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5704 siwetland_2020_12_15_161405.jpg
Nice sunset
Sherman Wetland2020-12-15 16:17:14 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Nice sunset
5448 20201216SW_TowerBoardwalk.jpg
Calm winter day
Sherman Wetland2020-12-16 08:40:08 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) Calm winter day
5449 20201216SW_WaterReflection.jpg
Calm winter day with hazy horizons
Sherman Wetland2020-12-16 08:40:13 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) Calm winter day with hazy horizons
5447 20201216SW_Racoon.jpg
1 of 2 raccoons that climbed up the boardwalk while I was servicing the site
Sherman Wetland2020-12-16 08:50:08 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) 1 of 2 raccoons that climbed up the boardwalk while I was servicing the site
5692 siwetland_2021_01_05_101405.jpg
Hawk on 7700 cap
Sherman Wetland2021-01-05 10:17:16 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Hawk on 7700 cap
5690 siwetland_2021_01_10_164405.jpg
Sherman Wetland2021-01-10 16:47:10 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Grackles
5681 siwetland_2021_01_22_071405.jpg
Bird on 7700 cap
Sherman Wetland2021-01-22 07:17:22 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Bird on 7700 cap
5675 siwetland_2021_02_04_094406.jpg
Robert on site
Sherman Wetland2021-02-04 09:48:04 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Robert on site
5669 siwetland_2021_02_17_081405.jpg
Bird balancing on bird spike
Sherman Wetland2021-02-17 08:18:50 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Bird balancing on bird spike
5489 20210218SW_IpadLidar.jpg
Ipad LIDAR scan of Sherman Wetland tower
Sherman Wetland2021-02-18 00:00:00 700x800 unknown Ipad LIDAR scan of Sherman Wetland tower
5485 20210218SW_pano.jpg
Panoramic of Sherman Wetland site with brown plants, calm water, and ice halo around sun.
Sherman Wetland2021-02-18 00:00:00 1920x667 unknown Panoramic of Sherman Wetland site with brown plants, calm water, and ice halo around sun.
5487 20210218SW_Carlos.jpg
Carlos's first visit to the Delta sites
Sherman Wetland2021-02-18 10:09:25 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) Carlos
5666 siwetland_2021_02_22_114406.jpg
Small bird landing on HMP cable
Sherman Wetland2021-02-22 11:48:56 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Small bird landing on HMP cable
5490 20210226SW_NetRadCompare.jpg
Beginning of net radiometer comparison: AMP CNR4, SW Hukseflux, repaired BC Hukseflux
Sherman Wetland2021-02-26 00:00:00 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) Beginning of net radiometer comparison: AMP CNR4, SW Hukseflux, repaired BC Hukseflux
5665 siwetland_2021_02_26_061405.jpg
Almost full moon reflected in water
Sherman Wetland2021-02-26 06:19:00 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Almost full moon reflected in water
5497 20210226SW_Decommissioned.jpg
Sherman Temp Tower scaffolding has been completely removed now
Sherman Wetland2021-02-26 12:56:49 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) Sherman Temp Tower scaffolding has been completely removed now
5664 siwetland_2021_02_27_061405.jpg
Full moon at dawn, radiometer intercomparison set up on rad boom
Sherman Wetland2021-02-27 06:18:54 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Full moon at dawn, radiometer intercomparison set up on rad boom
5651 siwetland_2021_03_25_123908.jpg
Sherman Wetland2021-03-25 12:39:08 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Kingfisher
5649 siwetland_2021_03_25_130908.jpg
Added 2nd sonic for sonic intercomparison
Sherman Wetland2021-03-25 13:09:08 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Added 2nd sonic for sonic intercomparison
5638 siwetland_2021_04_02_061405.jpg
Smoke plume from Sherman Island duck blind fire
Sherman Wetland2021-04-02 06:15:14 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Smoke plume from Sherman Island duck blind fire
5634 siwetland_2021_04_02_064405.jpg
Smoke plume from Sherman Island duck blind fire
Sherman Wetland2021-04-02 06:45:18 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Smoke plume from Sherman Island duck blind fire
5630 siwetland_2021_04_02_101405.jpg
Smoke plume from Sherman Island duck blink fire
Sherman Wetland2021-04-02 10:15:20 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Smoke plume from Sherman Island duck blink fire
5524 20210408SW_TestingInflatableBoat.jpg
Camilo and Ari figuring out how to access the 0.5 footprint area with the boat
Sherman Wetland2021-04-08 00:00:00 640x480 iPhone 12 Camilo and Ari figuring out how to access the 0.5 footprint area with the boat
5525 20210408SW_BoardwalkatHotSpot.jpg
Boardwalk installed to do chamber work for Camilo´s hotspot experiment
Sherman Wetland2021-04-08 00:00:00 640x480 iPhone 12 Boardwalk installed to do chamber work for Camilo´s hotspot experiment
5526 20210408SW_OrangeBiofilm.jpg
There was a bright orange biofilm growing on the north levee side of SW
Sherman Wetland2021-04-08 00:00:00 1440x1920 iPhone 12 There was a bright orange biofilm growing on the north levee side of SW
5615 siwetland_2021_04_08_131405.jpg
Ari and Camilo installing sedpoints at the open water location to prepare for methane hotspot sampling
Sherman Wetland2021-04-08 13:15:26 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Ari and Camilo installing sedpoints at the open water location to prepare for methane hotspot sampling
5599 siwetland_2021_04_14_114405.jpg
Patty on site
Sherman Wetland2021-04-14 11:45:46 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Patty on site
5593 siwetland_2021_04_15_091405.jpg
Inflatable raft used during methane hotspot sampling
Sherman Wetland2021-04-15 09:15:38 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Inflatable raft used during methane hotspot sampling
5587 siwetland_2021_04_15_094405.jpg
Camilo, Ari, and Julie sampling open water location
Sherman Wetland2021-04-15 09:45:36 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Camilo, Ari, and Julie sampling open water location
5626 siwetland_2021_04_15_101405.jpg
Methane hot spot sampling
Sherman Wetland2021-04-15 10:15:48 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Methane hot spot sampling
5622 siwetland_2021_04_15_104405.jpg
Methane hotspot sampling
Sherman Wetland2021-04-15 10:45:38 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Methane hotspot sampling
5650 siwetland_2021_04_15_111405.jpg
Methane hotspot sampling
Sherman Wetland2021-04-15 11:15:46 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Methane hotspot sampling
5648 siwetland_2021_04_15_114405.jpg
Methane hotspot sampling
Sherman Wetland2021-04-15 11:45:38 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Methane hotspot sampling
5530 20210504SW_Hotspot_core.jpg
Soil core sampling at the hotspot
Sherman Wetland2021-05-04 09:37:22 1440x1920 iPhone 12 Soil core sampling at the hotspot
5531 20210504SW_Hotspot_core2.jpg
Detail of the Soil core sampling at the hotspot
Sherman Wetland2021-05-04 09:37:29 1440x1920 iPhone 12 Detail of the Soil core sampling at the hotspot
5613 siwetland_2021_05_04_114405.jpg
2nd round of methane hotspot sampling
Sherman Wetland2021-05-04 11:45:50 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC 2nd round of methane hotspot sampling
5611 siwetland_2021_05_04_124405.jpg
2nd round of methane hotspot sampling
Sherman Wetland2021-05-04 12:45:56 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC 2nd round of methane hotspot sampling
5609 siwetland_2021_05_04_131405.jpg
2nd round of methane hotspot sampling
Sherman Wetland2021-05-04 13:15:52 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC 2nd round of methane hotspot sampling
5603 siwetland_2021_05_06_094405.jpg
2nd round of hotspot sampling
Sherman Wetland2021-05-06 09:46:14 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC 2nd round of hotspot sampling
5601 siwetland_2021_05_06_101405.jpg
2nd round of methane hotspot sampling
Sherman Wetland2021-05-06 10:16:00 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC 2nd round of methane hotspot sampling
5595 siwetland_2021_05_06_104405.jpg
2nd round of methane hotspot sampling
Sherman Wetland2021-05-06 10:45:56 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC 2nd round of methane hotspot sampling
5535 20210506SW_Li-6400-CH4.jpg
Exploratory plant CH4 fluxes by combining the Li-6400 with the Li-7810
Sherman Wetland2021-05-06 11:48:05 1440x1920 iPhone 12 Exploratory plant CH4 fluxes by combining the Li-6400 with the Li-7810
5536 20210506SW_Soil_CH4.jpg
Exploratory measurement of CH4 fluxes in the soil above the gas pipeline
Sherman Wetland2021-05-06 15:42:29 1920x1440 iPhone 12 Exploratory measurement of CH4 fluxes in the soil above the gas pipeline
5635 siwetland_2021_05_14_071405.jpg
Sherman Wetland2021-05-14 07:16:00 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Grackle
5633 siwetland_2021_05_20_064405.jpg
Grackle on 4-way radiometer
Sherman Wetland2021-05-20 06:46:06 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Grackle on 4-way radiometer
5616 siwetland_2021_06_22_151406.jpg
Ari cleaning sensors
Sherman Wetland2021-06-22 15:16:52 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Ari cleaning sensors
5564 20210721SW_Caterpillar.jpg
Caterpillar eating cattail at SW tower
Sherman Wetland2021-07-21 08:52:42 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) Caterpillar eating cattail at SW tower
5563 20210721SW_BabyCaterpillar.jpg
Small caterpillar munching on cattail
Sherman Wetland2021-07-21 08:53:29 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) Small caterpillar munching on cattail
5600 siwetland_2021_07_22_094405.jpg
Mystery people on a motorboat
Sherman Wetland2021-07-22 09:45:42 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Mystery people on a motorboat
5594 siwetland_2021_07_28_104405.jpg
Patty's student removing equipment during LGR decomissioning
Sherman Wetland2021-07-28 10:45:54 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Patty
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