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Box on the ground was flooded during this summer
5301 20200805BC_FloodedBox.jpg (2020-08-05 14:25:49 ) Full size: 1440x1920
Box on the ground was flooded during this summer's irrigation that had water about 10cm above the soil surface. Half of the screw terminal was underwater, but luckily the eosFD twist connections were dry. Surprisingly, the eosFD chambers seemed fine and were recording data the whole time.

Corn field was heavily irrigated, water came up to about 10cm above the soil surface as observed from the high water line on the FD chamber
5300 20200805BC_FloodedFdChamber.jpg (2020-08-05 15:30:56 ) Full size: 1440x1920
Corn field was heavily irrigated, water came up to about 10cm above the soil surface as observed from the high water line on the FD chamber

The field has been planted and sprouts are 10cm tall
5537 20210513BC_FieldPlanted.jpg (2021-05-13 11:27:13 ) Full size: 1920x1440
The field has been planted and sprouts are 10cm tall

There’s a cleared path about 10cm wide running between two ant mounds.
5718 20210811TZ_AntSuperHighway.jpg (2021-08-11 13:17:01 ) Full size: 1440x1920
There’s a cleared path about 10cm wide running between two ant mounds.

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