912WP_TulesInRadiometer.jpg (2023-09-12 13:31:34 ) Full size: 1440x1920
The tules are at the same height of the radiometers.

Substantial tules are continuing to develop along the boardwalk
6340 20230928HS_Tules.jpg (2023-09-28 09:59:43 ) Full size: 1920x1440
Substantial tules are continuing to develop along the boardwalk

Tules starting to colonize around the solar platform
6339 20230928HS_MorePlants.jpg (2023-09-28 10:01:31 ) Full size: 1920x1440
Tules starting to colonize around the solar platform

Autumn morning finding sampling locations along the tules
6360 20231130MB_FallDayInTheWater.jpg (2023-11-30 10:32:39 ) Full size: 1920x1440
Autumn morning finding sampling locations along the tules

Emergent tules
6366 20231207HS_Tules.jpg (2023-12-07 16:11:33 ) Full size: 1440x1920
Emergent tules

A lot of blowdown from the storm on February 3-4, new tules coming up through the previously trimmed cattail
6400 20240212GT_Blowdown.jpg (2024-02-12 10:47:07 ) Full size: 1920x1440
A lot of blowdown from the storm on February 3-4, new tules coming up through the previously trimmed cattail

Eastern edge of the wetland is colonizing with tules
6725 20240522HS_Tules.jpg (2024-05-22 15:50:44 ) Full size: 1920x1440
Eastern edge of the wetland is colonizing with tules

A different type of tule (Schoenoplectus californicus?) on the eastern edge of the gravel road leading up to East End tower
6729 20240603EE_Tules1.jpg (2024-06-03 12:55:42 ) Full size: 1920x1440
A different type of tule (Schoenoplectus californicus?) on the eastern edge of the gravel road leading up to East End tower

Tules (Schoenoplectus acutus?) on the western edge of the gravel road leading up to East End tower
6728 20240603EE_Tules2.jpg (2024-06-03 12:55:51 ) Full size: 1920x1440
Tules (Schoenoplectus acutus?) on the western edge of the gravel road leading up to East End tower

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