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4011 EE_autocam_20140628_2015.jpg
Great Horned Owl
East End2014-06-28 20:15:03 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Great Horned Owl
4070 EE_autocam_20140629_2015.jpg
Moon after sunset
East End2014-06-29 20:15:03 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Moon after sunset
4055 EE_autocam_20140630_1945.jpg
Nice sunset
East End2014-06-30 19:45:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Nice sunset
4050 EE_autocam_20140726_0915.jpg
Swallows on boom
East End2014-07-26 09:15:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Swallows on boom
4003 EE_autocam_20140729_1145.jpg
Kingfisher on the boom
East End2014-07-29 11:45:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Kingfisher on the boom
4001 EE_autocam_20140803_1415.jpg
Swallows on the boom
East End2014-08-03 14:15:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Swallows on the boom
4039 EE_autocam_20140803_1915.jpg
Nice sunset
East End2014-08-03 19:15:03 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Nice sunset
4046 EE_autocam_20140804_1915.jpg
Nice sunset
East End2014-08-04 19:15:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Nice sunset
4037 EE_autocam_20140811_0615.jpg
Swallows on boom
East End2014-08-11 06:15:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Swallows on boom
4058 EE_autocam_20140815_1945.jpg
Great horned owl
East End2014-08-15 19:45:03 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Great horned owl
4042 EE_autocam_20140829_1845.jpg
Nice sunset
East End2014-08-29 18:45:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Nice sunset
3991 20140910EE_Calibrating.jpg
Calibrating the 7700 on a hot day
East End2014-09-10 13:10:46 1920x1440 COOLPIX S9100 Calibrating the 7700 on a hot day
4131 EE_autocam_20140920_1815.jpg
Nice light and clouds
East End2014-09-20 18:15:03 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Nice light and clouds
4111 EE_autocam_20141008_0515.jpg
Pre-dawn moon
East End2014-10-08 05:15:11 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Pre-dawn moon
4099 20141016EE_DebrisBurn.jpg
Debris burn pile
East End2014-10-16 12:12:47 1920x1440 COOLPIX S9100 Debris burn pile
4138 EE_autocam_20141018_0745.jpg
swallows on boom
East End2014-10-18 07:45:03 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 swallows on boom
4126 EE_autocam_20141021_0715.jpg
Swallows on the boom
East End2014-10-21 07:15:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Swallows on the boom
4190 EE_autocam_20141122_1645.jpg
Hawk on boom
East End2014-11-22 16:45:02 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Hawk on boom
4176 EE_autocam_20141123_1645.jpg
Hawk on boom
East End2014-11-23 16:45:03 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Hawk on boom
4164 EE_autocam_20141124_0715.jpg
Hawk on boom
East End2014-11-24 07:15:03 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A800 Hawk on boom
4148 20150105EE_TowerBlownOver1.jpg
Tower fell over in the wind of 2014-12-30
East End2015-01-05 11:09:25 1920x1440 COOLPIX S9100 Tower fell over in the wind of 2014-12-30
4142 20150105EE_TowerBlownOver2.jpg
Tower fell over in the wind of 2014-12-30
East End2015-01-05 11:12:18 1920x1440 COOLPIX S9100 Tower fell over in the wind of 2014-12-30
4145 20150105EE_BoxDidNotLeak.jpg
The data logger box was half submerged but the wiring ports were above water and the box sealed tight enough not to leak
East End2015-01-05 11:26:40 1920x1440 COOLPIX S9100 The data logger box was half submerged but the wiring ports were above water and the box sealed tight enough not to leak
4147 20150105EE_RadiometersOk.jpg
The radiometer were mostly out of the water except the pyranometers of the NR01. These were about half submerged but did seem to leak.
East End2015-01-05 12:13:33 1920x1440 COOLPIX S9100  The radiometer were mostly out of the water except the pyranometers of the NR01. These were about half submerged but did seem to leak.
4141 20150107EE_Scaffolding.jpg
Reconstructed tower scaffolding after it was blown down
East End2015-01-07 15:19:29 1024x768 COOLPIX S9100 Reconstructed tower scaffolding after it was blown down
4218 20150120EE_Reinstrumented.jpg
Reinstalled the flux and met sensors on the reconstructed scaffolding
East End2015-01-20 14:10:33 1024x768 COOLPIX S9100 Reinstalled the flux and met sensors on the reconstructed scaffolding
4196 20150324EE_Tower.jpg
East End tower
East End2015-03-24 12:55:40 1024x768 COOLPIX S9100 East End tower
4223 20150423EE_Tower.jpg
Cattails are super green around the tower
East End2015-04-23 12:28:51 1920x1440 COOLPIX S9100 Cattails are super green around the tower
4222 20154023EE_SolarPanels.jpg
2+ meter cattails are starting to shade the solar panels
East End2015-04-23 12:29:20 1920x1440 COOLPIX S9100 2+ meter cattails are starting to shade the solar panels
4236 EE_autocam_20150503_0445.jpg
Moon before dawn
East End2015-05-03 04:45:01 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A2600 Moon before dawn
4237 EE_autocam_20150514_1815.jpg
Nice clouds
East End2015-05-14 18:15:00 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A2600 Nice clouds
4268 20150528EE_Frog.jpg
Tree frog
East End2015-05-28 11:02:19 1920x1440 COOLPIX S9100 Tree frog
4265 20150528EE_LicorEverywhere.jpg
Licor boxes everywhere all at once
East End2015-05-28 12:32:18 1920x1440 COOLPIX S9100 Licor boxes everywhere all at once
4266 20150528EE_AmerifluxIntercompare.jpg
Ameriflux intercomparison
East End2015-05-28 12:58:59 1920x1440 COOLPIX S9100 Ameriflux intercomparison
4378 EE_autocam_20150626_1945.jpg
Nice sunset
East End2015-06-26 19:45:00 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A2600 Nice sunset
4319 EE_autocam_20150810_0545.jpg
Smoke from wild fires
East End2015-08-10 05:45:00 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A2600 Smoke from wild fires
4386 EE_autocam_20150818_1915.jpg
Crescent moon at dusk
East End2015-08-18 19:15:00 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A2600 Crescent moon at dusk
4313 EE_autocam_20150819_1845.jpg
Birds at sunste
East End2015-08-19 18:45:00 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A2600 Birds at sunste
4398 EE_autocam_20150906_0745.jpg
Great Blue Heron
East End2015-09-06 07:45:00 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A2600 Great Blue Heron
4284 20150916EE_Site.jpg
Wetland vegetation just starting to sensece
East End2015-09-16 14:08:23 1920x1080 ILCE-6000 Wetland vegetation just starting to sensece
4339 EE_autocam_20150928_0545.jpg
Moon at dawn
East End2015-09-28 05:45:00 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A2600 Moon at dawn
4367 EE_autocam_20151012_1015.jpg
Hawk on camera
East End2015-10-12 10:15:00 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A2600 Hawk on camera
4346 EE_autocam_20151013_1745.jpg
Nice sunset
East End2015-10-13 17:45:00 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A2600 Nice sunset
4368 EE_autocam_20151023_0845.jpg
Hawk on camera
East End2015-10-23 08:45:00 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A2600 Hawk on camera
4293 20151111EE_Site.jpg
Eddy sensors over mostly green wetland
East End2015-11-11 16:16:23 1920x1080 ILCE-6000 Eddy sensors over mostly green wetland
4324 EE_autocam_20151119_1645.jpg
Birds in the air and on the net radiometer
East End2015-11-19 16:45:00 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A2600 Birds in the air and on the net radiometer
4361 EE_autocam_20151122_0815.jpg
Hawk on camera
East End2015-11-22 08:15:00 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A2600 Hawk on camera
4475 EE_autocam_20160211_1122.jpg
East End2016-02-11 11:22:45 1920x1440 Canon PowerShot A2600 Patty
4420 20160225EE_SonicHeading_tn.jpg
Compass showing sonic heading
East End2016-02-25 11:46:42 1920x1440 COOLPIX S9100 Compass showing sonic heading
4422 20160225EE_CattailFluff_tn.jpg
Spider webs on sonic and CH4 analyzer
East End2016-02-25 11:50:07 1920x1440 COOLPIX S9100 Spider webs on sonic and CH4 analyzer
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