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5329 20201112HS_DennisHat.jpg
Marking the new tower site
Hill Slough2020-11-12 00:00:00 1440x1920 unknown Marking the new tower site
5331 20201112HS_CurrentUpland.jpg
Panoramic of current upload ecosystem at future Hill Slough site. Levee breach planned for Aug-Nov 2021.
Hill Slough2020-11-12 08:12:05 1920x1039 iPhone SE (1st generation) Panoramic of current upload ecosystem at future Hill Slough site. Levee breach planned for Aug-Nov 2021.
5330 20201112HS_MarshPlant.jpg
Iryna identified this as salsola soda in its fall color. S. soda is an annual succulent salt-tolerant shrub.
Hill Slough2020-11-12 08:27:54 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) Iryna identified this as salsola soda in its fall color. S. soda is an annual succulent salt-tolerant shrub.
5494 20210226HS_Boardwalk.jpg
Boardwalk entrance (missing a gate for now)
Hill Slough2021-02-26 14:38:51 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) Boardwalk entrance (missing a gate for now)
5491 IMG_3111.jpg
New boardwalk and fencing
Hill Slough2021-02-26 15:55:11 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) New boardwalk and fencing
5492 IMG_3113.jpg
Big openings in decking to reduce shading need fencing.
Hill Slough2021-02-26 16:08:43 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) Big openings in decking to reduce shading need fencing.
5495 20210226HS_ScaffoldingSetup.jpg
Scaffolding set up on platform inside security fence
Hill Slough2021-02-26 16:09:26 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) Scaffolding set up on platform inside security fence
5493 IMG_3114.jpg
The beginning of the Hill Slough deployment
Hill Slough2021-02-26 17:08:11 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) The beginning of the Hill Slough deployment
5496 20210226HS_SolarSetup.jpg
Solar panels set up on scaffolding inside security fence. The bottom panel is damaged and needs to be replaced. Suisin City houses are in the background.
Hill Slough2021-02-26 17:08:38 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) Solar panels set up on scaffolding inside security fence. The bottom panel is damaged and needs to be replaced. Suisin City houses are in the background.
5498 20210302HS_NewGate.jpg
New gate at beginning of boardwalk - nice looking but not so useful.
Hill Slough2021-03-02 00:00:00 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) New gate at beginning of boardwalk - nice looking but not so useful.
5503 20210311HS_Robert.jpg
Robert installing flux sensors
Hill Slough2021-03-11 10:35:27 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Robert installing flux sensors
5499 20210311HS_Ari.jpg
Ariane installing soil sensors for the new site
Hill Slough2021-03-11 11:07:25 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) Ariane installing soil sensors for the new site
5501 20210311HS_SiteSetup.jpg
Camilo and Robert installing flux sensors. The rad boom will be installed in a different position later in the day.
Hill Slough2021-03-11 11:07:33 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) Camilo and Robert installing flux sensors. The rad boom will be installed in a different position later in the day.
5506 20210311HS_Well.jpg
Daphne putting thermocouple wires in split-loom conduit. Well sensor in foreground.
Hill Slough2021-03-11 12:15:14 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Daphne putting thermocouple wires in split-loom conduit. Well sensor in foreground.
5504 20210311HS_ScaffoldFeet.jpg
We moved a 2x12 plank from the edge of the platform to the middle so that we had more area to secure the scaffolding foot. The feet were drilled into the platforms and the scaffolding was tied down with a chain and turnbuckle attached to an eyebolt screwed into the platform (not pictured). The holes in the platform were later covered by chain link fencing.
Hill Slough2021-03-11 12:37:06 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) We moved a 2x12 plank from the edge of the platform to the middle so that we had more area to secure the scaffolding foot. The feet were drilled into the platforms and the scaffolding was tied down with a chain and turnbuckle attached to an eyebolt screwed into the platform (not pictured). The holes in the platform were later covered by chain link fencing.
5502 20210311HS_Chainlink.jpg
Joe and Daphne installing chain link fencing to cover holes in platform. The ends of the fencing are fixed with tension bars that are either drilled into the platform or secured with u-nails.
Hill Slough2021-03-11 12:48:06 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Joe and Daphne installing chain link fencing to cover holes in platform. The ends of the fencing are fixed with tension bars that are either drilled into the platform or secured with u-nails.
5505 20210311HS_Thermocouple.jpg
Thermocouple wires covered in split loom to prevent rodents or other animals from chewing on them.
Hill Slough2021-03-11 16:36:55 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Thermocouple wires covered in split loom to prevent rodents or other animals from chewing on them.
5500 20210311HS_MetBox.jpg
The start of a site -- a clean and organized datalogger encosure
Hill Slough2021-03-11 16:53:50 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) The start of a site -- a clean and organized datalogger encosure
5509 20210316HS_InstrumentTower.jpg
Precip bucket installed on the SE corner of the scaffolding, radiation boom pointing south, flux sensors on NW corner of scaffolding.
Hill Slough2021-03-16 10:28:04 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) Precip bucket installed on the SE corner of the scaffolding, radiation boom pointing south, flux sensors on NW corner of scaffolding.
5629 HS_picam_20210520_1515.jpg
Stormy sky and rain on the horizon
Hill Slough2021-05-20 15:15:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Stormy sky and rain on the horizon
5545 20210609HS_RadCalKit.jpg
Radiometer calibration kit installed on Hill Slough rad boom (4-way radiometer, Apogee NDVI pair, PAR). Note high winds blowing the loose cables sideways.
Hill Slough2021-06-09 18:45:36 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) Radiometer calibration kit installed on Hill Slough rad boom (4-way radiometer, Apogee NDVI pair, PAR). Note high winds blowing the loose cables sideways.
5548 20210616HS_LowTide.jpg
At low tide you can see the high tide water lines
Hill Slough2021-06-16 14:07:09 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) At low tide you can see the high tide water lines
5608 HS_picam_20210707_0915.jpg
Ari and Carlos taking soil samples
Hill Slough2021-07-07 09:15:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Ari and Carlos taking soil samples
5557 20210707HS_ShortSoilCore.jpg
Carlos and Ari with a short soil core.
Hill Slough2021-07-07 12:09:29 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) Carlos and Ari with a short soil core.
5606 HS_picam_20210707_1215.jpg
Carlos, Ari, and Daphne sampling soils
Hill Slough2021-07-07 12:15:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Carlos, Ari, and Daphne sampling soils
5551 20210707HS_auger.jpg
Daphne and Carlos collecting a soil core with the narrow auger
Hill Slough2021-07-07 14:32:22 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) Daphne and Carlos collecting a soil core with the narrow auger
5556 20210707HS_CarlosAri.jpg
Carlos and Ari taking short (30cm) soil cores at Hill Slough. Carlos's shirt indicates how windy it is that day.
Hill Slough2021-07-07 16:26:18 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) Carlos and Ari taking short (30cm) soil cores at Hill Slough. Carlos
5552 20210708HS_hsm4.jpg
long core sampled with the wide open faced auger
Hill Slough2021-07-08 08:41:24 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) long core sampled with the wide open faced auger
5553 20210708HS_team.jpg
Joe, Carlos, Daphne, and Ari with long core hsm_4
Hill Slough2021-07-08 08:41:24 1440x1920 unknown Joe, Carlos, Daphne, and Ari with long core hsm_4
5559 20210709HS_SoilCoring.jpg
Dennis, Joe, Ari, and Carlos taking soil core samples before levee breach/flooding. They are in a thick patch of lamb's quarters (or similar plant).
Hill Slough2021-07-08 10:45:58 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) Dennis, Joe, Ari, and Carlos taking soil core samples before levee breach/flooding. They are in a thick patch of lamb
5554 20210708HS_hsm8.jpg
long core sampled with the narrow open faced auger
Hill Slough2021-07-08 13:23:00 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) long core sampled with the narrow open faced auger
5558 20210709HS_PrefloodSoilCoring.jpg
Joe, Ari, Daphne, and Carlos taking soil core samples before levee breach and flooding
Hill Slough2021-07-09 00:00:00 1920x1440 unknown Joe, Ari, Daphne, and Carlos taking soil core samples before levee breach and flooding
5570 20210804HS_Staffgauge.jpg
New staff gauge probably installed by CDFW by the Hill Slough enclosure. The bottom of the staff gauge is at 4', which is our approximate elevation asl.
Hill Slough2021-08-04 07:55:04 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) New staff gauge probably installed by CDFW by the Hill Slough enclosure. The bottom of the staff gauge is at 4
5985 HS_picam_20210825_0945.jpg
Daphne and Joe on site
Hill Slough2021-08-25 09:45:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Daphne and Joe on site
5733 20210904HS_FluxSensors.jpg
HS flux sensors
Hill Slough2021-09-03 09:10:25 1920x1440 iPhone 11 Pro HS flux sensors
5736 20211006HS_TidalFlooding.jpg
Some standing water from high tide visible in the footprint of the tower.
Hill Slough2021-10-06 17:57:56 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Some standing water from high tide visible in the footprint of the tower.
5737 20211006HS_DitchFull.jpg
The ditch along the road is full to the brim with high tide
Hill Slough2021-10-06 17:58:19 1920x1046 iPhone SE (2nd generation) The ditch along the road is full to the brim with high tide
5755 20211026HS_HighTide.jpg
High tide at Hill Slough
Hill Slough2021-10-26 10:21:32 1920x582 iPhone SE (2nd generation) High tide at Hill Slough
5760 20211104HS_WaterSensors.jpg
Dissolved CO2 sensor (eosGP) and miniDOT sensor deployed under the boardwalk at Hill Slough
Hill Slough2021-11-04 10:34:38 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) Dissolved CO2 sensor (eosGP) and miniDOT sensor deployed under the boardwalk at Hill Slough
5759 20211104HS_HighTide.jpg
Hill Slough site near high tide
Hill Slough2021-11-04 10:47:36 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) Hill Slough site near high tide
5987 HS_picam_20211104_1215.jpg
Clouds reflected in the water
Hill Slough2021-11-04 12:15:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Clouds reflected in the water
5989 HS_picam_20211105_0645.jpg
Dawn at mid tide
Hill Slough2021-11-05 06:45:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Dawn at mid tide
5991 HS_picam_20211106_0645.jpg
Dawn at high tide
Hill Slough2021-11-06 06:45:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Dawn at high tide
5993 HS_picam_20211106_1315.jpg
Nice sky reflected in the water
Hill Slough2021-11-06 13:15:06 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Nice sky reflected in the water
5995 HS_picam_20211107_1715.jpg
Nice sunset at high tide
Hill Slough2021-11-07 17:15:06 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Nice sunset at high tide
5997 HS_picam_20211108_0715.jpg
Birds on the water
Hill Slough2021-11-08 07:15:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Birds on the water
5999 HS_picam_20211109_1715.jpg
Nice clouds reflected in the water
Hill Slough2021-11-09 17:15:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Nice clouds reflected in the water
6001 HS_picam_20211110_1715.jpg
Nice sunset at low tide
Hill Slough2021-11-10 17:15:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Nice sunset at low tide
6003 HS_picam_20211111_0645.jpg
Some tule fog at dawn
Hill Slough2021-11-11 06:45:05 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Some tule fog at dawn
6005 HS_picam_20211113_1345.jpg
Nice clouds reflected in the water
Hill Slough2021-11-13 13:45:06 1917x1440 RP_imx219 Nice clouds reflected in the water
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