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6593 HS_picam_20230106_0815.jpg
Coots on water
Hill Slough2023-01-06 08:15:06 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Coots on water
6594 HS_picam_20230109_1715.jpg
Light overcast at sunset
Hill Slough2023-01-09 17:15:06 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Light overcast at sunset
6595 HS_picam_20230120_0845.jpg
Lots of coots on the water
Hill Slough2023-01-20 08:45:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Lots of coots on the water
6596 HS_picam_20230121_1715.jpg
Rippled clouds
Hill Slough2023-01-21 17:15:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Rippled clouds
6597 HS_picam_20230126_1745.jpg
After sunset on a clear evening
Hill Slough2023-01-26 17:45:06 1917x1440 RP_imx219 After sunset on a clear evening
6598 HS_picam_20230201_1745.jpg
Nice sunset at low tide
Hill Slough2023-02-01 17:45:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Nice sunset at low tide
6599 HS_picam_20230207_0715.jpg
Dawn moon
Hill Slough2023-02-07 07:15:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Dawn moon
6600 HS_picam_20230207_1745.jpg
Nice sunset
Hill Slough2023-02-07 17:45:06 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Nice sunset
6601 HS_picam_20230208_0715.jpg
Dawn moon
Hill Slough2023-02-08 07:15:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Dawn moon
6602 HS_picam_20230210_1415.jpg
Smoke to the west
Hill Slough2023-02-10 14:15:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Smoke to the west
6603 HS_picam_20230220_1745.jpg
Nice sunset
Hill Slough2023-02-20 17:45:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Nice sunset
6604 HS_picam_20230329_1045.jpg
Interesting clouds
Hill Slough2023-03-29 10:45:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Interesting clouds
6605 HS_picam_20230331_0615.jpg
Nice colors at dawn
Hill Slough2023-03-31 06:15:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Nice colors at dawn
6606 HS_picam_20230406_0545.jpg
Full moon at dawn
Hill Slough2023-04-06 05:45:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Full moon at dawn
6607 HS_picam_20230410_0545.jpg
Gradient colors at dawn
Hill Slough2023-04-10 05:45:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Gradient colors at dawn
6289 20230411HS_Channels.jpg
Channels starting to form in the wetland
Hill Slough2023-04-11 17:00:53 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) Channels starting to form in the wetland
6296 20230509HS_StaffGauge.jpg
Installed a second staff gauge in the channel to let us read water level during low tide when our primary staff gauge by the tower is high and dry. I had to scrape off a bunch of barnacles before attaching the gauge to the post.
Hill Slough2023-05-09 15:44:06 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) Installed a second staff gauge in the channel to let us read water level during low tide when our primary staff gauge by the tower is high and dry. I had to scrape off a bunch of barnacles before attaching the gauge to the post.
6294 20230509HS_Bubbles1.jpg
Bubbles getting trapped in the algal mat at Hill Slough during low tide
Hill Slough2023-05-09 16:28:03 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) Bubbles getting trapped in the algal mat at Hill Slough during low tide
6295 20230509HS_Bubbles2.jpg
(Zoomed in) bubbles getting trapped in the algal mat at Hill Slough during low tide
Hill Slough2023-05-09 16:28:08 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) (Zoomed in) bubbles getting trapped in the algal mat at Hill Slough during low tide
6303 20230517HS_AlgaeMat.jpg
Green algae mat visible north of the solar tower during high tide
Hill Slough2023-05-17 15:25:05 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) Green algae mat visible north of the solar tower during high tide
6308 20230614HS_EmergentVegetation.jpg
A few small reeds emerging from the water. Maybe cattail?
Hill Slough2023-06-14 17:41:42 1440x1920 iPhone 8 A few small reeds emerging from the water. Maybe cattail?
6321 20230815HS_CattailsSprouting.jpg
A sprinkling of cattails and tules are coming up on either side of the boardwalk
Hill Slough2023-08-15 09:25:13 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) A sprinkling of cattails and tules are coming up on either side of the boardwalk
6320 20230815HS_CattailPatch.jpg
A large patch of cattails at the northern end of tidal area
Hill Slough2023-08-15 10:13:50 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) A large patch of cattails at the northern end of tidal area
6331 20230824HS_JoeDaphne.jpg
Joe and Daphne
Hill Slough2023-08-24 00:00:00 1920x1440 unknown Joe and Daphne
6327 20230824HS_LicorChamberTest.jpg
Testing the Licor flux chamber
Hill Slough2023-08-24 15:00:15 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Testing the Licor flux chamber
6608 HS_picam_20230831_0545.jpg
Dawn moon
Hill Slough2023-08-31 05:45:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Dawn moon
6609 HS_picam_20230919_1045.jpg
White pelicans in flight
Hill Slough2023-09-19 10:45:06 1917x1440 RP_imx219 White pelicans in flight
6610 HS_picam_20230923_0745.jpg
Lots of small wading birds
Hill Slough2023-09-23 07:45:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Lots of small wading birds
6340 20230928HS_Tules.jpg
Substantial tules are continuing to develop along the boardwalk
Hill Slough2023-09-28 09:59:43 1920x1440 iPhone 8 Substantial tules are continuing to develop along the boardwalk
6339 20230928HS_MorePlants.jpg
Tules starting to colonize around the solar platform
Hill Slough2023-09-28 10:01:31 1920x1440 iPhone 8 Tules starting to colonize around the solar platform
6611 HS_picam_20231030_1715.jpg
Nice sunset
Hill Slough2023-10-30 17:15:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Nice sunset
6612 HS_picam_20231031_0645.jpg
Still water at dawn
Hill Slough2023-10-31 06:45:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Still water at dawn
6613 HS_picam_20231031_1715.jpg
Nice sunset
Hill Slough2023-10-31 17:15:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Nice sunset
6614 HS_picam_20231102_1615.jpg
Overcast reflected in the water
Hill Slough2023-11-02 16:15:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Overcast reflected in the water
6615 HS_picam_20231103_1715.jpg
Nice reflected sunset
Hill Slough2023-11-03 17:15:06 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Nice reflected sunset
6616 HS_picam_20231106_1645.jpg
Nice clouds at sunset
Hill Slough2023-11-06 16:45:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Nice clouds at sunset
6351 20231106HS_NiceSunset.jpg
Visiting the site on an autumn evening
Hill Slough2023-11-06 16:52:02 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Visiting the site on an autumn evening
6617 HS_picam_20231114_0715.jpg
Double rainbow
Hill Slough2023-11-14 07:15:06 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Double rainbow
6618 HS_picam_20231117_1715.jpg
Reflected overcast
Hill Slough2023-11-17 17:15:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Reflected overcast
6619 HS_picam_20231121_1715.jpg
Nice sunset at low tide
Hill Slough2023-11-21 17:15:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Nice sunset at low tide
6364 20231207HS_BrokenClasp.jpg
Clasp came off of enclosure holding CR23X and EXO adapter
Hill Slough2023-12-07 16:08:39 1440x1920 iPhone 13 Pro Clasp came off of enclosure holding CR23X and EXO adapter
6365 20231207HS_TapedClasp.jpg
Taped clasp to enclosure after it came off of enclosure holding CR23X and EXO adapter
Hill Slough2023-12-07 16:09:40 1440x1920 iPhone 13 Pro Taped clasp to enclosure after it came off of enclosure holding CR23X and EXO adapter
6363 20231207HS_Birds.jpg
Wading birds at low tide
Hill Slough2023-12-07 16:11:24 1920x1440 iPhone 13 Pro Wading birds at low tide
6366 20231207HS_Tules.jpg
Emergent tules
Hill Slough2023-12-07 16:11:33 1440x1920 iPhone 13 Pro Emergent tules
6620 HS_picam_20231208_1715.jpg
Sunset at low tide
Hill Slough2023-12-08 17:15:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Sunset at low tide
6377 20231213HS_TulePlug.jpg
A tule plug has floated loose from somewhere
Hill Slough2023-12-13 09:49:09 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) A tule plug has floated loose from somewhere
6621 HS_picam_20231215_1715.jpg
Nice sunset
Hill Slough2023-12-15 17:15:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Nice sunset
6622 HS_picam_20231221_1715.jpg
Nice sunset
Hill Slough2023-12-21 17:15:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Nice sunset
6623 HS_picam_20231224_1715.jpg
Great reflected sunset
Hill Slough2023-12-24 17:15:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Great reflected sunset
6624 HS_picam_20240103_1715.jpg
Interesting light at low tide
Hill Slough2024-01-03 17:15:06 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Interesting light at low tide
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