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6362 20231130TZ_Tower.jpg
Tower in late autumn afternoon
Tonzi2023-11-30 14:41:49 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Tower in late autumn afternoon
6665 tonzi_2024_01_12_103117.jpg
Punk cows near soil co2 fence
Tonzi2024-01-12 18:30:10 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Punk cows near soil co2 fence
6666 tonzi_2024_01_12_133116.jpg
Not sure why this photo
Tonzi2024-01-12 21:30:06 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Not sure why this photo
6393 20240125TZ_CoolMushrooms.jpg
Bright yellow fungus that seems to be related to more mundane tree mushrooms
Tonzi2024-01-25 14:35:20 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Bright yellow fungus that seems to be related to more mundane tree mushrooms
6398 20230209TZ_BranchOnEddySensors.jpg
A small branch stuck on the Floor eddy sensors.
Tonzi2024-02-09 13:34:30 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) A small branch stuck on the Floor eddy sensors.
6394 20240209TZ_MossAndMushroom.jpg
Small mushroom growing from moss at the base of a tree
Tonzi2024-02-09 15:57:54 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Small mushroom growing from moss at the base of a tree
6413 20240216TZ_SierraSnow_SR.jpg
Great lighting to see snow in the Sierras today.
Tonzi2024-02-16 10:28:58 1920x1440 iPhone 15 Pro Great lighting to see snow in the Sierras today.
6414 20240216TZ_TrailerHelpSR.jpg
A little help getting the SIF trailer in place
Tonzi2024-02-16 11:36:04 1920x1440 iPhone 15 Pro A little help getting the SIF trailer in place
6409 20240216TZ_InstallingSIF.jpg
Installing SIF experiment with Troy, Jess, Francis and Sophie
Tonzi2024-02-16 12:11:06 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Installing SIF experiment with Troy, Jess, Francis and Sophie
6412 20240216TZ_HeatFluxPlateSoil.jpg
Insect paths or holes have removed much of the soil contact on the underside of the heat flux plate
Tonzi2024-02-16 12:16:39 1079x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Insect paths or holes have removed much of the soil contact on the underside of the heat flux plate
6667 tonzi_2024_02_27_070116.jpg
Fog in the tree tops
Tonzi2024-02-27 14:59:36 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Fog in the tree tops
6952 tonzi_2024_03_01_113113.jpg
Heavy rain over the oak savanna
Tonzi2024-03-01 19:29:22 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Heavy rain over the oak savanna
6697 20240307TZ_TomstPointDendrometer.jpg
One of four new TOMST point dendrometers installed at Tonzi
Tonzi2024-03-07 13:52:17 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) One of four new TOMST point dendrometers installed at Tonzi
6702 20240410TZ_SierraSnow.jpg
Snow in the Sierras
Tonzi2024-04-10 10:48:48 1920x657 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Snow in the Sierras
6714 20240508TZ_Smoke.jpg
Smoke from a fire in the foothills near Tonzi. Luckily the wind was blowing the smoke away from us.
Tonzi2024-05-08 10:39:03 1920x1440 iPhone 8 Smoke from a fire in the foothills near Tonzi. Luckily the wind was blowing the smoke away from us.
6710 20240508TZ_YellowDandelions.jpg
Lots of dandelions carpeting the ground
Tonzi2024-05-08 11:59:18 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Lots of dandelions carpeting the ground
6713 20240508TZ_Larkspur.jpg
Larkspur flower. Apparently toxic to cows if they eat too much.
Tonzi2024-05-08 12:43:19 1440x1920 iPhone 8 Larkspur flower. Apparently toxic to cows if they eat too much.
6715 20240508TZ_Wildflowers.jpg
Mostly dandelion creating seas of yellow
Tonzi2024-05-08 13:14:44 1920x1140 iPhone 8 Mostly dandelion creating seas of yellow
6716 20240515TZ_HooliganCows.jpg
In a hot sunny day with flowers hooligan cows came to plan their next attack
Tonzi2024-05-15 14:46:22 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) In a hot sunny day with flowers hooligan cows came to plan their next attack
6719 20240604TZ_OldNewOakLeaves.jpg
Green oak leaves on tree
Tonzi2024-06-04 12:40:31 4032x3024 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Green oak leaves on tree
6720 20240604TZ_OldDamagesLeaves.jpg
Damaged oak leaves on the tree
Tonzi2024-06-04 12:40:40 4032x3024 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Damaged oak leaves on the tree
6763 20240709TZ_RedBerries.jpg
Bright red berries on a shrub that might be hollyleaf redberry.
Tonzi2024-07-09 11:03:50 1440x1920 iPhone 8 Bright red berries on a shrub that might be hollyleaf redberry.
6762 20240709TZ_Mike.jpg
Mike on his way to collect leaves from Liu Kang's tree for leaf water potential measurements
Tonzi2024-07-09 13:40:40 1920x1440 iPhone 8 Mike on his way to collect leaves from Liu Kang
6792 20240821TZ_CH4ScreenShot.jpg
Screen shot of decreasing CH4 time series
Tonzi2024-08-21 00:00:00 1920x886 unknown Screen shot of decreasing CH4 time series
6793 20240821TZ_StemSoilChamber.jpg
CO2/CH4/N2O flux measurements from the ground and tree truncks
Tonzi2024-08-21 00:00:00 1446x1920 unknown CO2/CH4/N2O flux measurements from the ground and tree truncks
6795 20240821TZ_Acorns.jpg
A few acorns on the big oak tree
Tonzi2024-08-21 13:10:47 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) A few acorns on the big oak tree
6794 20240821TZ_KunoSoilFlux.jpg
Kuno doing soil flux measurements near the Floor tower
Tonzi2024-08-21 15:35:02 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Kuno doing soil flux measurements near the Floor tower
6801 20240910TZ_ChamberTreeChambers.jpg
Ladder and tree trunk gas flux chambers at Tonzi
Tonzi2024-09-10 15:17:40 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Ladder and tree trunk gas flux chambers at Tonzi
6802 20240910TZ_AnalyzersTreeChambers.jpg
Analyzers doing tree trunk flux measurements
Tonzi2024-09-10 15:18:03 1223x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Analyzers doing tree trunk flux measurements
6813 20241010TZ_TowerTopMethane.jpg
LI-7700 installed on the Tonzi Tower top
Tonzi2024-10-10 12:45:23 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) LI-7700 installed on the Tonzi Tower top
6815 20241010TZ_FloorMethane.jpg
LI-7700 added to the Floor tower
Tonzi2024-10-10 14:31:45 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) LI-7700 added to the Floor tower
6830 20241029TZ_FloorKunoStemT.jpg
New tree trunk temperature logger, Floor eddy flux and Kuno doing chamber fluxes.
Tonzi2024-10-29 14:33:36 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) New tree trunk temperature logger, Floor eddy flux and Kuno doing chamber fluxes.
6831 20241029TZ_StemT.jpg
New temperature sensors added to tree trunk chamber measurements
Tonzi2024-10-29 14:55:12 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) New temperature sensors added to tree trunk chamber measurements
6844 20241115TZ_DIYWashReservoir.jpg
Black plastic jug of the DIY washer kit
Tonzi2024-11-15 11:08:57 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Black plastic jug of the DIY washer kit
6843 20241115TZ_DIYWashPump.jpg
Bottom of DIY washer kit showing the pump
Tonzi2024-11-15 11:26:33 1920x1442 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Bottom of DIY washer kit showing the pump
6845 20241115TZ_DIYWashSpray.jpg
Spray head of the DIY spray kit spraying the 7700 mirror
Tonzi2024-11-15 11:42:02 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Spray head of the DIY spray kit spraying the 7700 mirror
6842 20241115TZ_CloudsFallWoodland.jpg
Puffy clouds over the autumn oak woodland
Tonzi2024-11-15 15:26:51 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Puffy clouds over the autumn oak woodland
6959 20241217TZ_FungusAmongUs.jpg
Assorted fungus on a dead log
Tonzi2024-12-17 11:39:13 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Assorted fungus on a dead log
6958 20241217TZ_NewSolarPanel.jpg
Another solar panel added to the Floor system
Tonzi2024-12-17 15:01:59 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Another solar panel added to the Floor system
6970 20250109TZ_Trees.jpg
Bare oak trees with just a glimmer of green grass starting to poke up through the litter
Tonzi2025-01-09 10:59:34 1920x1440 iPhone 14 Bare oak trees with just a glimmer of green grass starting to poke up through the litter
6969 20250109TZ_Tower.jpg
Eddy covariance tower and Troy's SIF tower
Tonzi2025-01-09 11:04:12 1440x1920 iPhone 14 Eddy covariance tower and Troy
6968 20250109TZ_KunoChamber.jpg
Kuno taking soil chamber measurements
Tonzi2025-01-09 13:36:26 1440x1920 iPhone 14 Kuno taking soil chamber measurements
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