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5206 20200418TZ_Pond.jpg
Tonzi pond still not full
Tonzi2020-04-18 00:00:00 1920x1440 iPhone SE Tonzi pond still not full
5265 20200505TZ_TowerTop.jpg
View from tower top
Tonzi2020-05-05 00:00:00 1600x762 iPhone SE View from tower top
5428 tonzi_2020_05_12_063118.jpg
Cows near floor enclosure
Tonzi2020-05-12 06:28:56 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Cows near floor enclosure
5429 tonzi_2020_05_16_053121.jpg
View from tower top
Tonzi2020-05-16 05:29:00 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC View from tower top
5275 IMG_2577.jpg
View of the tower from the east
Tonzi2020-05-23 13:58:42 1440x1920 iPhone SE View of the tower from the east
5283 20200612TZ_FireToNE.jpg
Fire to the northeast on a blustery day
Tonzi2020-06-12 00:00:00 1920x1026 iPhone SE Fire to the northeast on a blustery day
5430 tonzi_2020_08_20_115200.jpg
Orange skies from wildfire smoke
Tonzi2020-08-20 11:52:00 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Orange skies from wildfire smoke
5308 20200826TZ_DeadLeaves.jpg
Most of the trees have turned brown
Tonzi2020-08-26 00:00:00 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) Most of the trees have turned brown
5309 IMG_2793.jpg
Lots of dead leaves on the trees
Tonzi2020-08-26 11:03:34 1920x925 iPhone SE (1st generation) Lots of dead leaves on the trees
5431 tonzi_2020_09_08_153119.jpg
Orange skies from wildfire smoke
Tonzi2020-09-08 16:32:10 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Orange skies from wildfire smoke
5321 20200916TZ_BigTreeFell.jpg
The big tree by the fence to the east broke off at the base and fell over.
Tonzi2020-09-16 00:00:00 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) The big tree by the fence to the east broke off at the base and fell over.
5328 20201022TZ_DeadOak.jpg
A dead oak #12168 covered in mushrooms has broken off at head height
Tonzi2020-10-22 00:00:00 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) A dead oak #12168 covered in mushrooms has broken off at head height
5432 tonzi_2020_11_14_110115.jpg
Foggy day
Tonzi2020-11-14 11:01:08 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Foggy day
5462 IMG_2953.jpg
The woodpeckers have been busy stuffing acorns in every hole they can find.
Tonzi2020-12-18 10:03:19 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) The woodpeckers have been busy stuffing acorns in every hole they can find.
5463 IMG_2955.jpg
First real rain has made the moss happy
Tonzi2020-12-18 11:22:59 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) First real rain has made the moss happy
5464 20210105TZ_DownPine.jpg
A pine fell some time ago near OSU SP3. Its roots were pulled loose right around some oaks.
Tonzi2021-01-05 00:00:00 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) A pine fell some time ago near OSU SP3. Its roots were pulled loose right around some oaks.
5465 IMG_2985.jpg
some small mushrooms growing on a dead stick
Tonzi2021-01-05 13:20:04 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) some small mushrooms growing on a dead stick
5468 20210121TZ_PARCompare.jpg
Comparing PAR sensors
Tonzi2021-01-21 00:00:00 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) Comparing PAR sensors
5469 IMG_3003.jpg
Comparing AirT and RH
Tonzi2021-01-21 10:40:15 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) Comparing AirT and RH
5477 2020210TZ_SonicCompare.jpg
Comparing the sonic that got wet when the corn tower fell over.
Tonzi2021-02-10 10:18:10 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) Comparing the sonic that got wet when the corn tower fell over.
5507 20210317TZ_Leafout.jpg
Mutant tree nearly full of leaves otherwise about 5% of trees putting on leaves
Tonzi2021-03-17 00:00:00 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) Mutant tree nearly full of leaves otherwise about 5% of trees putting on leaves
5514 20210401TZ_PondHalfFull.jpg
The pond is only about half full
Tonzi2021-04-01 16:08:00 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) The pond is only about half full
5533 20210504TZ_Flowers.jpg
These flowers are more abundant this year
Tonzi2021-05-04 12:56:18 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) These flowers are more abundant this year
5534 20210504TZ_Fungus.jpg
Fungus on a log agog
Tonzi2021-05-04 13:43:09 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) Fungus on a log agog
5539 20210518TZ_DennisWaterPotential.jpg
Dennis measuring water potential
Tonzi2021-05-19 13:29:21 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Dennis measuring water potential
5549 20210624TZ_Thunderheads.jpg
Thunderheads over the mountains
Tonzi2021-06-24 13:08:07 1920x581 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Thunderheads over the mountains
5565 20210729TZ_BrownLeaves.jpg
Some trees have many brown leaves most trees have some brown leaves
Tonzi2021-07-29 11:57:31 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Some trees have many brown leaves most trees have some brown leaves
5566 20210729TZ_LeavesOnTheGround.jpg
Some places a lot of fresh looking leaves on the ground
Tonzi2021-07-29 13:30:01 1920x1436 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Some places a lot of fresh looking leaves on the ground
5578 tonzi_2021_08_07_083119.jpg
Smoke from Dixie Fire
Tonzi2021-08-07 09:32:02 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Smoke from Dixie Fire
5718 20210811TZ_AntSuperHighway.jpg
There’s a cleared path about 10cm wide running between two ant mounds.
Tonzi2021-08-11 13:17:01 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) There’s a cleared path about 10cm wide running between two ant mounds.
6213 tonzi_2021_08_20_083122.jpg
Smoke from Caldor fire
Tonzi2021-08-20 09:32:16 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Smoke from Caldor fire
6214 tonzi_2021_08_27_080119.jpg
Smoke from Caldor Fire
Tonzi2021-08-27 09:02:16 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Smoke from Caldor Fire
5723 20210901TZ_CaldorFirePlume.jpg
Smoke plume from the Calder fire near Tahoe
Tonzi2021-09-01 10:44:36 1855x1047 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Smoke plume from the Calder fire near Tahoe
5724 20210901TZ_Pond.jpg
The pond is almost dry
Tonzi2021-09-01 15:32:04 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) The pond is almost dry
5734 20210916TZ_Pond.jpg
The pond is almost dry
Tonzi2021-09-16 14:43:13 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) The pond is almost dry
5735 20211006TZ_LeanTo.jpg
Someone’s built a lean to for fun up by the Tower well
Tonzi2021-10-06 15:49:53 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Someone’s built a lean to for fun up by the Tower well
6215 tonzi_2021_11_07_070113.jpg
Morning tule fog. Almost looks like those photos of a tropical cloud forest.
Tonzi2021-11-07 07:03:10 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Morning tule fog. Almost looks like those photos of a tropical cloud forest.
5765 20211117TZ_Frog.jpg
Tree frog in the wet grass
Tonzi2021-11-17 13:13:41 1693x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Tree frog in the wet grass
5764 20211117TZ_Mushrooms.jpg
Several different types of mushrooms are coming up
Tonzi2021-11-17 13:41:08 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Several different types of mushrooms are coming up
5789 20220106TZ_Pond.jpg
Skewed view of the pond
Tonzi2022-01-06 11:48:38 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) Skewed view of the pond
5788 20220106TZ_Pano.jpg
View from top of tower
Tonzi2022-01-06 12:14:10 1920x923 iPhone SE (1st generation) View from top of tower
5791 20220106TZ_WinterLight.jpg
The sun came out in the afternoon. Puddle in the grass from winter rains
Tonzi2022-01-06 14:13:27 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) The sun came out in the afternoon. Puddle in the grass from winter rains
5790 20220106TZ_Tower.jpg
Short, green grass and bare trees (with mistletoe)
Tonzi2022-01-06 14:13:51 1920x1215 iPhone SE (1st generation) Short, green grass and bare trees (with mistletoe)
5800 20220119TZ_Mushrooms.jpg
A bunch of mushrooms coming up around this tree. Maybe it has died.
Tonzi2022-01-19 16:46:23 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) A bunch of mushrooms coming up around this tree. Maybe it has died.
5799 20220119TZ_Sunset.jpg
Sunset over Tonzi’s pond
Tonzi2022-01-19 17:10:35 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Sunset over Tonzi’s pond
5798 20220118TZ_SunGoingDown.jpg
The sun going down
Tonzi2022-01-19 17:12:15 1920x899 iPhone SE (2nd generation) The sun going down
5818 20220223TZ_SomeTreesHaveLeaves.jpg
On the way in I saw maybe ten trees that had leaves.
Tonzi2022-02-23 12:25:03 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) On the way in I saw maybe ten trees that had leaves.
5819 20220223TZ_MutantTree.jpg
The tree near the Tonzi house always has leaves early.
Tonzi2022-02-23 12:27:19 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) The tree near the Tonzi house always has leaves early.
5820 20220223TZ_Tensiometers.jpg
One Tensiometer reads about 150 lbs lower.
Tonzi2022-02-23 12:54:01 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) One Tensiometer reads about 150 lbs lower.
5830 20220324TZ_YoungCowPunks.jpg
Young cow punks have wrecked havoc on the fences.
Tonzi2022-03-24 17:07:46 1920x897 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Young cow punks have wrecked havoc on the fences.
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