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1305 20110721MB_BugsIn7700Path.jpg
Bugs caught in a spiderweb in the 7700 path
Mayberry2011-07-21 08:37:01 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 Bugs caught in a spiderweb in the 7700 path
2591 20120615MB_CattailPath.jpg
A path among the cattails
Mayberry2012-06-15 10:27:49 4000x3000 COOLPIX S9100 A path among the cattails
3513 SI_autocam_20130620_1445.jpg
Bird in sonic path
Sherman Island2013-06-20 14:45:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A480 Bird in sonic path
3583 DC_autocam_20130810_0715.jpg
Bird in sonic path
DWR Corn2013-08-10 07:15:03 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Bird in sonic path
3620 DC_autocam_20130820_0745.jpg
Bird in sonic path
DWR Corn2013-08-20 07:45:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Bird in sonic path
3698 SI_autocam_20131008_0645.jpg
Bird in sonic path
Sherman Island2013-10-08 06:45:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A480 Bird in sonic path
3696 DC_autocam_20131027_0715.jpg
Bird in the sonic path
DWR Corn2013-10-27 07:15:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Bird in the sonic path
3922 20140521MP_7700SpiderWeb.jpg
Spider webs in 7700 path
Mayberry2014-05-21 09:56:14 1920x1440 Spider webs in 7700 path
4999 siwetland_2018_11_01_124405.jpg
Bird in 7700 path
Sherman Wetland2018-11-01 13:51:58 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Bird in 7700 path
5640 bouldinalfalfa_2021_04_01_164505.jpg
Small bird in sonic path and on bird spikes
Bouldin Alfalfa2021-04-01 16:45:58 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Small bird in sonic path and on bird spikes
5718 20210811TZ_AntSuperHighway.jpg
There’s a cleared path about 10cm wide running between two ant mounds.
Tonzi2021-08-11 13:17:01 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) There’s a cleared path about 10cm wide running between two ant mounds.
5881 bouldinalfalfa_2021_08_21_114506.jpg
Starling in sonic path
Bouldin Alfalfa2021-08-21 11:47:42 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Starling in sonic path
6115 bouldinalfalfa_2022_07_08_161505.jpg
Starlings everywhere, including in the main sonic path
Bouldin Alfalfa2022-07-08 16:18:18 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Starlings everywhere, including in the main sonic path
6118 bouldinalfalfa_2022_08_05_144505.jpg
More starlings, including blocking the lower adex sonic path
Bouldin Alfalfa2022-08-05 15:46:28 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC More starlings, including blocking the lower adex sonic path
6272 20230313BA_LicorET.jpg
Licor set up a prototype ET sensor for testing along our regular flux sensors. Their prototype is a 1-D sonic + closed path H2O sensor which produces 30-min ET values.
Bouldin Alfalfa2023-03-13 13:23:52 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) Licor set up a prototype ET sensor for testing along our regular flux sensors. Their prototype is a 1-D sonic + closed path H2O sensor which produces 30-min ET values.
6693 WP_picam_20230912_1015.jpg
Tule in 7700 path
West Pond2023-09-12 10:15:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Tule in 7700 path
6335 20230912WP_TuleInPath.jpg
A tile has grown into the 7700 path.
West Pond2023-09-12 13:30:30 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) A tile has grown into the 7700 path.
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