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Bare spot near eddy tower
345 20100408SI_PepperWeedNearTower.jpg (2010-04-08 12:50:12 ) Full size: 2048x1536
Bare spot near eddy tower

Moving the portable tower to a spot just northwest of the center of the wet land.
2548 20120517MB_MovingPTower.jpg (2012-05-17 09:51:10 ) Full size: 4000x3000
Moving the portable tower to a spot just northwest of the center of the wet land.

 U S C Spot Mast
2856 20120822VR_USCSpotMast.jpg (2012-08-22 11:41:39 ) Full size: 1920x1440

 Sara Dennis The Spot
3925 20140521TW_SaraDennisTheSpot.jpg (2014-05-21 13:46:51 ) Full size: 1920x1440

Two IRT sensors installed, one pointing at the top of a small tree and one pointing at the ground at a spot cleared of vegetation
4228 20150506TZ_IRTSensors.jpg (2015-05-06 13:31:13 ) Full size: 1217x1497
Two IRT sensors installed, one pointing at the top of a small tree and one pointing at the ground at a spot cleared of vegetation

Boardwalk installed to do chamber work for Camilo´s hotspot experiment
5525 20210408SW_BoardwalkatHotSpot.jpg (2021-04-08 00:00:00 ) Full size: 640x480
Boardwalk installed to do chamber work for Camilo´s hotspot experiment

Methane hot spot sampling
5626 siwetland_2021_04_15_101405.jpg (2021-04-15 10:15:48 ) Full size: 1296x960
Methane hot spot sampling

Lots of flowers and dry looking spots for this time of year.
5829 20220324VR_FlowersDrySpots.jpg (2022-03-24 12:16:11 ) Full size: 1920x1440
Lots of flowers and dry looking spots for this time of year.

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