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The Mayberry scaffolding was leaning at about a 45 degree angle to the south, probably blown by the winds on 2014-12-30. Narrowly saved by one of the cross braces caught on one of the boardwalk posts
4144 20150105MB_TowerBlownOver.jpg (2015-01-05 14:27:57 ) Full size: 1920x1440
The Mayberry scaffolding was leaning at about a 45 degree angle to the south, probably blown by the winds on 2014-12-30. Narrowly saved by one of the cross braces caught on one of the boardwalk posts

One of the cross braces on the south side of the tower had caught and bent against one of the boardwalk posts keeping the tower from falling further.
4143 20150105MB_SavedByCrossbar.jpg (2015-01-05 14:28:39 ) Full size: 1920x1440
One of the cross braces on the south side of the tower had caught and bent against one of the boardwalk posts keeping the tower from falling further.

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