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ID | Name | Location | Date | Size | Camera | Thumb |
1607 | 20081003TW_BermForTower.jpg Consturction of a berm for the tower site jutting into the field from the east. |
Twitchell Rice | 2008-10-23 13:49:51 | 2048x1536 | Canon PowerShot S1 IS | |
1661 | 20090715TW_NewTowerLocation2.jpg View upwind into the rice field from the proposed location for the eddy tower |
Twitchell Rice | 2009-07-15 14:09:59 | 2048x1536 | Canon PowerShot S1 IS | |
296 | SI_webcam_20102221845.jpg Sun setting into clouds. |
Sherman Island | 2010-08-10 18:45:06 | 640x480 | D-Link DCS-900 | |
527 | 20101209MB_NewSolarPanels.jpg Solar panels, eddy tower and camera post on berm into to wetland |
Mayberry | 2010-12-09 15:01:51 | 2560x1920 | DMC-TZ1 | |
1205 | TW_plantcam_20110519_1430.jpg Some animal (probably an otter) running into the field |
Twitchell Rice | 2011-05-19 14:30:00 | 2560x1920 | COACH | |
3813 | 20140123EE_NewBoardwalk.jpg The new boardwalks have been built. 4x4 post driven into the ground with 2x12 planking for a deck and a 2x4 railing |
East End | 2014-01-23 14:13:32 | 1920x1440 | COOLPIX S9100 | |
4096 | 20141016TW_TowerInstall1.jpg Eddy tower moved back into the harvested and chopped rice field |
Twitchell Rice | 2014-10-16 10:57:00 | 1920x1440 | COOLPIX S9100 | |
4097 | 20141016TW_TowerInstall2.jpg Eddy tower moved back into the harvested and chopped rice field |
Twitchell Rice | 2014-10-16 10:57:49 | 1920x1440 | COOLPIX S9100 | |
4509 | TW_autocam_20160606_1145.jpg Moving tower back into the field |
Twitchell Rice | 2016-06-06 11:45:01 | 1920x1440 | Canon PowerShot N | |
4598 | 20161108TW_Heading.jpg Sonic heading at Twitchell Rice site after moving the tower back into the field (disking is complete) |
Twitchell Rice | 2016-11-08 10:27:22 | 1440x1920 | iPhone 6 | |
4608 | 20161108TW_Tower.jpg Tower moved back into field after disking is complete |
Twitchell Rice | 2016-11-08 10:50:06 | 1920x1440 | iPhone SE | |
4857 | 20180417EP_towersetup.JPG Joe installing the radiation boom on the new EP tower. The tule are tall by the edges of the levee road, but the vegetation are much sparser as you move 1-2 m into the water. |
East Pond | 2018-04-17 13:14:43 | 1080x1440 | iPhone 5s | |
5046 | 20190605BC_WeedsTower.JPG Weeds under BC tower radiometers; we need to move the tower closer into the field. |
Bouldin Corn | 2019-06-04 13:21:23 | 1080x1440 | iPhone SE | |
5084 | 20190819BA_HayWheelRake.jpg Hay rake parked at Bouldin Alfalfa and ready to flip/turn the mown hay into a more narrow windrow. |
Bouldin Alfalfa | 2019-08-19 10:55:19 | 1920x1080 | SM-G530P | |
5263 | 20200501BC_GrassUnderRadiometers.jpg Weeds under radiometers that were not disked. We will have to move the tower into the field after they plant. |
Bouldin Corn | 2020-05-01 14:53:51 | 1920x1440 | iPhone SE | |
5473 | 20210129BC_TowerDown1.jpg The tower fell into the flooded field probably some time on the 27th - the power was out so the exact time is still uncertain. |
Bouldin Corn | 2021-01-29 11:58:59 | 1920x1440 | iPhone SE (1st generation) | |
5504 | 20210311HS_ScaffoldFeet.jpg We moved a 2x12 plank from the edge of the platform to the middle so that we had more area to secure the scaffolding foot. The feet were drilled into the platforms and the scaffolding was tied down with a chain and turnbuckle attached to an eyebolt screwed into the platform (not pictured). The holes in the platform were later covered by chain link fencing. |
Hill Slough | 2021-03-11 12:37:06 | 1920x1440 | iPhone SE (2nd generation) | |
5502 | 20210311HS_Chainlink.jpg Joe and Daphne installing chain link fencing to cover holes in platform. The ends of the fencing are fixed with tension bars that are either drilled into the platform or secured with u-nails. |
Hill Slough | 2021-03-11 12:48:06 | 1920x1440 | iPhone SE (2nd generation) | |
5720 | 20210817BC_Spider.jpg Alarmingly large spider at face height that Ari walked right smack dab into |
Bouldin Corn | 2021-08-17 08:49:09 | 1440x1920 | iPhone SE (1st generation) | |
5725 | 20210902SW_TruckOnePacked.jpg Decommissioning of the site - everything packed into two trucks |
Sherman Wetland | 2021-09-02 14:20:53 | 1920x1440 | iPhone SE (2nd generation) | |
5726 | 20210903SW_TruckTwoPacked.jpg Decommissioning of the site - everything packed into two trucks |
Sherman Wetland | 2021-09-02 14:21:39 | 1920x1440 | iPhone SE (2nd generation) | |
5822 | 20220301MB_RadBoom.jpg We had to ziptie the radiometer boom back in place because the bolt on the end was not biting into the threads below anymore. |
Mayberry | 2022-03-01 12:31:46 | 1440x1920 | iPhone SE (1st generation) | |
5832 | 20220323GT_JoeDennis_ed.jpg Dennis and Joe throwing things into the water |
Gilbert Tract | 2022-03-23 10:13:26 | 1920x1103 | iPhone 13 Pro | |
6097 | 20221018BC_Arable.jpg Corn has been harvested. Arable is still on the edge on the field for now. We plan to move it back into the field after they finish disking or other tractor work. |
Bouldin Corn | 2022-10-18 14:17:01 | 1440x1920 | iPhone SE (1st generation) | |
6256 | 20221108GT_Boat.jpg Boat started to capsize as people were stepping in, dumping Koong and Robert into the water |
Gilbert Tract | 2022-11-08 14:24:19 | 1920x1440 | iPhone 6s | |
6238 | 20221206TZ_FlashFlood.jpg Thunderstorm turned the road into a stream and pond |
Tonzi | 2022-12-06 14:21:06 | 1440x1920 | iPhone SE (2nd generation) | |
6271 | 20230302GT_TeabagAfter.jpg Sole retrieved teabag from the batch installed in May 2022. This was attached to a white PVC pole on the north side of the boardwalk, about 3m from the shore. Multiple roots were growing into the teabag. |
Gilbert Tract | 2023-03-02 17:34:39 | 1440x1920 | iPhone SE (1st generation) | |
6334 | 20230906MB_KyleSyringe.jpg Kyle injecting methane gas samples into a sample bottle |
Mayberry | 2023-09-06 12:18:43 | 1440x1920 | iPhone 8 | |
6333 | 20230906MB_KyleCattails.jpg Kyle injecting methane gas samples into a sample bottle |
Mayberry | 2023-09-06 12:27:24 | 1440x1920 | iPhone 8 | |
6335 | 20230912WP_TuleInPath.jpg A tile has grown into the 7700 path. |
West Pond | 2023-09-12 13:30:30 | 1440x1920 | iPhone SE (2nd generation) | |
6344 | 20231011GT_Frog.jpg Bright green frog that was on Mel's shirt and jumped off into the cattails. Some sort of tree frog? |
Gilbert Tract | 2023-10-11 10:17:58 | 1440x1920 | iPhone 8 | |
6724 | 20240522BC_TowerMoved.jpg Moved the scaffolding about 2m to the west, farther into the field and closer to the corn. The SE fence post is a little far from the scaffolding. We moved Charlotte's white enclosure from the scaffolding to a new fence post. |
Bouldin Corn | 2024-05-22 13:20:58 | 1440x1920 | iPhone 8 | |
6731 | 20240603GT_CattailPollen.jpg Cattail male flower full of fluffy pollen. The female flower below is the one that develops into the familiar brown hot dog (catkin). |
Gilbert Tract | 2024-06-03 10:34:12 | 1440x1920 | iPhone 8 | |
6742 | 20240612HS_IntoTheMarsh.jpg Daphne, Irene and Arman march into the swamp on the northern edge of Hill Slough in search of mud. |
Hill Slough | 2024-06-12 11:10:34 | 1920x1440 | iPhone SE (2nd generation) | |
6735 | 20240612HS_Hsm1Hammer.jpg Arman and Irene sampling a core at HSM_1. Step one is to hammer the 30cm acrylic tube into the soil. |
Hill Slough | 2024-06-12 12:53:32 | 1440x1920 | iPhone 8 | |
6757 | 20240625HS_Upland.jpg Irene and Robert walking into the upland section at the north end of Hill Slough marsh. We are trying to relocate HSM_9 to take its GPS point. |
Hill Slough | 2024-06-25 14:28:56 | 1920x1440 | iPhone 14 Pro | |
6756 | 20240625HS_Trekking.jpg Robert and Irene trekking into the wetland. We are trying to relocate HSM_8 to take its GPS point. Either we did not find the exact point, or we could not find the tall, thin, green garden stake we used to mark the location. So the garden stake is still in there somewhere. |
Hill Slough | 2024-06-25 14:47:47 | 1920x1440 | iPhone 14 Pro | |
6790 | 20240814EL_ChamberB9.jpg Chamber sample B9 in a very thin layer of water. The water had a lot of small/tiny bubbles clustered at the surface. The soil surface was cracked into geometric patterns. Other photos from team B's sampling locations are on box: |
Eden Landing | 2024-08-14 13:33:34 | 1441x1920 | iPhone 8 | |
6811 | 20240926GT_BatteryStrapTop.jpg New batteries strapped into battery box |
Gilbert Tract | 2024-09-26 10:57:03 | 1440x1920 | iPhone SE (2nd generation) | |
6827 | 20241024BA_TowerMoved.jpg After wheat was planted, tower was moved a few meters into the field and rotated so that the radiometers point south. |
Bouldin Alfalfa | 2024-10-24 15:52:16 | 1920x1440 | iPhone 8 |