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2535 20120510MB_SaraPortableTower.jpg
Sara by the new mobile/portable tower
Mayberry2012-05-10 09:41:13 2048x1536 DMC-FS15 Sara by the new mobile/portable tower
2536 20120510MB_SettingUpPTower1.jpg
Sara and Dennis setting up the portable tower
Mayberry2012-05-10 10:28:08 2048x1536 DMC-FS15 Sara and Dennis setting up the portable tower
2537 20120510MB_SettingUpPTower2.jpg
Sara and Dennis setting up the portable tower
Mayberry2012-05-10 10:28:24 2048x1536 DMC-FS15 Sara and Dennis setting up the portable tower
2538 20120510MB_SettingUpPTower3.jpg
Sara and Dennis setting up the portable tower
Mayberry2012-05-10 10:28:44 2048x1536 DMC-FS15 Sara and Dennis setting up the portable tower
2534 20120510MB_PTowerTop.jpg
Eddy sensors on top of the mobile/portable tower
Mayberry2012-05-10 11:24:34 2048x1536 DMC-FS15 Eddy sensors on top of the mobile/portable tower
2532 20120510MB_JHandDBatPTower.jpg
Jaclyn and Dennis in front of the new mobile/portable tower
Mayberry2012-05-10 11:24:55 1536x2048 DMC-FS15 Jaclyn and Dennis in front of the new mobile/portable tower
2533 20120510MB_JHandSKatPTower.jpg
Jaclyn and Sara in front of the new mobile/portable tower
Mayberry2012-05-10 11:25:18 2048x1536 DMC-FS15 Jaclyn and Sara in front of the new mobile/portable tower
2549 20120517MB_PTowerLoc1Compass.jpg
Sonic heading at the portable tower location #1
Mayberry2012-05-17 09:27:17 4000x3000 COOLPIX S9100 Sonic heading at the portable tower location #1
2548 20120517MB_MovingPTower.jpg
Moving the portable tower to a spot just northwest of the center of the wet land.
Mayberry2012-05-17 09:51:10 4000x3000 COOLPIX S9100 Moving the portable tower to a spot just northwest of the center of the wet land.
2550 20120517MB_PTowerLoc2Compass.jpg
Sonic heading at the portable tower location #2
Mayberry2012-05-17 10:16:54 4000x3000 COOLPIX S9100 Sonic heading at the portable tower location #2
2551 20120517MB_PTowerLoc2Footprint.jpg
Footprint at the portable tower location #2
Mayberry2012-05-17 10:17:28 4000x3000 COOLPIX S9100 Footprint at the portable tower location #2
2552 20120517MB_PTowerLoc2Tower.jpg
Portable tower location #2
Mayberry2012-05-17 10:18:55 4000x3000 COOLPIX S9100 Portable tower location #2
2566 20120525MB_PTSite2Approach.jpg
Grassy levee road approaching the portable tower location #2
Mayberry2012-05-25 10:04:43 4000x3000 COOLPIX S9100 Grassy levee road approaching the portable tower location #2
2585 20120607MB_PTSite2SonicHeading.jpg
Sonic heading at the portable tower location #2
Mayberry2012-06-07 10:19:31 4000x3000 COOLPIX S9100 Sonic heading at the portable tower location #2
2738 20120629MP_SonicHeading.jpg
Sonic heading of portable tower
Mayberry2012-06-29 10:58:17 4000x3000 COOLPIX S9100 Sonic heading of portable tower
2783 20120719MP_SonicHeading.jpg
Sonic heading at portable tower
Mayberry2012-07-19 11:03:49 4000x3000 Sonic heading at portable tower
2937 20120927MB_PortableSonicHeading.jpg
Heading of the protable tower sonic
Mayberry2012-09-27 11:00:24 1920x1440 COOLPIX S9100 Heading of the protable tower sonic
2938 20120927MB_PrayingMantis.jpg
Praying mantis near portable tower location 2
Mayberry2012-09-27 11:24:16 1920x1440 COOLPIX S9100 Praying mantis near portable tower location 2
2981 MB_FroggyInMBPortableTowerBox.JPG
Frog friend
Mayberry2012-10-11 09:24:27 1296x968 iPhone 4 Frog friend
3910 20140428MB_JoeOnPTtruck_small.JPG
Setting up the portable tower on the back of Dennis's truck
Mayberry2014-04-28 12:38:19 1296x968 Setting up the portable tower on the back of Dennis
3911 20140428MB_NW2014_view270N_small.JPG
View from portable tower
Mayberry2014-04-28 12:39:51 1296x968 View from portable tower
3907 20140428MB_PTowerSettingUp2.jpg
Setting up the portable tower on the back of Dennis's truck
Mayberry2014-04-28 12:48:00 1920x1440 Setting up the portable tower on the back of Dennis
3908 20140428MB_PTowerSettingUp1.jpg
Setting up the portable tower on the back of Dennis's truck
Mayberry2014-04-28 12:48:00 1080x1440 Setting up the portable tower on the back of Dennis
3909 20140428MB_PTowerFootprint.jpg
Footprint of portable tower
Mayberry2014-04-28 12:48:00 1080x1440 Footprint of portable tower
3915 20140513MP_vegSite.jpg
Portable tower veg site
Mayberry2014-05-13 14:31:57 1920x1440 COOLPIX S9100 Portable tower veg site
3914 20140513MP_vegHeading.jpg
Portable tower veg site sonic heading
Mayberry2014-05-13 14:37:39 1920x1440 COOLPIX S9100 Portable tower veg site sonic heading
3918 20140513MP_veg3_W.jpg
Foot print at portable tower veg site
Mayberry2014-05-13 14:41:45 1920x1440 COOLPIX S9100 Foot print at portable tower veg site
3933 20140530MB_HighVeg2.JPG
Portable tower set up at new high veg site
Mayberry2014-05-29 12:13:35 640x478 iPhone 4 Portable tower set up at new high veg site
3994 20140910MB_LowVeg.jpg
Low Veg site measured by the portable tower
Mayberry2014-09-10 14:52:37 1920x1440 COOLPIX S9100 Low Veg site measured by the portable tower
4272 20150706TW_PortableTower.jpg
Twitchell Rice2015-07-06 12:21:29 1920x1440 COOLPIX S9100  Portable Tower
4868 20180601TZ_GarterSnake.jpg
Garter snake rescued from the portable toilet
Tonzi2018-06-01 10:24:19 1440x1920 iPhone SE Garter snake rescued from the portable toilet
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