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Safflower bales around our spit to protect from erosion
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Safflower bales around our spit to protect from erosion

Safflower bales around our spit to protect from erosion
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Safflower bales around our spit to protect from erosion

Farmers have set up a wire fence around our tower to protect it from imminent sheep.
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Farmers have set up a wire fence around our tower to protect it from imminent sheep.

Power cable has now been threaded through conduit to protect it from the willow growing and trapping it.
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Power cable has now been threaded through conduit to protect it from the willow growing and trapping it.

Using a well pipe to temporarily protect the ADCP cable because it
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Using a well pipe to temporarily protect the ADCP cable because it's been cut twice in the last month. We will put it in metal conduit next time.

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