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5436 vaira_2020_09_08_160129.jpg
Orange skies from wildfire smoke
Vaira2020-09-08 16:44:00 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Orange skies from wildfire smoke
5322 20200929VR_NewCupAnemometer.jpg
New cup anemometer by way of Arable
Vaira2020-09-29 00:00:00 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) New cup anemometer by way of Arable
5478 IMG_3052.jpg
Beautiful day at Vaira pond
Vaira2021-02-10 15:03:33 1920x871 iPhone SE (1st generation) Beautiful day at Vaira pond
5510 20210316VR_GrassOutside.jpg
Grazed grass outside of fences. GCC = 0.3836
Vaira2021-03-16 00:00:00 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) Grazed grass outside of fences. GCC = 0.3836
5508 20210317VR_Leaves.jpg
A few of the trees have begun to put on leaves
Vaira2021-03-17 00:00:00 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) A few of the trees have begun to put on leaves
5511 IMG_3128.jpg
Ungrazed grass inside fence GCC = 0.3478
Vaira2021-03-17 09:40:48 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) Ungrazed grass inside fence GCC = 0.3478
5513 20210401VR_Flowers.jpg
Lots of white flowers
Vaira2021-04-01 12:27:00 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) Lots of white flowers
5527 20210418VR_TreesGrass.jpg
Different shades of trees and grass
Vaira2021-04-18 00:00:00 1561x983 iPhone SE (1st generation) Different shades of trees and grass
5528 20210418VR_Flowers.jpg
Popcorn and pea flowers
Vaira2021-04-18 00:00:00 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) Popcorn and pea flowers
5538 20210519VR_Dandelions.jpg
A lot more dandelions then I remember seeing before
Vaira2021-05-19 11:14:53 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) A lot more dandelions then I remember seeing before
5540 20210519VR_Site.jpg
Still a little green grass, trees look happy
Vaira2021-05-19 11:15:10 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Still a little green grass, trees look happy
5542 20210602VR_DryDryDry.jpg
Very dry and hot for second day of June
Vaira2021-06-02 11:21:46 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Very dry and hot for second day of June
5543 20210602VR_Pond.jpg
The pond is very low for second day of June
Vaira2021-06-02 16:00:20 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) The pond is very low for second day of June
5580 vaira_2021_08_06_110121.jpg
Smoke from Dixie Fire
Vaira2021-08-06 12:01:02 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Smoke from Dixie Fire
6220 vaira_2021_08_27_080126.jpg
Hazy skies from Caldor fire
Vaira2021-08-27 09:00:56 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Hazy skies from Caldor fire
5754 20211026VR_SpringInCA.jpg
Spring in California
Vaira2021-10-26 15:09:01 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Spring in California
5753 20211026VR_PondOverflow.jpg
The pond is full to overflowing
Vaira2021-10-26 16:18:50 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) The pond is full to overflowing
6221 vaira_2021_11_14_120925.jpg
Two large birds (turkey vultures?) landing on the grass
Vaira2021-11-14 12:06:44 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Two large birds (turkey vultures?) landing on the grass
5767 20211117VR_GreenGrass.jpg
The grass is looking good and the trees still have leaves.
Vaira2021-11-17 11:52:03 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) The grass is looking good and the trees still have leaves.
5766 20211117VR_GrassTreesClouds.jpg
Overcast day with short green grass and dark green tree canopies
Vaira2021-11-17 12:06:54 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Overcast day with short green grass and dark green tree canopies
5778 20211202VR_TreesGrass.jpg
Blue skies and green grass and trees
Vaira2021-12-02 09:03:17 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Blue skies and green grass and trees
6222 vaira_2021_12_06_150120.jpg
Coyote? running across our footprint
Vaira2021-12-06 14:57:44 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Coyote? running across our footprint
5793 20220106VR_Grass.jpg
Grass inside the enclosure is taller than the grass outside
Vaira2022-01-06 14:32:27 1920x887 iPhone SE (1st generation) Grass inside the enclosure is taller than the grass outside
5794 20220106VR_RadSoil.jpg
Cows have trampled under the radiometers so the sensors are seeing party soil part grass
Vaira2022-01-06 15:20:29 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) Cows have trampled under the radiometers so the sensors are seeing party soil part grass
5795 20220106VR_TrampledSoil.jpg
Cows have trampled around electric fence
Vaira2022-01-06 15:20:38 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) Cows have trampled around electric fence
5792 20220106VR_Dennis.jpg
Dennis taking veg height measurements
Vaira2022-01-06 15:21:05 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) Dennis taking veg height measurements
5797 20220106VR_Winter.jpg
Pretty winter light on bare tree silhouettes
Vaira2022-01-06 15:27:06 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) Pretty winter light on bare tree silhouettes
5796 20220106VR_WateringHole.jpg
Watering hole has plenty of water
Vaira2022-01-06 15:29:21 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) Watering hole has plenty of water
5801 20220119VR_PondFromNorth.jpg
A view of the pond from the hill to the north.
Vaira2022-01-19 13:52:57 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) A view of the pond from the hill to the north.
6223 vaira_2022_02_23_070126.jpg
Vaira2022-02-23 06:54:10 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Frost
5828 20220310VR_Leaves.jpg
The trees have started putting in leaves in earnest.
Vaira2022-03-10 12:21:19 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) The trees have started putting in leaves in earnest.
5831 20220324VR_PondFish.jpg
A bunch of fish in the Vaira pond
Vaira2022-03-24 12:09:55 1920x1460 iPhone SE (2nd generation) A bunch of fish in the Vaira pond
5829 20220324VR_FlowersDrySpots.jpg
Lots of flowers and dry looking spots for this time of year.
Vaira2022-03-24 12:16:11 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Lots of flowers and dry looking spots for this time of year.
5834 20220412VR_SkyCloudsTreesGrass.jpg
Grasses are starting to turn yellow
Vaira2022-04-12 15:53:19 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Grasses are starting to turn yellow
5850 20220510VR_RodentTunnel.jpg
A large rodent tunnel next to soil co2 probe
Vaira2022-05-10 11:57:08 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) A large rodent tunnel next to soil co2 probe
6061 20220719VR_Summer.jpg
Golden grasslands and green oak trees of a California summer
Vaira2022-07-19 10:04:15 1920x1391 iPhone SE (1st generation) Golden grasslands and green oak trees of a California summer
6062 20220719VR_WateringHole.jpg
Not much water left in the watering hole
Vaira2022-07-19 10:37:42 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) Not much water left in the watering hole
6057 20220719VR_Site.jpg
Kanishka's first site visit to Tonzi/Vaira
Vaira2022-07-19 16:32:05 949x713 unknown Kanishka
6084 20220914VR_GreenBrownTrees.jpg
Some trees seem to be ok other not so much
Vaira2022-09-14 12:22:33 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Some trees seem to be ok other not so much
6108 20221117VR_DaphneFallDay.jpg
Daphne doing spectral measurements on a nice fall afternoon
Vaira2022-11-17 15:24:13 1920x834 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Daphne doing spectral measurements on a nice fall afternoon
6109 20221117VR_GrassSprouted.jpg
Grass has sprouted after recent rain
Vaira2022-11-17 15:25:49 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Grass has sprouted after recent rain
6668 vaira_2022_12_05_123134.jpg
Nice light with dark clouds
Vaira2022-12-05 20:32:18 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Nice light with dark clouds
6247 20230106VR_LittleMushroom.jpg
Little brown mushrooms coming up everywhere
Vaira2023-01-06 10:59:09 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Little brown mushrooms coming up everywhere
6246 20230106VR_PondSpillway.jpg
The pond is full and spilling over after the recent storms
Vaira2023-01-06 11:43:51 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) The pond is full and spilling over after the recent storms
6273 20230316VR_EddyAndGrass.jpg
Green grass but not leaves on the trees yet, soon though
Vaira2023-03-16 11:06:06 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Green grass but not leaves on the trees yet, soon though
6276 20230330VR_PondClouds.jpg
The pond is full, green hills, white clouds, blue sky
Vaira2023-03-30 11:32:02 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) The pond is full, green hills, white clouds, blue sky
6277 20230330VR_GreenGrass.jpg
Green grass but few leaves on the trees yet
Vaira2023-03-30 11:36:48 1920x968 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Green grass but few leaves on the trees yet
6283 20230414VR_JoeSoilPit2.jpg
Joe excavating soil pit 2 from AMP soil cores
Vaira2023-04-14 00:00:00 960x1280 unknown Joe excavating soil pit 2 from AMP soil cores
6284 20230414VR_JoeTakingSoilCore.jpg
Joe taking surface soil core at pit 2 from AMP soil samples
Vaira2023-04-14 00:00:00 960x1280 unknown Joe taking surface soil core at pit 2 from AMP soil samples
6280 20230414VR_DaphneSoilCoring.jpg
Daphne helping take soil cores for Ameriflux project.
Vaira2023-04-14 12:57:49 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Daphne helping take soil cores for Ameriflux project.
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