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5512 20210401BC_UnplowedPatch.jpg
They still haven’t disked the patch near our tower
Bouldin Corn2021-04-01 10:39:00 1920x584 iPhone SE (1st generation) They still haven’t disked the patch near our tower
5636 bouldincorn_2021_04_15_094505.jpg
Bouldin Corn2021-04-15 09:47:20 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Disking
5521 20210415BC_ApogeeNdvi.jpg
Apogee NDVI sensors isntalled on BC radiometer boom
Bouldin Corn2021-04-15 12:31:04 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) Apogee NDVI sensors isntalled on BC radiometer boom
5644 bouldincorn_2021_04_28_084505.jpg
Tractor maybe disking
Bouldin Corn2021-04-28 08:46:08 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Tractor maybe disking
5617 bouldincorn_2021_05_03_144505.jpg
Planting? Tractor work on field
Bouldin Corn2021-05-03 14:46:26 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Planting? Tractor work on field
5583 bouldincorn_2021_05_11_111505.jpg
Tyler setting up after corn was planted
Bouldin Corn2021-05-11 11:16:52 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Tyler setting up after corn was planted
5581 bouldincorn_2021_05_11_114506.jpg
Tyler setting up after corn was planted
Bouldin Corn2021-05-11 11:46:54 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Tyler setting up after corn was planted
5643 bouldincorn_2021_05_11_121505.jpg
Tyler on site
Bouldin Corn2021-05-11 12:16:52 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Tyler on site
5641 bouldincorn_2021_05_11_124506.jpg
Tyler on site
Bouldin Corn2021-05-11 12:46:52 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Tyler on site
5639 bouldincorn_2021_05_11_131506.jpg
Chambers back out in field
Bouldin Corn2021-05-11 13:16:52 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Chambers back out in field
5637 bouldincorn_IR_2021_05_13_101506.jpg
Joe in IR
Bouldin Corn2021-05-13 10:17:06 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Joe in IR
5537 20210513BC_FieldPlanted.jpg
The field has been planted and sprouts are 10cm tall
Bouldin Corn2021-05-13 11:27:13 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) The field has been planted and sprouts are 10cm tall
5541 20210527BC_Radiometers.jpg
Radiometer inter-comparison and ground sensors in background
Bouldin Corn2021-05-27 15:39:58 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Radiometer inter-comparison and ground sensors in background
5625 bouldincorn_2021_06_08_074505.jpg
Tractor digging spud ditches?
Bouldin Corn2021-06-08 07:47:14 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Tractor digging spud ditches?
5547 20210616BC_IRTsAdded.jpg
Belly high corn and new IRT sensors
Bouldin Corn2021-06-16 10:30:27 1440x1920 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Belly high corn and new IRT sensors
5550 20210624BC_7700Calibration.jpg
Calibrating 7700 off the tower, less wind don’t have to unload tanks.
Bouldin Corn2021-06-24 11:44:22 1920x1440 iPhone SE (2nd generation) Calibrating 7700 off the tower, less wind don’t have to unload tanks.
5588 bouldincorn_2021_08_02_064505.jpg
Smoke plume from Bradford Island fire
Bouldin Corn2021-08-02 06:48:32 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Smoke plume from Bradford Island fire
5568 20210804BC_Feathers.jpg
Feathers aplenty under the Bouldin Corn tower
Bouldin Corn2021-08-04 08:53:18 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) Feathers aplenty under the Bouldin Corn tower
5720 20210817BC_Spider.jpg
Alarmingly large spider at face height that Ari walked right smack dab into
Bouldin Corn2021-08-17 08:49:09 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) Alarmingly large spider at face height that Ari walked right smack dab into
5920 bouldincorn_2021_08_18_074505.jpg
Smoke from Caldor or Dixie fires
Bouldin Corn2021-08-18 07:46:22 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Smoke from Caldor or Dixie fires
5922 bouldincorn_2021_08_23_134505.jpg
Wasp incoming
Bouldin Corn2021-08-23 13:46:40 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Wasp incoming
5924 bouldincorn_2021_09_03_084506.jpg
Harrier (UFO?) in flight
Bouldin Corn2021-09-03 08:47:14 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Harrier (UFO?) in flight
5730 20210904BC_Tower.jpg
Panoramic of BC tower
Bouldin Corn2021-09-03 10:21:08 1920x671 iPhone 11 Pro Panoramic of BC tower
5742 20211007BC_DryCorn.jpg
Ari on site and our tower is measuring dry, dry corn
Bouldin Corn2021-10-07 12:45:38 1920x1440 iPhone 6s Ari on site and our tower is measuring dry, dry corn
5741 20211007BC_AriDaphne.jpg
Ari and Daphne servicing the site. Still waiting for corn to be harvested.
Bouldin Corn2021-10-07 12:46:37 1920x1440 iPhone 6s Ari and Daphne servicing the site. Still waiting for corn to be harvested.
5925 bouldincorn_2021_10_18_134505.jpg
Tractor disking residue
Bouldin Corn2021-10-18 13:48:06 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Tractor disking residue
5926 bouldincorn_2021_10_20_081505.jpg
The field has been disked
Bouldin Corn2021-10-20 08:18:12 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC The field has been disked
5750 20211021BC_ArableFlaking.jpg
Arable sensor on top is slightly flaking
Bouldin Corn2021-10-21 16:59:47 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) Arable sensor on top is slightly flaking
5751 20211021BC_CornHarvested.jpg
Corn has been harvested! All the corn has been taken; no personal corn patch in front of our tower this year.
Bouldin Corn2021-10-21 17:07:18 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) Corn has been harvested! All the corn has been taken; no personal corn patch in front of our tower this year.
5927 bouldincorn_2021_10_24_164505.jpg
Bouldin Corn2021-10-24 17:47:50 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Rain
5928 bouldincorn_2021_11_21_131505.jpg
Bird on boom, grass growing
Bouldin Corn2021-11-21 13:16:08 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Bird on boom, grass growing
5929 bouldincorn_2021_11_23_084506.jpg
Cold and wet looking kestrel on boom
Bouldin Corn2021-11-23 08:46:12 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Cold and wet looking kestrel on boom
5930 bouldincorn_2021_11_25_074506.jpg
Kestrel on boom and fog
Bouldin Corn2021-11-25 07:46:18 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Kestrel on boom and fog
5931 bouldincorn_2021_11_25_081505.jpg
Kestrel on radiation sensors
Bouldin Corn2021-11-25 08:16:18 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Kestrel on radiation sensors
5932 bouldincorn_2021_11_25_084505.jpg
Kestrel on radiation sensors
Bouldin Corn2021-11-25 08:46:20 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Kestrel on radiation sensors
5933 bouldincorn_2021_11_29_091506.jpg
Kestrel on radiation sensors
Bouldin Corn2021-11-29 09:16:32 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Kestrel on radiation sensors
5934 bouldincorn_2021_11_29_094505.jpg
Kestrel on boom
Bouldin Corn2021-11-29 09:46:32 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Kestrel on boom
5935 bouldincorn_2021_11_29_101505.jpg
Kestrel on boom
Bouldin Corn2021-11-29 10:16:32 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Kestrel on boom
5936 bouldincorn_2021_12_06_084506.jpg
Kestrel on radiation sensors
Bouldin Corn2021-12-06 08:46:22 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Kestrel on radiation sensors
5937 bouldincorn_2021_12_06_091505.jpg
Kestrel on radiation sensors
Bouldin Corn2021-12-06 09:16:22 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Kestrel on radiation sensors
5938 bouldincorn_2021_12_11_071506.jpg
Frost and fog at sunrise
Bouldin Corn2021-12-11 07:16:34 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Frost and fog at sunrise
5939 bouldincorn_2021_12_17_091506.jpg
Kestrel on radiation sensors
Bouldin Corn2021-12-17 09:16:20 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Kestrel on radiation sensors
5940 bouldincorn_2021_12_17_094506.jpg
Kestrel on radiation sensors
Bouldin Corn2021-12-17 09:46:20 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Kestrel on radiation sensors
5941 bouldincorn_2021_12_25_091506.jpg
Snow geese in flooded field
Bouldin Corn2021-12-25 09:16:44 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Snow geese in flooded field
5786 20220102BC_FloodedField.jpg
Flooded field at BC. Power post has fallen down in the lower right hand corner of the photo.
Bouldin Corn2022-01-02 16:24:41 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) Flooded field at BC. Power post has fallen down in the lower right hand corner of the photo.
5787 20220102BC_Sunset.jpg
Winter sunset reflected in flooded field at BC
Bouldin Corn2022-01-02 16:46:14 1920x1440 iPhone SE (1st generation) Winter sunset reflected in flooded field at BC
5942 bouldincorn_2022_01_11_171506.jpg
Beautiful sunset reflected in flooded field
Bouldin Corn2022-01-11 17:16:44 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Beautiful sunset reflected in flooded field
5943 bouldincorn_2022_01_13_171506.jpg
Beautiful sunset reflected in flooded field
Bouldin Corn2022-01-13 17:16:50 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Beautiful sunset reflected in flooded field
5944 bouldincorn_2022_01_28_071506.jpg
Dawn reflected in flooded field
Bouldin Corn2022-01-28 07:17:00 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Dawn reflected in flooded field
5945 bouldincorn_2022_01_28_171505.jpg
Nice sunset reflected in flooded field
Bouldin Corn2022-01-28 17:17:00 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Nice sunset reflected in flooded field
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