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876 20110330VR_TreeToSE.jpg
New leaves on oak trees
Vaira2011-03-30 08:15:23 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 New leaves on oak trees
874 20110330VR_TreeAndSite.jpg
Green grass and big oak tree at Vaira
Vaira2011-03-30 08:16:25 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 Green grass and big oak tree at Vaira
871 20110330VR_SiteFromEast.jpg
Green grass and the Vaira site
Vaira2011-03-30 08:18:09 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 Green grass and the Vaira site
869 20110330VR_HillsToNE.jpg
Cows on rolling green hills with snow in the mountains
Vaira2011-03-30 08:19:08 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 Cows on rolling green hills with snow in the mountains
875 20110330VR_TreeToNW.jpg
New leaves on oak tree
Vaira2011-03-30 08:20:54 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 New leaves on oak tree
870 20110330VR_NewLeaves.jpg
New leaves on the oak trees
Vaira2011-03-30 08:21:12 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 New leaves on the oak trees
872 20110330VR_SiteFromNW.jpg
View of Vaira site from the north
Vaira2011-03-30 08:21:29 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 View of Vaira site from the north
978 20110415VR_OakTree1.jpg
Boys and pretty tree at Vaira
Vaira2011-04-15 10:19:02 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 Boys and pretty tree at Vaira
979 20110415VR_OakTree2.jpg
Boys and pretty tree at Vaira
Vaira2011-04-15 10:20:39 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 Boys and pretty tree at Vaira
977 20110415VR_Flower.jpg
Purple flower at varia
Vaira2011-04-15 10:23:25 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 Purple flower at varia
988 vr_768.jpg
People doing fieldwork at Vaira
Vaira2011-04-15 11:35:12 1600x1200 iPhone 3G People doing fieldwork at Vaira
989 vr_7686.jpg
Close up of green grass
Vaira2011-04-15 11:37:03 1600x1200 iPhone 3G Close up of green grass
990 vr_7688.jpg
Close up of green grass
Vaira2011-04-15 11:37:18 1600x1200 iPhone 3G Close up of green grass
991 vr_7689.jpg
Purple flowers in green grass
Vaira2011-04-15 11:37:48 1600x1200 iPhone 3G Purple flowers in green grass
992 vr_769.jpg
Close up of green grass and clover
Vaira2011-04-15 11:39:06 1600x1200 iPhone 3G Close up of green grass and clover
993 vr_7691.jpg
Cow poop on green grass
Vaira2011-04-15 11:39:22 1600x1200 iPhone 3G Cow poop on green grass
994 vr_7692.jpg
Cow poop on green grass
Vaira2011-04-15 11:39:26 1600x1200 iPhone 3G Cow poop on green grass
995 vr_7693.jpg
Dirt road green grass and trees at Vaira
Vaira2011-04-15 11:43:33 1600x1200 iPhone 3G Dirt road green grass and trees at Vaira
996 vr_7694.jpg
Green pasture at Vaira
Vaira2011-04-15 11:43:46 1600x1200 iPhone 3G Green pasture at Vaira
1304 20110720VR_SiyanSite.jpg
Siyan in the dead grass at Vaira
Vaira2011-07-20 11:08:11 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 Siyan in the dead grass at Vaira
1522 20110831VR_Tree.jpg
Yellow grass and big green oak
Vaira2011-08-31 10:09:41 3648x2736 Canon PowerShot A480 Yellow grass and big green oak
1521 20110831VR_SiyanLaurieSite.jpg
Laurie and Siyan doing fieldwork in the pasture
Vaira2011-08-31 10:10:39 3648x2736 Canon PowerShot A480 Laurie and Siyan doing fieldwork in the pasture
1776 20110916VR_Site.jpg
View of the Vaira site with yellow grass and green trees
Vaira2011-09-16 09:55:08 3648x2736 Canon PowerShot A480 View of the Vaira site with yellow grass and green trees
1777 20110916VR_Tree.jpg
Yellow grass and green trees at Vaira
Vaira2011-09-16 09:55:19 3648x2736 Canon PowerShot A480 Yellow grass and green trees at Vaira
1810 sm20111013VR_JoeStardot1.jpg
Joe installing phenocam at Vaira
Vaira2011-10-13 02:39:26 1496x1122 KODAK DX7630 ZOOM DIGITAL CAMERA Joe installing phenocam at Vaira
1811 sm20111013VR_JoeStardot2.jpg
Joe installing phenocam at Vaira
Vaira2011-10-13 02:39:36 1496x1122 KODAK DX7630 ZOOM DIGITAL CAMERA Joe installing phenocam at Vaira
1809 sm20111013VR_Joe7500Box.jpg
Joe working on data logger
Vaira2011-10-13 04:02:18 1496x1122 KODAK DX7630 ZOOM DIGITAL CAMERA Joe working on data logger
1802 20111013VR_SiyanTower.jpg
Varia eddy tower and Siyan measuring soil moisture
Vaira2011-10-13 10:26:59 4000x3000 COOLPIX S9100 Varia eddy tower and Siyan measuring soil moisture
1817 20111026VR_SiyanCleaningSensors.jpg
Siyan cleaning radiometers on the Vaira tower
Vaira2011-10-26 09:25:25 2048x1536 COOLPIX S9100 Siyan cleaning radiometers on the Vaira tower
1815 20111026VR_PCIBox.jpg
Inside sonic interface box at Vaira
Vaira2011-10-26 10:08:35 2048x1536 COOLPIX S9100 Inside sonic interface box at Vaira
1813 20111026VR_DataloggerBox.jpg
Wiring inside the data logger box at Vaira
Vaira2011-10-26 10:09:06 2048x1536 COOLPIX S9100 Wiring inside the data logger box at Vaira
1814 20111026VR_HillsToNorth.jpg
View of trees and hills at Vaira
Vaira2011-10-26 10:20:57 2048x1536 COOLPIX S9100 View of trees and hills at Vaira
1816 20111026VR_Site.jpg
New green grass sprouting at Vaira
Vaira2011-10-26 10:21:14 2048x1536 COOLPIX S9100 New green grass sprouting at Vaira
1818 20111026VR_SiyanTree.jpg
Siyan doing clip plots in front of big oak
Vaira2011-10-26 10:21:27 2048x1536 COOLPIX S9100 Siyan doing clip plots in front of big oak
1848 20111102VR_Tower1.jpg
Tower with new Stardot camera.
Vaira2011-11-02 10:54:51 2048x1536 COOLPIX S9100 Tower with new Stardot camera.
1849 20111102VR_Tower2.jpg
Tower and site with new Stardot camera.
Vaira2011-11-02 10:55:02 2048x1536 COOLPIX S9100 Tower and site with new Stardot camera.
1847 20111102VR_NewCamera.jpg
New Stardot camer mounted above existing camera.
Vaira2011-11-02 10:55:12 2048x1536 COOLPIX S9100 New Stardot camer mounted above existing camera.
2098 vaira_2011_11_03_160302.jpg
Vaira2011-11-03 16:03:04 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Cows
2099 vaira_2011_11_10_153302.jpg
Vaira2011-11-10 15:33:12 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Cows
2100 vaira_2011_11_12_073102.jpg
Phenocam view of Vaira site
Vaira2011-11-12 07:31:14 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Phenocam view of Vaira site
1979 20111116VR_OakTree.jpg
Big tree near Vaira site
Vaira2011-11-16 13:06:13 4000x3000 COOLPIX S9100 Big tree near Vaira site
1980 20111116VR_Site.jpg
New green grass sprouting at Vaira
Vaira2011-11-16 13:06:30 4000x3000 COOLPIX S9100 New green grass sprouting at Vaira
2101 vaira_2011_11_24_153102.jpg
Lots of cows
Vaira2011-11-24 15:31:26 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Lots of cows
2102 vaira_2011_11_29_123101.jpg
Vaira2011-11-29 12:31:32 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Fog
2103 vaira_2011_12_01_120103.jpg
Siyan at site
Vaira2011-12-01 12:01:34 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Siyan at site
2094 20111201VR_Tree.jpg
A few leaves still on the oak tree and new green grass
Vaira2011-12-01 13:45:04 4000x3000 COOLPIX S9100 A few leaves still on the oak tree and new green grass
2093 20111201VR_Tower.jpg
Micromet tower at Vaira and car
Vaira2011-12-01 13:46:20 4000x3000 COOLPIX S9100 Micromet tower at Vaira and car
2188 vaira_2011_12_23_080102.jpg
Frost on the ground at Vaira
Vaira2011-12-23 08:01:22 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Frost on the ground at Vaira
2406 20120201VR_CowsAtSite1.jpg
Herd of black cows at Varia
Vaira2012-02-01 13:32:36 4000x3000 COOLPIX S9100 Herd of black cows at Varia
2407 20120201VR_CowsAtSite2.jpg
Herd of black cows at Varia
Vaira2012-02-01 13:32:41 4000x3000 COOLPIX S9100 Herd of black cows at Varia
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