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5046 20190605BC_WeedsTower.JPG
Weeds under BC tower radiometers; we need to move the tower closer into the field.
Bouldin Corn2019-06-04 13:21:23 1080x1440 iPhone SE Weeds under BC tower radiometers; we need to move the tower closer into the field.
5055 20190620BC_Chemicals.jpg
Various chemicals seen in the back of a truck by the Bouldin Duck Club.
Bouldin Corn2019-06-20 00:00:00 1440x1920 unknown Various chemicals seen in the back of a truck by the Bouldin Duck Club.
5059 20190620BC_GrowingCorn.jpg
We moved the tower about 2m to the west so that the legs were on the edge of the first corn row. The corn was planted about 3-4 weeks ago on 2019-05-25.
Bouldin Corn2019-06-20 12:12:31 1920x1080 SM-G530P We moved the tower about 2m to the west so that the legs were on the edge of the first corn row. The corn was planted about 3-4 weeks ago on 2019-05-25.
5060 20190620BC_IntercanopyPicam.jpg
Picam installed in the corn intercanopy to measure gap fraction.
Bouldin Corn2019-06-20 12:12:59 1920x1080 SM-G530P Picam installed in the corn intercanopy to measure gap fraction.
5058 20190620BC_CanopyPicam.jpg
Picam installed under the corn canopy to measure gap fraction.
Bouldin Corn2019-06-20 12:14:36 1920x1080 SM-G530P Picam installed under the corn canopy to measure gap fraction.
5061 20190711BC_LI6400Measurements.jpg
Camilo and Katrina do A-Ci curves
Bouldin Corn2019-07-11 00:00:00 1440x1920 iPhone SE Camilo and Katrina do A-Ci curves
5062 20190711BC_PicamForLAI.jpg
Pi-Cam for gap fraction and LAI
Bouldin Corn2019-07-11 00:00:00 1440x1920 iPhone SE Pi-Cam for gap fraction and LAI
5072 20190726BC_SpudDitch.JPG
Spud ditch in the corn field
Bouldin Corn2019-07-26 10:46:29 1440x1920 iPhone SE Spud ditch in the corn field
5074 20190726BC_Katrina.JPG
Katrina running 6400 measurements among the corn plants
Bouldin Corn2019-07-26 11:09:55 1440x1920 iPhone SE Katrina running 6400 measurements among the corn plants
5076 20190726BC_6400LeafChamber.JPG
6400 leaf chamber
Bouldin Corn2019-07-26 11:46:19 1440x1920 iPhone SE 6400 leaf chamber
5075 20190726BC_6400LeafFluorometer.JPG
Measuring a leaf using the 6400 with an opaque chamber
Bouldin Corn2019-07-26 11:47:15 1920x1440 iPhone SE Measuring a leaf using the 6400 with an opaque chamber
5077 20190726BC_6400chambers.JPG
6400 leaf chamber
Bouldin Corn2019-07-26 11:49:32 1440x1920 iPhone SE 6400 leaf chamber
5073 20190726BC_O2tank.JPG
One A/Ci curve was measured under 2% O_2 concentration
Bouldin Corn2019-07-26 11:50:15 1440x1920 iPhone SE One A/Ci curve was measured under 2% O_2 concentration
5094 20190917BC_PersonalCornPatch.JPG
Our field was mostly harvested, except for a small patch in front of our tower where Tyler's chambers are located.
Bouldin Corn2019-09-17 14:20:15 1920x1440 iPhone SE Our field was mostly harvested, except for a small patch in front of our tower where Tyler
5147 bouldincorn_2019_10_19_171505.jpg
Nice sunset
Bouldin Corn2019-10-19 17:31:38 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Nice sunset
5099 20191022BC_DaphneCuttingCorn.jpg
Daphne cutting patch of corn left next to tower
Bouldin Corn2019-10-22 00:00:00 1920x1440 iPhone SE Daphne cutting patch of corn left next to tower
5149 bouldincorn_2019_10_22_091505.jpg
Daphne and Joe on site
Bouldin Corn2019-10-22 09:31:50 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Daphne and Joe on site
5101 20191031BC_WindDamage.jpg
The winds blew away the board and the HMP's radiation sensor. Corn
Bouldin Corn2019-10-31 00:00:00 1920x1440 SM-G530P The winds blew away the board and the HMP
5104 20191114BC_FdChambers1.JPG
Two eosFD chambers at Bouldin Corn by Tyler's "gas ports" where he takes manual measurements from a soil gas profile. This is in the harvested area of the field.
Bouldin Corn2019-11-14 11:28:02 1440x1920 iPhone SE Two eosFD chambers at Bouldin Corn by Tyler
5103 20191114BC_FdChamber.JPG
One of the two eosFD chambers at Bouldin Corn by Tyler's "gas ports" where he takes manual measurements from a soil gas profile. This is in the harvested area of the field.
Bouldin Corn2019-11-14 11:28:09 1440x1920 iPhone SE One of the two eosFD chambers at Bouldin Corn by Tyler
5102 20191114BC_FdChambers2.JPG
One eosFD chambers at Bouldin Corn in the unharvested area of the corn. There are two other chambers in the harvested area of the field by Tyler's chambers and soil gas profile.
Bouldin Corn2019-11-14 11:28:43 1440x1920 iPhone SE One eosFD chambers at Bouldin Corn in the unharvested area of the corn. There are two other chambers in the harvested area of the field by Tyler
5105 20191202BC_FallenTower.jpg
Bouldin Corn tower that fell down on during a wind/rain storm on 2019-11-26.
Bouldin Corn2019-12-02 00:00:00 1600x1200 unknown Bouldin Corn tower that fell down on during a wind/rain storm on 2019-11-26.
5109 20191202BC_Radiometers.jpg
Radiometer boom bent and NR01 broken
Bouldin Corn2019-12-02 00:00:00 1440x1920 iPhone SE Radiometer boom bent and NR01 broken
5110 20191202BC_TowerDown.jpg
Tower fell in the storm November 26th
Bouldin Corn2019-12-02 00:00:00 1920x1440 iPhone SE Tower fell in the storm November  26th
5111 20191202BC_EddySensors.jpg
Eddy sensors. Sonic lost a transducer.
Bouldin Corn2019-12-02 00:00:00 1920x1440 iPhone SE Eddy sensors. Sonic lost a transducer.
5106 20191202BC_FallenTowerJoe.JPG
Joe taking off sensors from Bouldin Corn tower that fell down on during a wind/rain storm on 2019-11-26.
Bouldin Corn2019-12-02 12:41:56 1920x1440 iPhone SE Joe taking off sensors from Bouldin Corn tower that fell down on during a wind/rain storm on 2019-11-26.
5179 20200206BC_Tower.JPG
Tower was setup 2019-12-13 by the power-adapter-box pole. Field still has some puddles on it.
Bouldin Corn2020-02-06 15:07:45 1440x1920 iPhone SE Tower was setup 2019-12-13 by the power-adapter-box pole. Field still has some puddles on it.
5177 20200206BC_PowerAdapter.JPG
Power adapter box at our tower
Bouldin Corn2020-02-06 15:08:11 1440x1920 iPhone SE Power adapter box at our tower
5180 20200206BC_TowerFront.JPG
View of tower from the field.
Bouldin Corn2020-02-06 15:09:00 1440x1920 iPhone SE View of tower from the field.
5178 20200206BC_PowerFuseBox.JPG
Fuse box on the northeast corner of the Duck Club building.
Bouldin Corn2020-02-06 15:11:49 1440x1920 iPhone SE Fuse box on the northeast corner of the Duck Club building.
5223 bouldincorn_2020_03_05_094505.jpg
Ariane and Daphne downloading FD chambers
Bouldin Corn2020-03-05 08:44:28 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Ariane and Daphne downloading FD chambers
5224 bouldincorn_2020_04_02_151506.jpg
Tractor work on the field
Bouldin Corn2020-04-02 15:16:00 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Tractor work on the field
5197 20200403BC_Disk.jpg
Our field was partially plowed yesterday.
Bouldin Corn2020-04-03 11:13:12 1920x1440 iPhone SE Our field was partially plowed yesterday.
5209 20200417BC_Arable.jpg
New Mark2 Arable unit installed next to Arable Mark. They are currently overlooking a weedy corn field.
Bouldin Corn2020-04-17 11:13:44 1440x1920 iPhone SE New Mark2 Arable unit installed next to Arable Mark. They are currently overlooking a weedy corn field.
5207 20200417BC_TylersChambers.jpg
Tyler's chambers on a weedy corn field.
Bouldin Corn2020-04-17 11:53:08 1440x1920 iPhone SE Tyler
5208 20200417BC_SensorsUnderTower.jpg
Getting crowded under the corn tower: an FD chamber, 3 soil profile (thermocouple profile, soil heat flux plate, Campbell soil moisture) and a Theta soil moisture probe.
Bouldin Corn2020-04-17 12:49:15 1920x1440 iPhone SE Getting crowded under the corn tower: an FD chamber, 3 soil profile (thermocouple profile, soil heat flux plate, Campbell soil moisture) and a Theta soil moisture probe.
5225 bouldincorn_2020_04_20_141506.jpg
Tractor work on the field
Bouldin Corn2020-04-20 14:15:38 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Tractor work on the field
5226 bouldincorn_2020_04_21_111505.jpg
Tyler checking on his chambers
Bouldin Corn2020-04-21 11:15:40 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Tyler checking on his chambers
5227 bouldincorn_2020_04_24_101505.jpg
Tractor work on the field
Bouldin Corn2020-04-24 10:15:50 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Tractor work on the field
5228 bouldincorn_2020_04_25_091505.jpg
Tractor work on the field
Bouldin Corn2020-04-25 09:15:52 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Tractor work on the field
5229 bouldincorn_2020_04_30_121505.jpg
Tractor work (planting?) on the field
Bouldin Corn2020-04-30 12:16:08 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Tractor work (planting?) on the field
5230 bouldincorn_2020_04_30_144505.jpg
Tractor work on the field
Bouldin Corn2020-04-30 14:46:06 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Tractor work on the field
5231 bouldincorn_2020_05_01_111505.jpg
Tractor work on the field
Bouldin Corn2020-05-01 11:16:12 1296x960 StarDot NetCam SC Tractor work on the field
5263 20200501BC_GrassUnderRadiometers.jpg
Weeds under radiometers that were not disked. We will have to move the tower into the field after they plant.
Bouldin Corn2020-05-01 14:53:51 1920x1440 iPhone SE Weeds under radiometers that were not disked. We will have to move the tower into the field after they plant.
5273 20200519BC_Volunteers.jpg
Soil sensors, picams, and FD chamber reinstalled on the corn field, away from the many corn volunteers.
Bouldin Corn2020-05-19 11:02:25 1920x1062 iPhone SE Soil sensors, picams, and FD chamber reinstalled on the corn field, away from the many corn volunteers.
5279 20200604BC_ArablesInstalled.jpg
A pair of Arable Mark IIs were installed for the Planet Labs project
Bouldin Corn2020-06-04 00:00:00 1920x1440 iPhone SE A pair of Arable Mark IIs were installed for the Planet Labs project
5292 20200701BA_GameCameras.jpg
Two new game cameras on the tower, installed by Arable. Hopefully we can access the real-time photos.
Bouldin Corn2020-07-01 11:29:27 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) Two new game cameras on the tower, installed by Arable. Hopefully we can access the real-time photos.
5289 20200701BC_PanoVolunteers.jpg
Corn plants look good, except for the dense area with volunteer plants. The volunteers are shorter, lighter green, and have thinner leaves with browning tips.
Bouldin Corn2020-07-01 11:39:15 1920x1177 iPhone SE (1st generation) Corn plants look good, except for the dense area with volunteer plants. The volunteers are shorter, lighter green, and have thinner leaves with browning tips.
5291 20200701BA_PaCable.jpg
Excess cable tied up with a ziptie on the PurpleAir sensor
Bouldin Corn2020-07-01 12:55:34 1440x1920 iPhone SE (1st generation) Excess cable tied up with a ziptie on the PurpleAir sensor
5296 20200803BC_Irrigation2_Tyler.jpg
Spud ditch, surface irrigation
Bouldin Corn2020-08-03 00:00:00 1440x1920 iPhone 8 Spud ditch, surface irrigation
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