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The heavy rains have really beaten down the standing thatch
3822 20140210WP_ThatchBeatDown.jpg (2014-02-10 15:05:26 ) Full size: 1920x1440
The heavy rains have really beaten down the standing thatch

Unknown plant emerging from Sherman Wetland. Looks like pepperweed but we thought that pepperweed couldn
4646 20170315SW_unknownplant.jpg (2017-03-15 00:00:00 ) Full size: 1920x1080
Unknown plant emerging from Sherman Wetland. Looks like pepperweed but we thought that pepperweed couldn't grow in flooded conditions.

Alex installing thermocouple profile C at the East Pond site. The tule and cattail are sparse on this edge of the pond, and the open water is covered by a plant that looks like dense moss.
4858 20180417EP_waterprofC.JPG (2018-04-17 13:18:19 ) Full size: 1920x1440
Alex installing thermocouple profile C at the East Pond site. The tule and cattail are sparse on this edge of the pond, and the open water is covered by a plant that looks like dense moss.

Weeds under Sherman Barn radiometer that Dennis trimmed away.
4883 20180726SB_WeedsunderRadiometers.JPG (2018-07-26 14:56:43 ) Full size: 1920x1440
Weeds under Sherman Barn radiometer that Dennis trimmed away.

Thysanocarpus radians, a dicot, is an annual herb that is native to California, is also found outside of California, but is confined to western North America
5031 20190430TZ_FringePod-Thysanocarpus_radians_1.jpg (2019-04-30 14:00:00 ) Full size: 1920x1440
Thysanocarpus radians, a dicot, is an annual herb that is native to California, is also found outside of California, but is confined to western North America

Briza maxima, a monocot, is an annual grass that is not native to California; it was introduced from elsewhere and naturalized in the wild. Cal-IPC rating: Limited
5033 20190430TZ_RattlesnakeGRass-Briza_maxima_2.jpg (2019-04-30 14:00:00 ) Full size: 1127x1602
Briza maxima, a monocot, is an annual grass that is not native to California; it was introduced from elsewhere and naturalized in the wild. Cal-IPC rating: Limited

Thysanocarpus radians, a dicot, is an annual herb that is native to California, is also found outside of California, but is confined to western North America
5032 20190430TZ_FringePod-Thysanocarpus_radians_3.jpg (2019-04-30 14:40:03 ) Full size: 1440x1920
Thysanocarpus radians, a dicot, is an annual herb that is native to California, is also found outside of California, but is confined to western North America

We moved the tower about 2m to the west so that the legs were on the edge of the first corn row. The corn was planted about 3-4 weeks ago on 2019-05-25.
5059 20190620BC_GrowingCorn.jpg (2019-06-20 12:12:31 ) Full size: 1920x1080
We moved the tower about 2m to the west so that the legs were on the edge of the first corn row. The corn was planted about 3-4 weeks ago on 2019-05-25.

Light green and sparse alfalfa that was under hay piles for 9 days.
5098 20191002BA_SpindlyAlfalfa.JPG (2019-10-02 11:10:51 ) Full size: 1440x1920
Light green and sparse alfalfa that was under hay piles for 9 days.

Downed power line that Tyler saw at near the barn at SB.
5108 20191029SB_DownedPowerLine.jpg (2019-10-29 10:44:46 ) Full size: 1440x1920
Downed power line that Tyler saw at near the barn at SB.

Bouldin Corn tower that fell down on during a wind/rain storm on 2019-11-26.
5105 20191202BC_FallenTower.jpg (2019-12-02 00:00:00 ) Full size: 1600x1200
Bouldin Corn tower that fell down on during a wind/rain storm on 2019-11-26.

Joe taking off sensors from Bouldin Corn tower that fell down on during a wind/rain storm on 2019-11-26.
5106 20191202BC_FallenTowerJoe.JPG (2019-12-02 12:41:56 ) Full size: 1920x1440
Joe taking off sensors from Bouldin Corn tower that fell down on during a wind/rain storm on 2019-11-26.

Weeds under radiometers that were not disked. We will have to move the tower into the field after they plant.
5263 20200501BC_GrassUnderRadiometers.jpg (2020-05-01 14:53:51 ) Full size: 1920x1440
Weeds under radiometers that were not disked. We will have to move the tower into the field after they plant.

Brown, leggy insect inside FD chamber (mounted on floating boom) that was currently above water.
5278 20200602MB_SpiderFd.jpg (2020-06-02 11:19:03 ) Full size: 1920x1440
Brown, leggy insect inside FD chamber (mounted on floating boom) that was currently above water.

Box on the ground was flooded during this summer
5301 20200805BC_FloodedBox.jpg (2020-08-05 14:25:49 ) Full size: 1440x1920
Box on the ground was flooded during this summer's irrigation that had water about 10cm above the soil surface. Half of the screw terminal was underwater, but luckily the eosFD twist connections were dry. Surprisingly, the eosFD chambers seemed fine and were recording data the whole time.

eosFD chamber with long collar on floating boom. The boom level is artificially raised right now so that the water level is below the chamber membranes.
5314 20200828MB_FDLongCollar.jpg (2020-08-28 13:38:05 ) Full size: 1920x1440
eosFD chamber with long collar on floating boom. The boom level is artificially raised right now so that the water level is below the chamber membranes.

1 of 2 raccoons that climbed up the boardwalk while I was servicing the site
5447 20201216SW_Racoon.jpg (2020-12-16 08:50:08 ) Full size: 1440x1920
1 of 2 raccoons that climbed up the boardwalk while I was servicing the site

Comparing the sonic that got wet when the corn tower fell over.
5477 2020210TZ_SonicCompare.jpg (2021-02-10 10:18:10 ) Full size: 1440x1920
Comparing the sonic that got wet when the corn tower fell over.

We moved a 2x12 plank from the edge of the platform to the middle so that we had more area to secure the scaffolding foot. The feet were drilled into the platforms and the scaffolding was tied down with a chain and turnbuckle attached to an eyebolt screwed into the platform (not pictured). The holes in the platform were later covered by chain link fencing.
5504 20210311HS_ScaffoldFeet.jpg (2021-03-11 12:37:06 ) Full size: 1920x1440
We moved a 2x12 plank from the edge of the platform to the middle so that we had more area to secure the scaffolding foot. The feet were drilled into the platforms and the scaffolding was tied down with a chain and turnbuckle attached to an eyebolt screwed into the platform (not pictured). The holes in the platform were later covered by chain link fencing.

Joe and Daphne installing chain link fencing to cover holes in platform. The ends of the fencing are fixed with tension bars that are either drilled into the platform or secured with u-nails.
5502 20210311HS_Chainlink.jpg (2021-03-11 12:48:06 ) Full size: 1920x1440
Joe and Daphne installing chain link fencing to cover holes in platform. The ends of the fencing are fixed with tension bars that are either drilled into the platform or secured with u-nails.

Carlos and Ari taking short (30cm) soil cores at Hill Slough. Carlos
5556 20210707HS_CarlosAri.jpg (2021-07-07 16:26:18 ) Full size: 1920x1440
Carlos and Ari taking short (30cm) soil cores at Hill Slough. Carlos's shirt indicates how windy it is that day.

Slight smoke plume visible from the Bradford Island fire that started in the early morning of Aug 2.
5571 20210804BA_SmokePlume.jpg (2021-08-04 13:07:23 ) Full size: 1920x1440
Slight smoke plume visible from the Bradford Island fire that started in the early morning of Aug 2.

Alarmingly large spider at face height that Ari walked right smack dab into
5720 20210817BC_Spider.jpg (2021-08-17 08:49:09 ) Full size: 1440x1920
Alarmingly large spider at face height that Ari walked right smack dab into

7550 error message that kept coming up one after another. I had to use Task Manager to kill the 7550 software.
5777 20211123MB_7550Error.jpg (2021-11-23 00:00:00 ) Full size: x
7550 error message that kept coming up one after another. I had to use Task Manager to kill the 7550 software.

Ari and Carlos slicing the soil core in the lab after a long day of sampling so that they can be preserved ASAP
5773 20211123SW_SoilSlicing.jpg (2021-11-23 18:54:03 ) Full size: 1920x1440
Ari and Carlos slicing the soil core in the lab after a long day of sampling so that they can be preserved ASAP

Flood field that is slowly draining. It
5812 20220203BC_FloodedField.jpg (2022-02-03 10:50:36 ) Full size: 1920x1440
Flood field that is slowly draining. It's about ankle-deep at the tower but Tyler said it was much deeper in the middle of the field.

On the way in I saw maybe ten trees that had leaves.
5818 20220223TZ_SomeTreesHaveLeaves.jpg (2022-02-23 12:25:03 ) Full size: 1440x1920
On the way in I saw maybe ten trees that had leaves.

Bouncer Tower. Alfalfa all around the tower has been trampled by our setup process. Unfortunately this is also the alfalfa that the Rnet sees.
5845 20220425BA_Bouncer.jpg (2022-04-25 14:57:33 ) Full size: 1920x1440
Bouncer Tower. Alfalfa all around the tower has been trampled by our setup process. Unfortunately this is also the alfalfa that the Rnet sees.

New sign at the breach site. I suppose that it could possibly help prevent people from driving off the road
5856 20220512GT_NewSign.jpg (2022-05-12 09:41:46 ) Full size: 1920x1440
New sign at the breach site. I suppose that it could possibly help prevent people from driving off the road

Daphne, Ari, Joe improving the ADCP setup. We laid down three 3
6047 20220520GT_RevampAdcp.jpg (2022-05-20 13:35:59 ) Full size: 1440x1920
Daphne, Ari, Joe improving the ADCP setup. We laid down three 3'x5' concrete boards along the bottom of the channel to suppress weed growth. We also shifted the track slightly so that it was more perpendicular to the channel.

Calcareous deposits on the miniDOT, despite the copper screen that was in place.
6086 20220929HS_DepositsMD.jpg (2022-09-29 09:39:09 ) Full size: 1440x1920
Calcareous deposits on the miniDOT, despite the copper screen that was in place.

New wire nuts (and silicone dieletric "goop") for the power cable to connect the piece that comes from the tower and the piece that comes from underground.
6310 20230615WP_WireNuts.jpg (2023-06-15 13:25:33 ) Full size: 1440x1920
New wire nuts (and silicone dieletric "goop") for the power cable to connect the piece that comes from the tower and the piece that comes from underground.

Scrunched in turtle crossing the road that runs under Antioch Bridge. Maybe a red-eared slider.
6313 20230615MB_Turtle.jpg (2023-06-15 15:28:39 ) Full size: 1920x1440
Scrunched in turtle crossing the road that runs under Antioch Bridge. Maybe a red-eared slider.

Scrunched in turtle crossing the road that runs under Antioch Bridge. Maybe a red-eared slider.
6314 20230615MB_TurtleShell.jpg (2023-06-15 15:29:48 ) Full size: 1920x1440
Scrunched in turtle crossing the road that runs under Antioch Bridge. Maybe a red-eared slider.

Bright green frog that was on Mel
6344 20231011GT_Frog.jpg (2023-10-11 10:17:58 ) Full size: 1440x1920
Bright green frog that was on Mel's shirt and jumped off into the cattails. Some sort of tree frog?

Puddles in the road that I don’t think we’re there last time
6355 20231113TZ_RoadPuddles.jpg (2023-11-13 13:47:05 ) Full size: 1440x1920
Puddles in the road that I don’t think we’re there last time

Roe that has accumulated in the past week on the EXO sensors
6389 20240118HS_Roe.jpg (2024-01-18 17:04:17 ) Full size: 1440x1920
Roe that has accumulated in the past week on the EXO sensors

Bright yellow fungus that seems to be related to more mundane tree mushrooms
6393 20240125TZ_CoolMushrooms.jpg (2024-01-25 14:35:20 ) Full size: 1440x1920
Bright yellow fungus that seems to be related to more mundane tree mushrooms

Today we replaced our hacked-together connector with a real turnbuckle. Next time I should loosen up the bolts more before tightening it down. Now there
6403 20240212GT_Turnbuckle.jpg (2024-02-12 10:46:18 ) Full size: 1440x1920
Today we replaced our hacked-together connector with a real turnbuckle. Next time I should loosen up the bolts more before tightening it down. Now there's not much more tightening that can be done before it needs to be reset.

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