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Crow on tower cross arm
2904 MB_autocam_20120818_0645.jpg (2012-08-18 06:45:02 ) Full size: 1920x1440
Crow on tower cross arm

Swallow on the LI710 arm
6429 bouldinalfalfa_2023_06_08_144506.jpg (2023-06-08 22:47:00 ) Full size: 1296x960
Swallow on the LI710 arm

Arman carrying a Licor analyzer in my backpack and carrying a homemade dark chamber during Kuno
6369 20231207GT_ArmanChamber.jpg (2023-12-07 09:53:48 ) Full size: 1440x1920
Arman carrying a Licor analyzer in my backpack and carrying a homemade dark chamber during Kuno's chamber/soil sampling campaign

Arman using the telescoping scrubber to clean the staff gauge by the Hill Slough channel
6388 20240118HS_Arman.jpg (2024-01-18 17:13:45 ) Full size: 1920x1440
Arman using the telescoping scrubber to clean the staff gauge by the Hill Slough channel

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