Equipment and Calibration History

History for Campbell Sci. CR10X 36771

Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
1091 2013-11-04 Lab none Moved Lab none I removed the silver box sn 36771 from wiring panel 10800 and installed it in the Tram wiring panel 21292. Wiring panel 10800 will go with silver box sn 31308 to Campbell for repair.
1052 2013-08-21 Sherman Island Removed Lab none Removed from a box at Sherman. This data logger used to collect the fast radiation from the diffuse PAR sensor. The power connector is still being used to patch power into the LED sensor.
369 2011-05-27 Lab none Installed Sherman Island Installed at Sherman to collect the fast radiation from the diffuse PAR. Previous data logger broken in situ and was removed earlier for repair.
357 2011-05-02 Loaned Returned Lab none Returned by Sara Winsemius after field use recording wind speed from a Handar 2D sonic.
345 2011-04-08 Lab none Loaned Loaned Loaned to undergraduate, Sara Winsemius.
344 2011-04-08 Lab none Maintenance Lab none The internal lithium battery was at 2.7V, probably okay (manual says okay to 2.4V) but I replaced it. Then it was acting funny so I updated its OS to v22.
334 2011-03-14 Loaned Returned Lab none Returned to us from Whendee Silver's lab who said that it was given to them about five years ago by Ted.
335 2006-11-06 Factory Calibration Factory Factory calibration. Next cal due 6 Nov 2008.