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5856 20220512GT_NewSign.jpg
New sign at the breach site. I suppose that it could possibly help prevent people from driving off the road
Gilbert Tract2022-05-12 09:41:46 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) New sign at the breach site. I suppose that it could possibly help prevent people from driving off the road
5855 20220512GT_GreenUp.jpg
Nice spring day and wetland is greening up
Gilbert Tract2022-05-12 10:05:03 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) Nice spring day and wetland is greening up
5857 20220512GT_SLRails.jpg
Side Looker was pushed off the railing and the top of the handle was flush with the first cross piece
Gilbert Tract2022-05-12 11:19:41 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) Side Looker was pushed off the railing and the top of the handle was flush with the first cross piece
5852 20220513GT_SL_mount_close.jpg
up photo of the upper end of the side looker mount. The central pole
Gilbert Tract2022-05-13 00:00:00 915x686 unknown up photo of the upper end of the side looker mount. The central pole
6255 20220513GT_SAV.jpg
Submerged Aquatic Vegetation at the ADCP site
Gilbert Tract2022-05-13 00:00:00 768x1024 unknown Submerged Aquatic Vegetation at the ADCP site
6047 20220520GT_RevampAdcp.jpg
Daphne, Ari, Joe improving the ADCP setup. We laid down three 3'x5' concrete boards along the bottom of the channel to suppress weed growth. We also shifted the track slightly so that it was more perpendicular to the channel.
Gilbert Tract2022-05-20 13:35:59 1440x1920 iPhone 6s Daphne, Ari, Joe improving the ADCP setup. We laid down three 3
6141 gilberttract_2022_05_22_191405.jpg
Starling town
Gilbert Tract2022-05-22 20:15:04 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Starling town
6142 gilberttract_2022_05_26_191405.jpg
Starlings watching the sunset
Gilbert Tract2022-05-26 20:15:18 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Starlings watching the sunset
6143 gilberttract_2022_05_28_191405.jpg
Gilbert Tract2022-05-28 20:15:12 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Starlings
6144 gilberttract_2022_05_29_191405.jpg
Starlings everywhere, including inside the sonic and on the radiometers
Gilbert Tract2022-05-29 20:15:12 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Starlings everywhere, including inside the sonic and on the radiometers
6145 gilberttract_2022_05_30_191405.jpg
Starlings watching the sunset
Gilbert Tract2022-05-30 20:15:14 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Starlings watching the sunset
6146 gilberttract_2022_06_09_081405.jpg
7700 calibration in progress
Gilbert Tract2022-06-09 09:15:22 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC 7700 calibration in progress
6056 20220630GT_Site.jpg
Site visit
Gilbert Tract2022-06-30 12:29:02 1920x1440 moto g power Site visit
6147 gilberttract_2022_07_07_131405.jpg
Just a few starlings
Gilbert Tract2022-07-07 14:15:50 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Just a few starlings
6148 gilberttract_2022_07_08_114405.jpg
Just a few starlings
Gilbert Tract2022-07-08 12:46:16 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Just a few starlings
6149 gilberttract_2022_08_03_101405.jpg
Daphne cleaning radiometers
Gilbert Tract2022-08-03 11:16:10 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Daphne cleaning radiometers
6150 gilberttract_2022_08_16_074405.jpg
Eric and Dennis on site
Gilbert Tract2022-08-16 08:48:18 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Eric and Dennis on site
6151 gilberttract_2022_08_16_081406.jpg
Robert cleaning radiometers
Gilbert Tract2022-08-16 09:18:16 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Robert cleaning radiometers
6080 20220824GT_KatieInterview.jpg
Katie Bandy getting interviewed by ABC7 about the Dutch Slough Restoration Project. Ari is acting as a microphone stand.
Gilbert Tract2022-08-24 10:19:19 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) Katie Bandy getting interviewed by ABC7 about the Dutch Slough Restoration Project. Ari is acting as a microphone stand.
6081 20220824GT_AriInterview.jpg
Ari getting interviewed by ABC7 about wetland restoration and carbon sequestration. She is still the microphone stand, too.
Gilbert Tract2022-08-24 10:46:18 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) Ari getting interviewed by ABC7 about wetland restoration and carbon sequestration. She is still the microphone stand, too.
6079 20220824GT_AriInterview2.jpg
Ari explaining our instrumentation to ABC7 and how they help measure carbon sequestration.
Gilbert Tract2022-08-24 11:15:15 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) Ari explaining our instrumentation to ABC7 and how they help measure carbon sequestration.
6083 20220824GT_WaterSensors.jpg
Three water sensors (eosGP, CTD, Campbell conductivity) attached to a fence post in a slightly deeper part of the wetland. The slight disturbance in the azolla on the surface indicates where I waded around to find the deepest point of this pond.
Gilbert Tract2022-08-24 12:25:55 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) Three water sensors (eosGP, CTD, Campbell conductivity) attached to a fence post in a slightly deeper part of the wetland. The slight disturbance in the azolla on the surface indicates where I waded around to find the deepest point of this pond.
6153 gilberttract_2022_09_01_114405.jpg
One bird on scaffolding
Gilbert Tract2022-09-01 12:48:34 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC One bird on scaffolding
6154 gilberttract_2022_09_15_084405.jpg
Kanishka cleaning radiometers
Gilbert Tract2022-09-15 09:48:52 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Kanishka cleaning radiometers
6155 gilberttract_2022_10_15_144405.jpg
One small bird on boom
Gilbert Tract2022-10-15 15:49:46 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC One small bird on boom
6156 gilberttract_2022_10_15_171405.jpg
One small bird on boom
Gilbert Tract2022-10-15 18:19:28 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC One small bird on boom
6157 gilberttract_2022_10_19_084405.jpg
Kyle and Robert on site
Gilbert Tract2022-10-19 09:49:20 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Kyle and Robert on site
6088 20221019GT_Site.jpg
Solar panel and tower scaffolding
Gilbert Tract2022-10-19 09:57:22 1920x1440 iPhone 12 mini Solar panel and tower scaffolding
6089 20221019GT_Tower.jpg
Daphne on site
Gilbert Tract2022-10-19 09:58:58 1440x1920 iPhone 12 mini Daphne on site
6087 20221019GT_DaphneBoardwalk.jpg
Daphne installing the new copper-taped CTD sensor off of the Gilbert Tract boardwalk
Gilbert Tract2022-10-19 10:02:31 1440x1920 iPhone 12 mini Daphne installing the new copper-taped CTD sensor off of the Gilbert Tract boardwalk
6099 20221019GT_Flo.jpg
Robert removed all of the submerged aquatic vegetation surrounding the ADCP. We can finally see the sensor in the water!
Gilbert Tract2022-10-19 11:19:23 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) Robert removed all of the submerged aquatic vegetation surrounding the ADCP. We can finally see the sensor in the water!
6158 gilberttract_2022_10_30_141406.jpg
One small bird on boom
Gilbert Tract2022-10-30 15:19:48 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC One small bird on boom
6100 20221103GT_Tower.jpg
Tower and solar panels on a clear fall morning
Gilbert Tract2022-11-03 10:18:35 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) Tower and solar panels on a clear fall morning
6159 gilberttract_2022_11_07_161406.jpg
Black birds
Gilbert Tract2022-11-07 16:19:54 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Black birds
6160 gilberttract_2022_11_07_164405.jpg
Gilbert Tract2022-11-07 16:49:44 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Starling
6258 20221108GT_WaterSamples.jpg
Robert, Koong, and Ari taking water samples and measuring flow during the 24hr tidal campaign
Gilbert Tract2022-11-08 14:13:15 1440x1920 iPhone 6s Robert, Koong, and Ari taking water samples and measuring flow during the 24hr tidal campaign
6257 20221108GT_Channel.jpg
Turned out to be a beautiful day for the 24hr tidal sampling
Gilbert Tract2022-11-08 14:20:22 1920x1440 iPhone 6s Turned out to be a beautiful day for the 24hr tidal sampling
6259 20221108GT_WaterSamples2.jpg
Robert, Koong, and Ari navigating the boat back to the southern bank during the 24hr tidal sampling campaign
Gilbert Tract2022-11-08 14:22:53 1920x1440 iPhone 6s Robert, Koong, and Ari navigating the boat back to the southern bank during the 24hr tidal sampling campaign
6256 20221108GT_Boat.jpg
Boat started to capsize as people were stepping in, dumping Koong and Robert into the water
Gilbert Tract2022-11-08 14:24:19 1920x1440 iPhone 6s Boat started to capsize as people were stepping in, dumping Koong and Robert into the water
6161 gilberttract_2022_11_08_161405.jpg
Gilbert Tract2022-11-08 16:19:50 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Grackles
6105 20221109GT_channel_upstream.jpg
View of the channel facing upstream of the Little Dutch Slough breach
Gilbert Tract2022-11-09 07:04:39 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) View of the channel facing upstream of the Little Dutch Slough breach
6107 20221109GT_sunrise.jpg
Sunrise at little Dutch Slough breach, photo view is downstream, facing the booms at the channel mouth
Gilbert Tract2022-11-09 07:04:50 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) Sunrise at little Dutch Slough breach, photo view is downstream, facing the booms at the channel mouth
6106 20221109GT_syringe_sampling.jpg
Carlos is sampling at the center of the channel using a syringe-stopcock-tubing assembly
Gilbert Tract2022-11-09 07:04:55 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) Carlos is sampling at the center of the channel using a syringe-stopcock-tubing assembly
6104 20221108GT_logsheet.jpg
Water quality parameters log sheet taken with every tidal cycle discrete sampling event
Gilbert Tract2022-11-09 08:48:48 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) Water quality parameters log sheet taken with every tidal cycle discrete sampling event
6162 gilberttract_2022_11_09_161405.jpg
Gilbert Tract2022-11-09 16:19:44 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Grackles
6163 gilberttract_2022_11_11_164405.jpg
Gilbert Tract2022-11-11 16:49:44 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Grackles
6164 gilberttract_2022_11_12_064405.jpg
Grackles watching the sunrise
Gilbert Tract2022-11-12 06:49:56 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Grackles watching the sunrise
6165 gilberttract_2022_11_12_164405.jpg
Gilbert Tract2022-11-12 16:49:50 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Grackles
6166 gilberttract_2022_11_13_164406.jpg
Gilbert Tract2022-11-13 16:49:52 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Grackles
6569 gilberttract_IR_2022_11_18_091405.jpg
Ari on site in near IR
Gilbert Tract2022-11-18 17:20:34 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Ari on site in near IR
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