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6890 bouldincorn_2024_05_17_101505.jpg
Charlotte working on chambers in tilled field
Bouldin Corn2024-05-17 18:16:58 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Charlotte working on chambers in tilled field
6723 20240522BC_SoilSensors.jpg
Three sets of soil sensors, 2 zcams, and one of Charlotte's chambers (out of many) on a mostly bare field with tiny corn sprouts.
Bouldin Corn2024-05-22 13:05:39 1920x1440 iPhone 8 Three sets of soil sensors, 2 zcams, and one of Charlotte
6724 20240522BC_TowerMoved.jpg
Moved the scaffolding about 2m to the west, farther into the field and closer to the corn. The SE fence post is a little far from the scaffolding. We moved Charlotte's white enclosure from the scaffolding to a new fence post.
Bouldin Corn2024-05-22 13:20:58 1440x1920 iPhone 8 Moved the scaffolding about 2m to the west, farther into the field and closer to the corn. The SE fence post is a little far from the scaffolding. We moved Charlotte
6764 20240709BC_LithiumPowerPack.jpg
Adding a 24V lithium power pack in-line with our power system to buffer the met/flux systems from power interruptions
Bouldin Corn2024-07-09 14:52:48 1920x1440 iPhone 8 Adding a 24V lithium power pack in-line with our power system to buffer the met/flux systems from power interruptions
6761 20240709BC_UnevenCorn.jpg
The corn in the middle of the field is sparser this year relative to the edges of the field. The middle of the field still has some bare soil visible.
Bouldin Corn2024-07-09 15:56:20 1920x1440 iPhone 8 The corn in the middle of the field is sparser this year relative to the edges of the field. The middle of the field still has some bare soil visible.
6760 20240709BC_Radiometers.jpg
Corn under the radiometers is taller than the corn in the middle of the field
Bouldin Corn2024-07-09 15:56:32 1920x1440 iPhone 8 Corn under the radiometers is taller than the corn in the middle of the field
6892 bouldincorn_2024_07_10_091505.jpg
Someone lost in the sorghum field
Bouldin Corn2024-07-10 17:16:32 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Someone lost in the sorghum field
6765 20240717BC_SorghumFlowers.jpg
Once the flowers appeared on the stalks, it started to seem like this field was not planted with corn after all...
Bouldin Corn2024-07-17 10:24:45 1920x1440 iPhone 8 Once the flowers appeared on the stalks, it started to seem like this field was not planted with corn after all...
6894 bouldincorn_2024_08_07_111506.jpg
Joe doing clip plots in the sorghum
Bouldin Corn2024-08-07 19:17:24 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Joe doing clip plots in the sorghum
6816 20241009BC_TowerMovedBack.jpg
The tower moved back from the sorghum for harvest
Bouldin Corn2024-10-09 16:04:11 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) The tower moved back from the sorghum for harvest
6825 20241023BC_FlatStover.jpg
Stover around edges of field were flattened. Charlotte's chambers mostly installed in the flattened area.
Bouldin Corn2024-10-23 14:23:00 1920x1440 iPhone 8 Stover around edges of field were flattened. Charlotte
6826 20241023BC_PostHarvest.jpg
Stover remaining after sorghum was harvested
Bouldin Corn2024-10-23 14:23:56 1920x1145 iPhone 8 Stover remaining after sorghum was harvested
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