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1021 20110504TZ_GPRTree3.jpg
Ground penetrating radar line laid out around tree 3
Tonzi2011-05-04 08:56:53 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 Ground penetrating radar line laid out around tree 3
1022 20110504TZ_Tree3Grid.jpg
Ground penetrating radar grid laid out around tree 3
Tonzi2011-05-04 08:57:07 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 Ground penetrating radar grid laid out around tree 3
1025 20110504TZ_Tree4Grid.jpg
Ground penetrating radar grid laid out around tree 4
Tonzi2011-05-04 11:49:35 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 Ground penetrating radar grid laid out around tree 4
1024 20110504TZ_Tree3PitsZoom.jpg
Dennis and others working on tree 3 root pit
Tonzi2011-05-04 11:49:47 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 Dennis and others working on tree 3 root pit
1023 20110504TZ_Tree3Pits.jpg
People working on root pit number 3
Tonzi2011-05-04 11:50:10 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 People working on root pit number 3
1036 20110510TZ_TowerFromWest.jpg
Green grass and flowers with the Tower in the background
Tonzi2011-05-10 08:58:31 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 Green grass and flowers with the Tower in the background
1027 20110510TZ_COSMOSProbe1.jpg
People discussing installation of COSMOS soil moisture sensor
Tonzi2011-05-10 09:53:11 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 People discussing installation of COSMOS soil moisture sensor
1028 20110510TZ_COSMOSProbe2.jpg
People discussing installation of COSMOS soil moisture sensor
Tonzi2011-05-10 09:53:29 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 People discussing installation of COSMOS soil moisture sensor
1029 20110510TZ_COSMOSProbe3.jpg
People installing COSMOS soil moisture system from tower top
Tonzi2011-05-10 09:55:35 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 People installing COSMOS soil moisture system from tower top
1030 20110510TZ_COSMOSProbe4.jpg
COSMOS soil moisture system from tower top
Tonzi2011-05-10 09:55:43 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 COSMOS soil moisture system from tower top
1033 20110510TZ_RanchoSecoMtDiablo.jpg
View of Rancho Seco from the tower top
Tonzi2011-05-10 09:55:55 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 View of Rancho Seco from the tower top
1034 20110510TZ_SierraSnow.jpg
View of snow in the Sierras just over the tree tops
Tonzi2011-05-10 09:56:15 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 View of snow in the Sierras just over the tree tops
1035 20110510TZ_SoilCO2FromTower.jpg
Spring time view of the oak woodland from the tower top
Tonzi2011-05-10 09:56:30 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 Spring time view of the oak woodland from the tower top
1031 20110510TZ_LunchAtLiukangsTree.jpg
Lunch break while digging and sifting roots
Tonzi2011-05-10 10:49:05 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 Lunch break while digging and sifting roots
1032 20110510TZ_Pit2LiukangsTree.jpg
Root pit number 2 at the big tree
Tonzi2011-05-10 10:49:25 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 Root pit number 2 at the big tree
1259 TZ_flower_patches.jpg
Green grass and flowers in the oak woodland
Tonzi2011-05-27 10:35:35 1496x1122 KODAK DX7630 ZOOM DIGITAL CAMERA Green grass and flowers in the oak woodland
1260 TZ_native_sp6.jpg
White and yellow wild flowers
Tonzi2011-05-27 10:52:55 1496x1122 KODAK DX7630 ZOOM DIGITAL CAMERA White and yellow wild flowers
1261 TZ_native_sp7.jpg
Yellow, white and pink wild flowers
Tonzi2011-05-27 11:04:06 1496x1122 KODAK DX7630 ZOOM DIGITAL CAMERA Yellow, white and pink wild flowers
1262 TZ_native_sp8.jpg
Yellow, white and pink wild flowers
Tonzi2011-05-27 11:06:09 1496x1122 KODAK DX7630 ZOOM DIGITAL CAMERA Yellow, white and pink wild flowers
1257 TZ_drought_patch.jpg
Grass turning brown and flowers in the oak woodland
Tonzi2011-05-27 12:44:31 1496x1122 KODAK DX7630 ZOOM DIGITAL CAMERA Grass turning brown and flowers in the oak woodland
1258 TZ_drought_patch_2.jpg
Brown grass in the oak woodland
Tonzi2011-05-27 12:44:41 1496x1122 KODAK DX7630 ZOOM DIGITAL CAMERA Brown grass in the oak woodland
1270 20110603TZ_YellowMariposaLily.jpg
Yellow Mariposa lily
Tonzi2011-06-03 10:28:01 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 Yellow Mariposa lily
1263 20110603TZ_Dandelion.jpg
Yellow wild flowers
Tonzi2011-06-03 10:28:34 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 Yellow wild flowers
1264 20110603TZ_Flower3.jpg
Small pink flower at Tonzi
Tonzi2011-06-03 10:29:05 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 Small pink flower at Tonzi
1265 20110603TZ_PurpleFlower1a.jpg
Purple, six petal wild flower
Tonzi2011-06-03 10:30:05 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 Purple, six petal wild flower
1267 20110603TZ_PurpleFlower2a.jpg
Purple wild flower with yellow flowers in the background
Tonzi2011-06-03 10:31:35 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 Purple wild flower with yellow flowers in the background
1269 20110603TZ_WhiteFlower.jpg
Five petal small white flowers with spiky leaves
Tonzi2011-06-03 10:32:18 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 Five petal small white flowers with spiky leaves
1266 20110603TZ_PurpleFlower1b.jpg
Purple, six petal wild flower
Tonzi2011-06-03 10:33:06 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 Purple, six petal wild flower
1268 20110603TZ_PurpleFlower2b.jpg
Ball of purple flowers
Tonzi2011-06-03 10:34:47 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 Ball of purple flowers
1303 20110720TZ_TonziPond.jpg
A little water ringed with green grass in the Tonzi pond
Tonzi2011-07-20 11:16:54 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 A little water ringed with green grass in the Tonzi pond
1302 20110720TZ_Grasshopper.jpg
Grasshopper on car window
Tonzi2011-07-20 11:18:48 2560x1920 DMC-TZ1 Grasshopper on car window
1510 20110831TZ_LeafGrowth1.jpg
Remains of wasp galls on oak leaves
Tonzi2011-08-31 10:36:11 3648x2736 Canon PowerShot A480 Remains of wasp galls on oak leaves
1511 20110831TZ_LeafGrowth2.jpg
Wasp galls on oak leaves
Tonzi2011-08-31 10:36:27 3648x2736 Canon PowerShot A480 Wasp galls on oak leaves
1512 20110831TZ_LeafGrowth3.jpg
Wasp galls on oak leaves
Tonzi2011-08-31 10:36:50 3648x2736 Canon PowerShot A480 Wasp galls on oak leaves
1513 20110831TZ_LeafGrowth4.jpg
Wasp galls on oak leaves - urchin
Tonzi2011-08-31 10:37:24 3648x2736 Canon PowerShot A480 Wasp galls on oak leaves - urchin
1514 20110831TZ_LeafGrowth5.jpg
Wasp galls on oak leaves - urchin
Tonzi2011-08-31 10:37:43 3648x2736 Canon PowerShot A480 Wasp galls on oak leaves - urchin
1515 20110831TZ_LeafGrowth6.jpg
Wasp galls on oak leaves - urchin
Tonzi2011-08-31 10:38:12 3648x2736 Canon PowerShot A480 Wasp galls on oak leaves - urchin
1516 20110831TZ_LeafGrowth7.jpg
Wasp galls on oak leaves - urchin
Tonzi2011-08-31 10:38:32 3648x2736 Canon PowerShot A480 Wasp galls on oak leaves - urchin
1517 20110831TZ_LeafGrowth8.jpg
Wasp galls on oak leaves - crystalline
Tonzi2011-08-31 10:41:59 3648x2736 Canon PowerShot A480 Wasp galls on oak leaves - crystalline
1518 20110831TZ_LeafGrowth9.jpg
Wasp gall on oak leaf
Tonzi2011-08-31 10:42:11 3648x2736 Canon PowerShot A480 Wasp gall on oak leaf
1504 20110831TZ_Acorn.jpg
Blue oak acorn
Tonzi2011-08-31 10:42:48 3648x2736 Canon PowerShot A480 Blue oak acorn
1519 20110831TZ_LeafGrowth10.jpg
Wasp gall on oak leaves - crystalline
Tonzi2011-08-31 10:43:23 3648x2736 Canon PowerShot A480 Wasp gall on oak leaves - crystalline
1506 20110831TZ_FloorErrorScreen.jpg
Windows error message on Floor computer
Tonzi2011-08-31 11:16:54 3648x2736 Canon PowerShot A480 Windows error message on Floor computer
1505 20110831TZ_BeetleRemains.jpg
Dead beetle shell in the dead grass
Tonzi2011-08-31 12:12:15 3648x2736 Canon PowerShot A480 Dead beetle shell in the dead grass
1508 20110831TZ_LaurieCoring1.jpg
Laurie taking oak tree ring cores
Tonzi2011-08-31 13:00:48 3648x2736 Canon PowerShot A480 Laurie taking oak tree ring cores
1509 20110831TZ_LaurieCoring2.jpg
Laurie taking oak tree ring cores
Tonzi2011-08-31 13:01:06 3648x2736 Canon PowerShot A480 Laurie taking oak tree ring cores
1507 20110831TZ_FloorFromTower.jpg
View of the Floor site from the tower top at the oak woodland
Tonzi2011-08-31 13:17:24 3648x2736 Canon PowerShot A480 View of the Floor site from the tower top at the oak woodland
1520 20110831TZ_SiteFromTower.jpg
View of the oak woodland from the tower top with green trees and dead grass
Tonzi2011-08-31 13:17:53 3648x2736 Canon PowerShot A480 View of the oak woodland from the tower top with green trees and dead grass
1775 20110916TZ_FloorSites.jpg
View of brown grass and green oaks/pine from tower top
Tonzi2011-09-16 12:56:57 3648x2736 Canon PowerShot A480 View of brown grass and green oaks/pine from tower top
1778 20110919TZ_ViewToRanchoSeco.jpg
View of oak savanna from tower
Tonzi2011-09-16 12:57:05 3648x2736 Canon PowerShot A480 View of oak savanna from tower
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