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5056 20190620WP_DrillPad.jpg
A new drill pad is being built on the alfalfa field where our site Twitchell Alfalfa was. This is the view from the West Pond tower.
West Pond2019-06-20 00:00:00 1920x1440 unknown A new drill pad is being built on the alfalfa field where our site Twitchell Alfalfa was. This is the view from the West Pond tower.
5057 20190620WP_DrillPadOnAlfalfa.jpg
A new drill pad getting built on the alfalfa field where our site Twitchell Alfalfa was.
West Pond2019-06-20 00:00:00 1920x1440 unknown A new drill pad getting built on the alfalfa field where our site Twitchell Alfalfa was.
5142 WP_autocam_20190821_1915.JPG
Nice sunset
West Pond2019-08-21 19:15:04 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Nice sunset
5144 WP_autocam_20190823_1915.JPG
Nice sunset
West Pond2019-08-23 19:15:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Nice sunset
5146 WP_autocam_20190831_1845.JPG
Nice sunset
West Pond2019-08-31 18:45:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Nice sunset
5088 20190904WP_SoilLoss.jpg
Multiple dust devils spawning on field being plowed
West Pond2019-09-04 00:00:00 1920x1235 iPhone SE Multiple dust devils spawning on field being plowed
5327 20190910WP_AlexWorkingHard.jpg
Alex working hard while the group is taking soil cores
West Pond2019-09-10 00:00:00 1920x1440 unknown Alex working hard while the group is taking soil cores
5090 20190910WP_SoilCoreFun.jpg
Ariane, Camilo and Alex taking soil cores
West Pond2019-09-10 10:35:00 1440x1920 iPhone SE Ariane, Camilo and Alex taking soil cores
5148 WP_autocam_20190915_1745.JPG
Interesting clouds
West Pond2019-09-15 17:45:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Interesting clouds
5150 WP_autocam_20190916_1815.JPG
Nice sunset
West Pond2019-09-16 18:15:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Nice sunset
5203 20200403WP_Tower.jpg
WP tower ok after a month.
West Pond2020-04-03 13:24:24 1920x1440 iPhone SE WP tower ok after a month.
5260 WP_autocam_20200405_1815.jpg
Nice sunset
West Pond2020-04-05 18:15:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Nice sunset
5437 WP_autocam_20200508_1845.jpg
Nice sunset
West Pond2020-05-08 18:45:03 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Nice sunset
5438 WP_autocam_20200513_1845.jpg
Nice clouds at sunset
West Pond2020-05-13 18:45:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Nice clouds at sunset
5267 20200519WP_Upper25cm.jpg
Upper 25 cm of uncompacted soil core collected at WP
West Pond2020-05-19 00:00:00 1920x1440 iPhone SE Upper 25 cm of uncompacted soil core collected at WP
5439 WP_autocam_20200819_1745.jpg
Reddish sun shining through wildfire smoke
West Pond2020-08-19 17:45:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Reddish sun shining through wildfire smoke
5305 20200821WP_Spider.jpg
Western spotted orbweaver spider by the WP boardwalk. This spider was identified by an app in less than 1 second.
West Pond2020-08-21 11:44:34 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) Western spotted orbweaver spider by the WP boardwalk. This spider was identified by an app in less than 1 second.
5440 WP_autocam_20200908_1715.jpg
Reddish sun shining through wildfire smoke
West Pond2020-09-08 17:15:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Reddish sun shining through wildfire smoke
5441 WP_autocam_20200909_0815.jpg
Hazy sky from wildfire smoke
West Pond2020-09-09 08:15:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Hazy sky from wildfire smoke
5467 20201119WP_NewPowerStrip.jpg
New 12V power strip for the WP datalogger enclosure with 14! pluggable terminals.
West Pond2020-11-19 12:39:54 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) New 12V power strip for the WP datalogger enclosure with 14! pluggable terminals.
5466 20201119WP_DataloggerEnclosure.jpg
New 12V (green) and 24V (orange) pluggable power trips for the WP datalogger enclosure.
West Pond2020-11-19 12:40:01 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) New 12V (green) and 24V (orange) pluggable power trips for the WP datalogger enclosure.
5442 WP_autocam_20201125_1615.jpg
Bird on HMP shield
West Pond2020-11-25 16:15:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Bird on HMP shield
5460 20201203WP_Daphne.jpg
Daphne adjusting datalogger wiring
West Pond2020-12-03 12:08:02 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Daphne adjusting datalogger wiring
5337 20201203WP_TempIntercomparison.jpg
HMP155, METER Atmos14, and HMP60 intercomparison at WP
West Pond2020-12-03 12:23:17 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) HMP155, METER Atmos14, and HMP60 intercomparison at WP
5451 20201213WP_Tower.jpg
Daphne and Camilo on site
West Pond2020-12-03 12:26:16 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Daphne and Camilo on site
5712 WP_autocam_20201210_1615.jpg
Red-tailed hawk
West Pond2020-12-10 16:15:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Red-tailed hawk
5685 WP_autocam_20210113_1645.jpg
Black phoebe on one of the three solar shields set up during an HMP intercomparison
West Pond2021-01-13 16:45:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Black phoebe on one of the three solar shields set up during an HMP intercomparison
5655 WP_autocam_20210310_1645.jpg
Stormy sky
West Pond2021-03-10 16:45:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Stormy sky
5647 WP_autocam_20210330_0845.jpg
Back of hawk
West Pond2021-03-30 08:45:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Back of hawk
5642 WP_autocam_20210330_1245.jpg
Back of hawk
West Pond2021-03-30 12:45:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Back of hawk
5585 WP_autocam_20210509_1115.jpg
Mourning dove
West Pond2021-05-09 11:15:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Mourning dove
5631 WP_autocam_20210522_1215.jpg
Mourning dove
West Pond2021-05-22 12:15:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Mourning dove
5572 20210804WP_Arable.jpg
Arable installed over tules at West Pond tower
West Pond2021-08-04 14:23:46 1440x1920 iPhone 11 Pro Arable installed over tules at West Pond tower
6201 WP_autocam_20210806_1715.jpg
Red sun and hazy skies from wildfire smoke
West Pond2021-08-06 17:15:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Red sun and hazy skies from wildfire smoke
6202 WP_autocam_20210810_1915.jpg
Crescent moon at sunset
West Pond2021-08-10 19:15:03 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Crescent moon at sunset
6203 WP_autocam_20210830_1915.jpg
Intense sunset colors
West Pond2021-08-30 19:15:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Intense sunset colors
6204 WP_autocam_20211007_1745.jpg
Pretty colors at sunset
West Pond2021-10-07 17:45:01 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Pretty colors at sunset
6205 WP_autocam_20211105_1415.jpg
Hawk doing blue steel
West Pond2021-11-05 14:15:01 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Hawk doing blue steel
5782 20211130WP_BirdWing.jpg
Fresh bird wing in the reeds by the tower, probably dropped from the rad boom.
West Pond2021-11-30 15:25:38 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) Fresh bird wing in the reeds by the tower, probably dropped from the rad boom.
6206 WP_autocam_20211209_0745.jpg
Racoon? tail
West Pond2021-12-09 07:45:01 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Racoon? tail
6207 WP_autocam_20220114_0715.jpg
Tule fog at dawn
West Pond2022-01-14 07:15:01 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Tule fog at dawn
6208 WP_autocam_20220116_1645.jpg
Bird of prey perched at top of tree
West Pond2022-01-16 16:45:01 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Bird of prey perched at top of tree
6209 WP_autocam_20220222_1815.jpg
Cool clouds at dusk
West Pond2022-02-22 18:15:01 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Cool clouds at dusk
6210 WP_autocam_20220225_0945.jpg
Hawk on HMP solar shield
West Pond2022-02-25 09:45:01 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Hawk on HMP solar shield
5838 20220420WP_Bridge.jpg
Joe's bridge over high waters
West Pond2022-04-20 12:11:10 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) Joe
5858 20220512WP_Duckweed.jpg
Duckweed has colonized the open water in front of the WP tower
West Pond2022-05-12 14:13:49 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) Duckweed has colonized the open water in front of the WP tower
5859 20220512WP_Nest.jpg
Bird's nest underneath the WP upper boardwalk
West Pond2022-05-12 15:07:31 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) Bird
6055 20220630WP_Tower.jpg
Higher water level, happy green plants
West Pond2022-06-30 09:12:02 1440x1920 moto g power Higher water level, happy green plants
6211 WP_autocam_20220916_1015.jpg
Mourning dove on boom
West Pond2022-09-16 10:15:01 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Mourning dove on boom
6212 WP_autocam_20220916_1115.jpg
Mourning dove on boom
West Pond2022-09-16 11:15:01 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Mourning dove on boom
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