Equipment and Calibration

Equipment history at Twitchell Alfalfa

| ALL | | Anemometer || Battery Bank || Camera || CO2 Probe || Data Logger || Forced Diffusion || Gas Analyzer || Heat Flux Plate || Interface || LED sensor || Multiplexer || Narrow Band || Net Radiometer || PAR Sensor || Precipitation || RH & Temp || Soil Moisture Probe || Solar Controller || Solar Panel || Weather Station |

SELECT a.recno, a.eh_date, a.eh_loc1, a.eh_loc2, IF(a.eh_loc2=:loc, a.eh_locref2, a.eh_locref1) AS ref, a.eh_locref2, a.eh_title, a.eh_notes, a.eh_id, b.serialno, b.equip, b.modelno FROM equiphist a INNER JOIN equiplist b ON a.eh_id=b.recno WHERE (a.eh_loc1=:loc1 OR a.eh_loc2=:loc2) ORDER BY b.equip, a.eh_date, field(a.eh_title,'Calibration', 'Removed', 'Installed')

DateSerial No.ModelActionRefNotes
2013-05-24 120908 WM 1590 Installed Anemometer Installed on the northwest corner of the scaffolding at the Alfalfa site.
2016-01-12 120908 WM 1590 Removed Anemometer Removed from field for calibration
2016-01-12 153805 WM 1590 Installed Anemometer Installed to replace old sonic--brand new
2017-01-05 153805 WM 1590 Removed Anemometer Removed from Twitchell Alfalfa tower for firmware upgrade. Replaced by sn 153802.
2017-01-05 153802 WM 1590 Installed Anemometer Installed at Twitchell Alfalfa to replace sn 153805. Brand new.
2018-06-13 153802 WM 1590 Removed Anemometer Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
Battery Bank
2013-05-24 BB-TA BB-Fab Installed Two Flooded Lead Acid (FLA) batteries model 27DCMJ deep cycle batteries with Jan 2012 stickers were installed in parallel for a 12VDC battery bank. The batteries are in then open.
2013-06-05 BB-TA BB-Fab Upgrade The batteries were moved into an insulated wooden box.
2013-11-25 BB-TA BB-Fab Upgrade A third older battery was added in parallel outside the wooden box due to low voltage power outages.
2014-08-13 BB-TA BB-Fab Upgrade Two batteries for the soil CO2 system were brought over from Sherman. These two batteries are in series for 24V and are isolated for the time being from the solar system.
2014-08-15 BB-TA BB-Fab Upgrade The older external third battery was removed. The original two batteries were rewired into series and the other two isolated batteries were integrated. The system is now two pairs of batteries for a 24V system.
2014-09-04 BB-TA BB-Fab Upgrade A line was added to one of the external batteries to pull 12V off for the 6400.
2015-09-15 BB-TA BB-Fab Notes The batteries have started to have problems supplying 12V from the 6400.
2015-10-20 BB-TA BB-Fab Notes The tower started losing power regularly over night. Time to swap out the batteries.
2015-11-11 BB-TA BB-Fab Upgrade All four batteries were swapped out. Four new 27DCMJ batteries were installed. Two of the old batteries had Jan 2012 stickers and may not be in such bad shape.
2016-04-01 BB-TA BB-Fab Upgrade I put the battery bank in a new battery box, a Rubbermaid 35-gallon Action Packer. The four batteries fit with room to spare.
2018-03-07 BB-TA BB-Fab Maintenance The battery bank at TA was rewired from to pairs (24V) to four in parallel (12V).
2018-06-05 BB-VR_soilco2 BB-Fab Replaced The battery bank from Twitchell Alfalfa was installed to replace the original batteries here that had a catastrophic failure
2018-06-05 BB-TA BB-Fab Removed The site was shut down and the battery bank with action packer was removed for use at Vaira soil co2.
2016-05-17 0030F4D2148D SD130BN Installed Installed on the camera post to over lap with existing Canon camera
2017-09-26 0030F4D2148D SD130BN Removed Camera Removed from Twitchell Alfalfa because it has been recording bad images with psychedelic colors.
2017-10-26 0030F4D2148D SD130BN Installed Camera Reinstalled at Twitchell Alfalfa. It is missing the plastic slide that clips into the enclosure - to be installed next time.
2018-06-13 0030F4D2148D SD130BN Removed Camera Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
CO2 Probe
2014-08-13 K1340005 GMP221 Installed Installed near the radiometers at Alfalfa in Set A to the south at -2cm
2014-08-13 K1340007 GMP221 Installed Installed near the radiometers at Alfalfa in Set A to the south at -8cm
2014-08-13 G0150037 GMT221 Installed Installed near the radiometers at Alfalfa in Set A to the south at -16cm
2014-08-13 F4960019 GMT221 Installed Installed near the radiometers at Alfalfa in Set B to the north at -2cm
2014-08-13 F4960018 GMT221 Installed Installed near the radiometers at Alfalfa in Set B to the north at -8cm
2014-08-13 Y0710013 GMP221 Installed Installed near the radiometers at Alfalfa in Set B to the north at -16cm
2014-08-13 Z2720011 GMP222 Installed Installed near the radiometers at Alfalfa in forced diffusion ambient cell
2014-08-13 H1630066 GMP222 Installed Installed near the radiometers at Alfalfa in the forced diffusion soil cell
2014-08-27 Z2720011 GMP222 Removed Removed from Forced Diffusion probe 1 because it was reading zero. Replaced by sn Z2720014
2014-08-27 F4960019 GMT221 Removed Removed from profile B at 2cm due to reading zero. Replaced by sn Y2009100.
2014-08-27 F4960018 GMT221 Removed Removed from profile B at 8cm due to reading zero. Replaced by sn K1340006.
2014-08-27 Z2720014 GMP222 Installed Installed in Forced Diffusion probe 1 to replace sn Z2720011 due to zero reading
2014-08-27 Y2009100 GMP221 Installed Installed in profile B at 2cm to replace sn F4960019 due to zero reading.
2014-08-27 K1340006 GMP221 Installed Installed in profile B at 8cm to replace sn F4960018 due to zero reading.
2014-09-08 K1340006 GMP221 Removed Removed from Alfalfa Set B -8cm because of low readings. Replaced by F4960018
2014-09-08 F4960018 GMT221 Installed Installed in Alfalfa Set B -8cm to replace sn K1340006
2014-10-09 Z2720014 GMP222 Removed Removed from the FD ambient chamber due to high readings. Replaced by sn Z2720011.
2014-10-09 Z2720011 GMP222 Installed Installed in the FD ambient chamber to replace sn Z2720014 that had high readings.
2014-10-30 GP2013ex02 GP-001ex Installed Installed at -16cm at Alfalfa
2014-10-30 GP2013ex03 GP-001ex Installed Installed at -8cm at Alfalfa
2014-10-30 GP20140009 GP-001 Installed Installed at -2cm at Alfalfa
2015-06-09 K1340005 GMP221 Removed Removed from Set A at -2cm with upgrade of soil CO2 system
2015-06-09 K1340007 GMP221 Removed Removed from Set A at -8cm with upgrade of soil CO2 system
2015-06-09 G0150037 GMT221 Removed Removed from Set A at -16cm with upgrade of soil CO2 system
2015-06-09 Y2009100 GMP221 Removed Removed from Set B at -2cm with upgrade of soil CO2 system
2015-06-09 F4960018 GMT221 Removed Removed from Set B at -8cm with upgrade of soil CO2 system
2015-06-09 Y0710013 GMP221 Removed Removed from Set B at -16cm with upgrade of soil CO2 system
2015-06-09 Z2720011 GMP222 Removed Removed from forced diffusion ambient cell with upgrade of soil CO2 system
2015-06-09 H1630066 GMP222 Removed Removed from forced diffusion soil cell with upgrade of soil CO2 system
2015-06-09 L2058002 GMM221 Installed Installed in Set A at -2cm with upgrade of soil CO2 system
2015-06-09 L2058003 GMP221 Installed Installed in Set A at -*cm with upgrade of soil CO2 system
2015-06-09 L2058006 GMP221 Installed Installed in Set A at -16cm with upgrade of soil CO2 system
2015-06-09 L2058005 GMP221 Installed Installed in Set B at -2cm with upgrade of soil CO2 system
2015-06-09 L2058007 GMP221 Installed Installed in Set B at -8cm with upgrade of soil CO2 system
2015-06-09 L2058001 GMM221 Installed Installed in Set B at -16cm with upgrade of soil CO2 system
2015-06-09 L2030063 GMM222 Installed Installed in the forced diffusion ambient cell with upgrade of soil CO2 system
2015-06-09 L2030064 GMM222 Installed Installed in the forced diffusion soil cell with upgrade of soil CO2 system
2015-08-19 GP2013ex03 GP-001ex Removed Removed from the 8cm level at Twitchell Alfalfa due to drop outs in the data. Replaced by sn GP20140026
2015-08-19 GP20140026 GP-001 Installed Installed at the 8cm level at Twitchell Alfalfa to replace sn GP2015ex03 that was dropping out.
2015-09-30 GP20140009 GP-001 Removed This 2% probe was removed from the 2cm location at Alfalfa due to
2015-09-30 GP20140023 GP-001 Installed This 2%(2.4% analog) probe was installed at the 2cm location to replace sn GP20140009.
2016-01-12 L2030063 GMM222 Removed Removed from Twitchell Alfalfa with the FD chamber due to torn membranes.
2016-01-12 L2030064 GMM222 Removed Removed from Twitchell Alfalfa with the FD chamber due to torn membranes.
2016-01-21 L2058003 GMP221 Removed Removed from Alfalfa set A at 8cm due to maxed out readings.
2016-02-11 Y0710013 GMP221 Removed Removed from Alfalfa Profile A at 8cm due to low readings. Replaced by sn F4960018
2016-02-11 F4960018 GMT221 Installed Installed at Alfalfa Profile A at 8cm. The existing probe sn Y0710013 was removed due to low readings.
2016-04-28 GP20140023 GP-001 Removed Probe was reading really high numbers. Brought back to lab for repairs. Replaced with sn 20140084
2016-04-28 GP20140084 GP-001 Installed Replaced probe sn GP20140023 at 2cm depth since that was reading too high.
2017-07-12 F4960018 GMT221 Removed Removed from Twitchell Alfalfa because it was reading 0. It was in set A, 8 cm (the second depth).
2018-03-07 GP20140084 GP-001 Removed Removed from the -2cm location at Twitchell Alfalfa because the readings have been funky for a while. Probably will be replaced at a later date.
2018-03-07 GP20140026 GP-001 Removed Removed from the -8cm location at Twitchell Alfalfa because the readings have been funky for a while. Probably will be replaced at a later date.
2018-03-07 GP2013ex02 GP-001ex Removed Removed from the -16cm location at Twitchell Alfalfa because the readings have been funky for a while. Probably will be replaced at a later date.
2018-06-13 L2058001 GMM221 Removed Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
2018-06-13 L2058007 GMP221 Removed Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
2018-06-13 L2058005 GMP221 Removed Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
2018-06-13 L2058006 GMP221 Removed Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
2018-06-13 K1340005 GMP221 Removed Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
2018-06-13 L2058002 GMM221 Removed Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
Data Logger
2013-05-24 47108 CR1000 Installed Data Logger Met Installed in the box at the Alfalfa tower to collect data from soil sensors and the HMP60 sn G4540021
2013-05-24 35474 CR10X Installed Data Logger Radiation Installed on the radiation post in the alfalfa field west of the scaffolding to collect the radiation data.
2013-05-24 25799 CR10X Installed Data Logger Radiation Installed with the initial set up of the site. This data logger collects the radiation data and is located independently in the field to the west of the main tower.
2015-06-09 25799 CR10X Removed Data Logger Radiation Removed from Twitchell Alfalfa with the soil CO2 system. An entirely new CR1000 based system was swapped in.
2015-06-09 4190 CR1000 Installed Data Logger Soil CO2 Installed in the soil CO2 system at Alfalfa with box swap.
2016-12-21 35474 CR10X Removed Data Logger Radiation Removed from Twitchell Alfalfa where is was recording data from the radiometers. The radiometers have been moved to the met CR1000.
2017-08-23 47108 CR1000 Upgrade Data Logger Met The OS was upgraded from probably v24 to v31.08. OS v31.08 is FAT32 and reset the CR1000 to factory settings.
2017-12-19 2303 CR23X Removed Removed from the HMP inter-comparison at Twitchell Alfalfa
2018-02-13 48042 CR10X Installed Data Logger Diffuse PAR Installed in the met logger box to run the diffuse PAR RSB, fixing problem with the ppt not being recorded properly in the fast cycle on the CR1000.
2018-06-13 47108 CR1000 Removed Data Logger Met Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
2018-06-13 4190 CR1000 Removed Data Logger Soil CO2 Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
2018-06-13 48042 CR10X Removed Data Logger Diffuse PAR Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
Forced Diffusion
2014-08-13 FDC-11-13-006 FD Classic Installed Installed with the other soil co2 equipment at Twithell Alfalfa.
2016-01-12 FDC-11-13-006 FD Classic Removed Removed from Twitchell Alfalfa because the diffusion membranes were torn.
2016-06-06 FD20160001 eosFD Installed Forced Diffusion Installed at Twitchell Alfalfa. Powered from CR1000 power connector, but did not seem to be running. Could not find the software to check on it.
2016-07-07 FD20160001 eosFD Removed Forced Diffusion Removed from the Twitchell Alfalfa. It does not seem to be getting power even connected to a independent 12V battery. Brought in for testing.
2016-07-15 FD20160001 eosFD Installed Forced Diffusion Installed after testing in the lab. It seemed to work with no changes to the set up.
2017-06-23 FD20160001 eosFD Removed Forced Diffusion Removed from Twitchell Alfalfa and brought back to lab to send back to Eosense
2017-09-06 FD20160001 eosFD Installed Forced Diffusion Reinstalled with new 90 degree cable after factory refurb.
2017-09-19 FD20160001 eosFD Removed Forced Diffusion Removed from the field because it has not been collecting data and some of the data were 0. Brought back to the lab for troubleshooting.
2017-09-21 FD20160001 eosFD Installed Forced Diffusion Reinstalled at TA after testing in the lab. It is now on its own individual DC-DC converter to step down from 24V to 12V.
2017-10-13 FD20160001 eosFD Removed Forced Diffusion Removed from TA because it was giving bad readings (200? ppm +/- 200? ppm).
2018-04-05 FD20160001 eosFD Installed Forced Diffusion Installed at TA in the soil between the soilco2 datalogger enclosure and the solar panels. We tried to sync the sensor time to system time, but the change was not saved.
2018-06-13 FD20160001 eosFD Removed Forced Diffusion Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
Gas Analyzer
2013-05-24 75H-2180 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed on the northwest corner of the scaffolding at the Alfalfa site with box 0674
2013-11-20 75H-2180 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2013-05-20 AGC=94 SDM=1 DAC1=- DAC2=- Ambient P=99.86kPa, Tair=20.06C, Tdew=12.68C Zero air at 1500psi, God CO2 421.22 at 1550 Tdewspan=15.18 CO2 zero 0.9133 -> 0.9148 Offset: 6.58ppm CO2 span 1.0091 -> 1.0156 Offset: -3.52ppm H2O zero 0.884 -> 0.8791 Offset: -28.4ppm H2O span 0.9991 -> 1.0019 Offset: 0.05ppm Notes:
2013-08-28 TG1-0155 LI-7700 Installed Gas Analyzer CH4 Installed on the Twitchell Alfalfa tower with washer box. Plugged in to the existing 7550 box.
2013-09-11 75H-2180 LI-7500A Removed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from the Alfalfa tower for calibration. Replaced by sn 0065.
2013-11-20 75H-2180 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2013-05-20 AGC=94 SDM=1 DAC1=- DAC2=- Ambient P=99.86kPa, Tair=20.06C, Tdew=12.68C Zero air at 1500psi, God CO2 421.22 at 1550 Tdewspan=15.18 CO2 zero 0.9133 -> 0.9148 Offset: 6.58ppm CO2 span 1.0091 -> 1.0156 Offset: -3.52ppm H2O zero 0.884 -> 0.8791 Offset: -28.4ppm H2O span 0.9991 -> 1.0019 Offset: 0.05ppm Notes:
2013-09-11 0065 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O installed on the Alfalfa tower to replace sn 2180 for calibration
2014-04-02 0065 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2013-09-11 AGC=73.1 SDM=1 DAC1=- DAC2=- Ambient P=100.27kPa, Tair=19.36C, Tdew=6.05C Zero Air at 1400psi, God CO2 421.22 at 1500 Tdewspan=15.27 CO2 zero 0.8897 -> 0.8899 Offset: .82ppm CO2 span 1.0041 -> 1.0062 Offset: -0.68ppm H2O zero 0.704 -> 0.7040 Offset: 0.2ppm H2O span 0.9959 -> 0.9932 Offset: 0.06ppm Notes: Calibrated by Joe
2014-02-25 TG1-0155 LI-7700 Removed Gas Analyzer CH4 Removed from the Alfalfa tower along with its wash box to be installed on the East End Tower to replace sn TG1-0203 that was returned to Frank
2014-02-25 TG1-0155 LI-7700 Installed Gas Analyzer CH4 Installed on the East End Tower with its wash box to replace sn TG1-0203 that was returned to Frank. This instrument came directly from Alfalfa.
2014-03-27 0065 LI-7500A Removed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from the Twitchell Alfalfa tower for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2180.
2014-04-02 0065 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2013-09-11 AGC=73.1 SDM=1 DAC1=- DAC2=- Ambient P=100.27kPa, Tair=19.36C, Tdew=6.05C Zero Air at 1400psi, God CO2 421.22 at 1500 Tdewspan=15.27 CO2 zero 0.8897 -> 0.8899 Offset: .82ppm CO2 span 1.0041 -> 1.0062 Offset: -0.68ppm H2O zero 0.704 -> 0.7040 Offset: 0.2ppm H2O span 0.9959 -> 0.9932 Offset: 0.06ppm Notes: Calibrated by Joe
2014-03-27 75H-2180 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed on the Twitchell Alfalfa tower to replace sn 0065 for calibration.
2014-09-02 75H-2180 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2014-03-26 AGC=94.8 SDM=1 DAC1=- DAC2=- Ambient P=99.73kPa, Tair=23.3C, Tdew=14.27C Zero Air at 1000psi, God CO2 421.22 at 1350 Tdewspan=15.25 CO2 zero 0.9147 -> 0.9143 Offset: -1.66ppm CO2 span 1.0173 -> 1.0134 Offset: 1.98ppm H2O zero 0.8803 -> 0.8812 Offset: 5.3ppm H2O span 0.9946 -> 1.0193 Offset: -0.5ppm Notes:
2014-08-27 75H-2180 LI-7500A Removed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from the Twitchell Alfalfa tower for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2182.
2014-09-02 75H-2180 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2014-03-26 AGC=94.8 SDM=1 DAC1=- DAC2=- Ambient P=99.73kPa, Tair=23.3C, Tdew=14.27C Zero Air at 1000psi, God CO2 421.22 at 1350 Tdewspan=15.25 CO2 zero 0.9147 -> 0.9143 Offset: -1.66ppm CO2 span 1.0173 -> 1.0134 Offset: 1.98ppm H2O zero 0.8803 -> 0.8812 Offset: 5.3ppm H2O span 0.9946 -> 1.0193 Offset: -0.5ppm Notes:
2014-08-27 75H-2182 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed on the Twitchell Alfalfa tower to replace sn 75H-2180 for calibration.
2015-01-13 75H-2182 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2014-08-25 AGC=85.3 SDM=- DAC1=- DAC2=- Ambient P=101.1kPa, Tair=25.52C, Tdew=8.45C Zero Air at 900psi, God CO2 421.22 at 1300 Tdewspan=15.95 CO2 zero 0.8816 -> 0.8824 Offset: 3.53ppm CO2 span 1.0074 -> 1.0118 Offset: -2.38ppm H2O zero 0.8463 -> 0.8453 Offset: -6.2ppm H2O span 1.0039 -> 1.0078 Offset: -0.08ppm Notes:
2015-01-07 75H-2182 LI-7500A Removed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from Alfalfa Tower for calibration. Replaced with sn 75H-2176
2015-01-13 75H-2182 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2014-08-25 AGC=85.3 SDM=- DAC1=- DAC2=- Ambient P=101.1kPa, Tair=25.52C, Tdew=8.45C Zero Air at 900psi, God CO2 421.22 at 1300 Tdewspan=15.95 CO2 zero 0.8816 -> 0.8824 Offset: 3.53ppm CO2 span 1.0074 -> 1.0118 Offset: -2.38ppm H2O zero 0.8463 -> 0.8453 Offset: -6.2ppm H2O span 1.0039 -> 1.0078 Offset: -0.08ppm Notes:
2015-01-07 75H-2176 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed on the Alfalfa Tower to replace sn 75H-2182 for calibration
2015-05-05 75H-2176 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2015-05-05 AGC=90.7 SDM=1 DAC1=- DAC2=- Ambient P=100.12kPa, Tair=14.62C, Tdew=8.08C Zero Air at 850psi, God CO2 421.22 at 1100 Tdewspan=11.08 CO2 zero 0.8691 -> 0.8692 Offset: .38ppm CO2 span 1.0215 -> 1.0216 Offset: 0.0ppm H2O zero 0.8559 -> 0.8562 Offset: 1.7ppm H2O span 1.0099 -> 1.0239 Offset: -0.27ppm Notes:
2015-04-23 75H-2176 LI-7500A Removed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from the Alfalfa tower for calibration. Replaced by sn 0065.
2015-05-05 75H-2176 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2015-05-05 AGC=90.7 SDM=1 DAC1=- DAC2=- Ambient P=100.12kPa, Tair=14.62C, Tdew=8.08C Zero Air at 850psi, God CO2 421.22 at 1100 Tdewspan=11.08 CO2 zero 0.8691 -> 0.8692 Offset: .38ppm CO2 span 1.0215 -> 1.0216 Offset: 0.0ppm H2O zero 0.8559 -> 0.8562 Offset: 1.7ppm H2O span 1.0099 -> 1.0239 Offset: -0.27ppm Notes:
2015-04-23 0065 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed on the Alfalfa tower to replace sn 75H-2176 for calibration.
2015-12-07 0065 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2015-04-20 AGC=76.5 SDM=1 DAC1=- DAC2=- Ambient P=100.92kPa, Tair=19.81C, Tdew=14.18C Zero Air at 650psi, God CO2 421.22 at 700 Tdewspan=11.09 CO2 zero 0.8897 -> 0.8900 Offset: 1.20ppm CO2 span 1.0074 -> 1.0164 Offset: -4.88ppm H2O zero 0.7055 -> 0.7097 Offset: 31.2ppm H2O span 1.0071 -> 1.0231 Offset: -0.32ppm Notes:
2015-07-22 0065 LI-7500A Removed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from the Alfalfa Tower for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2150
2015-12-07 0065 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2015-04-20 AGC=76.5 SDM=1 DAC1=- DAC2=- Ambient P=100.92kPa, Tair=19.81C, Tdew=14.18C Zero Air at 650psi, God CO2 421.22 at 700 Tdewspan=11.09 CO2 zero 0.8897 -> 0.8900 Offset: 1.20ppm CO2 span 1.0074 -> 1.0164 Offset: -4.88ppm H2O zero 0.7055 -> 0.7097 Offset: 31.2ppm H2O span 1.0071 -> 1.0231 Offset: -0.32ppm Notes:
2015-07-22 75H-2150 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed on the Alfalfa Tower to replace sn 0065 for calibration.
2015-12-07 75H-2150 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2015-07-15 AGC=98.6 SDM=1 DAC1=- DAC2=- Ambient P=100.94kPa, Tair=19.78C, Tdew=12.44C Zero Air at 650psi, God CO2 421.22 at 700 Tdewspan=11.09 CO2 zero 0.9021 -> 0.9019 Offset: -1.16ppm CO2 span 1 -> 1.0114 Offset: -6.07ppm H2O zero 0.8671 -> 0.8671 Offset: 0.3ppm H2O span 0.9986 -> 1.0258 Offset: -0.52ppm Notes:
2015-11-25 75H-2150 LI-7500A Removed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from the Alfalfa Tower for calibration. Replaced by sn 1594
2015-12-07 75H-2150 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2015-07-15 AGC=98.6 SDM=1 DAC1=- DAC2=- Ambient P=100.94kPa, Tair=19.78C, Tdew=12.44C Zero Air at 650psi, God CO2 421.22 at 700 Tdewspan=11.09 CO2 zero 0.9021 -> 0.9019 Offset: -1.16ppm CO2 span 1 -> 1.0114 Offset: -6.07ppm H2O zero 0.8671 -> 0.8671 Offset: 0.3ppm H2O span 0.9986 -> 1.0258 Offset: -0.52ppm Notes:
2015-11-25 1594 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed on the Alfalfa Tower to replace sn 75H-2150 for calibration
2016-02-11 1594 LI-7500A Removed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from the Alfalfa Tower for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2180.
2016-02-11 75H-2180 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed on the Alfalfa Tower to replace sn 1594 for calibration.
2016-08-30 75H-2180 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2016-02-09 AGC=100.3 SDM=6 DAC1=- DAC2=- Ambient P=100.13kPa, Tair=23.80C, Tdew=13.90C Zero Air at 400psi, God CO2 421.22 at 450 Tdewspan=16.0 CO2 zero 0.9145 -> 0.9142 Offset: -1.25ppm CO2 span 1.0203 -> 1.0227 Offset: -1.22ppm H2O zero 0.8847 -> 0.8858 Offset: 7.0ppm H2O span 1.0241 -> 1.0211 Offset: 0.06ppm Notes:
2016-06-06 75H-2180 LI-7500A Removed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from tower in Twitchell alfalfa for calibration, replaced by sn 75H-2514.
2016-08-30 75H-2180 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2016-02-09 AGC=100.3 SDM=6 DAC1=- DAC2=- Ambient P=100.13kPa, Tair=23.80C, Tdew=13.90C Zero Air at 400psi, God CO2 421.22 at 450 Tdewspan=16.0 CO2 zero 0.9145 -> 0.9142 Offset: -1.25ppm CO2 span 1.0203 -> 1.0227 Offset: -1.22ppm H2O zero 0.8847 -> 0.8858 Offset: 7.0ppm H2O span 1.0241 -> 1.0211 Offset: 0.06ppm Notes:
2016-06-06 75H-2514 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Twitchell alfalfa to replace sn 75H-2180 for calibration.
2016-09-12 75H-2514 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2016-06-03 AGC=103.2 SDM=6 DAC1=- DAC2=- Ambient P=99.87kPa, Tair=18.64C, Tdew=9.66C Zero Air at 400psi, God CO2 421.22 at 400 Tdewspan=16.0 CO2 zero 0.9047 -> 0.9054 Offset: 2.80ppm CO2 span 1.0055 -> 1.0092 Offset: -2.07ppm H2O zero 0.8368 -> 0.8371 Offset: -10.5ppm H2O span 1.015 -> 1.0239 Offset: -0.18ppm Notes:
2016-08-31 75H-2514 LI-7500A Removed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from the Twitchell Alfalfa tower for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2182
2016-09-12 75H-2514 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2016-06-03 AGC=103.2 SDM=6 DAC1=- DAC2=- Ambient P=99.87kPa, Tair=18.64C, Tdew=9.66C Zero Air at 400psi, God CO2 421.22 at 400 Tdewspan=16.0 CO2 zero 0.9047 -> 0.9054 Offset: 2.80ppm CO2 span 1.0055 -> 1.0092 Offset: -2.07ppm H2O zero 0.8368 -> 0.8371 Offset: -10.5ppm H2O span 1.015 -> 1.0239 Offset: -0.18ppm Notes:
2016-08-31 75H-2182 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed on the Twitchell Alfalfa tower to replace sn 75H-2514 for calibration.
2016-12-06 75H-2182 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Removed from the Twitchell Alfalfa tower for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2668.
2016-12-06 75H-2182 LI-7500A Calibration Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from the Twitchell Alfalfa tower for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2668.
2016-12-19 75H-2182 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2016-08-30 AGC=87.2 SDM=6 DAC1=- DAC2=- Ambient P=101.31kPa, Tair=20.29C, Tdew=-0.86C Zero Air at 300psi, God CO2 421.22 at 400 Tdewspan=16.00 CO2 zero 0.8831 -> 0.8837 Offset: 2.75ppm CO2 span 1.0142 -> 1.0207 Offset: -3.48ppm H2O zero 0.8464 -> 0.8457 Offset: -4.2ppm H2O span 1.023 -> 1.0186 Offset: 0.09ppm Notes:
2016-12-06 75H-2668 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed on the Twitchell Alfalfa tower to replace sn 75H-2182 for calibration
2016-12-23 75H-2668 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2016-12-06 AGC=102.2 SDM=6 DAC1=- DAC2=- Ambient P=99.57kPa, Tair=14.95C, Tdew=C Zero Air at 300psi, God CO2 421.22 at 400 Tdewspan=14.00 CO2 zero 0.9385 -> 0.9378 Offset: -2.65ppm CO2 span 1.0171 -> 1.0000 Offset: 9.43ppm H2O zero 0.9017 -> 0.9006 Offset: -7.5ppm H2O span 1.0841 -> 0.9663 Offset: 2.45ppm Notes: Recal after box failed in the field after getting rain inside because the door was left open. Pressure about 0.5kPa low. Large offsets. Waves with 1 to 2 min period in data at steady state. Sending to licor for check.
2016-12-21 75H-2668 LI-7500A Removed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O This head was deployed with LI7550 box sn AIU-0674 when the box was damaged in the field. Could not determine in the field if the head was working so brought it back to the lab for testing.
2016-12-23 75H-2668 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2016-12-06 AGC=102.2 SDM=6 DAC1=- DAC2=- Ambient P=99.57kPa, Tair=14.95C, Tdew=C Zero Air at 300psi, God CO2 421.22 at 400 Tdewspan=14.00 CO2 zero 0.9385 -> 0.9378 Offset: -2.65ppm CO2 span 1.0171 -> 1.0000 Offset: 9.43ppm H2O zero 0.9017 -> 0.9006 Offset: -7.5ppm H2O span 1.0841 -> 0.9663 Offset: 2.45ppm Notes: Recal after box failed in the field after getting rain inside because the door was left open. Pressure about 0.5kPa low. Large offsets. Waves with 1 to 2 min period in data at steady state. Sending to licor for check.
2016-12-29 75H-2514 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Twitchell Alfalfa with new 7550 box sn AIU-1557 to replace damaged system
2017-03-14 75H-2514 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2017-01-03 AGC=88.6 SDM= DAC1= DAC2= Ambient P=100.2kPa, Tair=28.4C, Tdew=5.92C Zero Air at 1700psi, God CO2 421.22 at 400 Tdewspan=16.00 CO2 zero 0.9054 -> 0.9046 Offset: -2.87ppm CO2 span 1.0135 -> 1.0139 Offset: 0.34ppm H2O zero 0.8356 -> 0.8368 Offset: 9.3ppm H2O span 1.0225 -> 1.0106 Offset: 0.25ppm Notes:
2017-03-08 75H-2514 LI-7500A Removed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from Twitchell Alfalfa for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2176
2017-03-14 75H-2514 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2017-01-03 AGC=88.6 SDM= DAC1= DAC2= Ambient P=100.2kPa, Tair=28.4C, Tdew=5.92C Zero Air at 1700psi, God CO2 421.22 at 400 Tdewspan=16.00 CO2 zero 0.9054 -> 0.9046 Offset: -2.87ppm CO2 span 1.0135 -> 1.0139 Offset: 0.34ppm H2O zero 0.8356 -> 0.8368 Offset: 9.3ppm H2O span 1.0225 -> 1.0106 Offset: 0.25ppm Notes:
2017-03-08 75H-2176 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed on Twitchell Alfalfa to replace sn 75H-2514 for calibration
2017-06-12 75H-2176 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2017-03-07 AGC=90.4 SDM= DAC1= DAC2= Ambient P=100.4kPa, Tair=19.8C, Tdew=8.83C Zero Air at 1500psi, NOAA Air 402.69 at 1600 Tdewspan=16.00 CO2 zero 0.8691 -> .8690 Offset: -.41ppm CO2 span 1.0195 -> 1.0160 Offset: 1.77ppm H2O zero 0.8561 -> .8572 Offset: 5.9ppm H2O span 1.0102 -> 1.0022 Offset: 0.18ppm Notes:
2017-06-05 75H-2176 LI-7500A Removed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from Twitchell Alfalfa and brought back to the lab for calibration. It was replaced by sn 1594.
2017-06-12 75H-2176 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2017-03-07 AGC=90.4 SDM= DAC1= DAC2= Ambient P=100.4kPa, Tair=19.8C, Tdew=8.83C Zero Air at 1500psi, NOAA Air 402.69 at 1600 Tdewspan=16.00 CO2 zero 0.8691 -> .8690 Offset: -.41ppm CO2 span 1.0195 -> 1.0160 Offset: 1.77ppm H2O zero 0.8561 -> .8572 Offset: 5.9ppm H2O span 1.0102 -> 1.0022 Offset: 0.18ppm Notes:
2017-06-05 1594 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Twitchell Alfalfa to replace sn 75H-2176.
2017-09-06 1594 LI-7500A Removed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from Twitchell Alfalfa for calibration. Replaced by sn 0035.
2017-09-06 0035 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed on Twitchell Alfalfa to replace sn 1594 for calibration.
2018-01-12 0035 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2017-09-05 AGC=98.9 SDM=0 DAC1=0 DAC2=0 Ambient P=101.5kPa, Tair=20.5C, Tdew=10.2C Zero Air at 250psi, LBL Air 408.97 at 1700 Tdewspan=16.00 CO2 zero 0.9373 -> .9378 Offset: 1.97ppm CO2 span 1.0084 -> 1.0288 Offset: -10.27ppm H2O zero 0.8976 -> .8978 Offset: 1.3ppm H2O span 1.0141 -> 1.0296 Offset: -.31ppm Notes:
2017-12-18 0035 LI-7500A Removed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from Twitchell Alfalfa for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2514
2018-01-12 0035 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2017-09-05 AGC=98.9 SDM=0 DAC1=0 DAC2=0 Ambient P=101.5kPa, Tair=20.5C, Tdew=10.2C Zero Air at 250psi, LBL Air 408.97 at 1700 Tdewspan=16.00 CO2 zero 0.9373 -> .9378 Offset: 1.97ppm CO2 span 1.0084 -> 1.0288 Offset: -10.27ppm H2O zero 0.8976 -> .8978 Offset: 1.3ppm H2O span 1.0141 -> 1.0296 Offset: -.31ppm Notes:
2017-12-18 75H-2514 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Twitchell Alfalfa to replace sn 0035 for calibration
2018-04-18 75H-2514 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2017-12-15 AGC=102.5 SDM=0 DAC1=0 DAC2=0 Ambient P=101.0kPa, Tair=22.2C, Tdew=2.5C Zero Air at 500psi, LBL Air 408.97 at 1400 Tdewspan=16.00 CO2 zero 0.9052 -> .9060 Offset: 3.56ppm CO2 span 1.0118 -> 1.0106 Offset: 0.64ppm H2O zero 0.8385 -> .8368 Offset: -11.4ppm H2O span 1.0103 -> 1.0160 Offset: -0.12ppm Notes:
2018-04-05 75H-2514 LI-7500A Removed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from TA and brought back to the lab for calibration. It was replaced by sn 1594.
2018-04-18 75H-2514 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2017-12-15 AGC=102.5 SDM=0 DAC1=0 DAC2=0 Ambient P=101.0kPa, Tair=22.2C, Tdew=2.5C Zero Air at 500psi, LBL Air 408.97 at 1400 Tdewspan=16.00 CO2 zero 0.9052 -> .9060 Offset: 3.56ppm CO2 span 1.0118 -> 1.0106 Offset: 0.64ppm H2O zero 0.8385 -> .8368 Offset: -11.4ppm H2O span 1.0103 -> 1.0160 Offset: -0.12ppm Notes:
2018-04-05 1594 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at TA to replace sn 75H-2514, which was brought back to the lab for calibration.
2018-06-13 1594 LI-7500A Removed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
Heat Flux Plate
2013-05-24 6491 HFP01 Installed Installed at the Twitchell Alfalfa site
2013-05-24 6342 HFP01 Installed Installed at the Twitchell Alfalfa site
2013-05-24 6498 HFP01 Installed Installed at the Twitchell Alfalfa site
2014-08-13 6342 HFP01 Moved Moved back into the field from the edge of the field where it had been buried temporarily after being pull out.
2016-03-02 6498 HFP01 Removed Removed from -2cm at the Alfalfa tower due to cable damage from farm equipment and sheep. There are a couple of chips in the edge of the top surface.
2016-03-02 6342 HFP01 Removed Removed from -2cm at the Alfalfa tower due to cable damage from farm equipment and sheep.
2016-03-02 6491 HFP01 Removed Removed from -2cm at the Alfalfa tower due to cable damage from farm equipment and sheep. There is a chip where the cable connects and scratch on the top surface.
2016-05-12 6342 HFP01 Moved moved from 1st (W) channel on met CR1000 to the 1st (NE) channel on the soil co2 CR1000
2016-05-17 6498 HFP01 Moved moved from 2nd (NW) channel on met CR1000 to the 2nd (SE) channel on the soil co2 CR1000
2016-05-17 6491 HFP01 Moved moved from 3rd (west) channel on met CR1000 to the 3rd (NE) channel on the soil co2 CR1000
2018-06-13 6342 HFP01 Removed Heat Flux Plate A Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
2018-06-13 6498 HFP01 Removed Heat Flux Plate B Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
2018-06-13 6491 HFP01 Removed Heat Flux Plate C Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
2013-05-24 AIU-0674 LI-7550 Installed Interface LI-7550 Installed on the north side of the scaffolding at the Alfalfa site with head 2180
2013-11-21 AIU-0674 LI-7550 Upgrade Interface LI-7550 The firmware of the 7550 box was upgraded from v6.5.2 to v6.5.5 to fix bugs with the USB memory overwrite and synchronizing the 7700 clock.
2014-03-07 AIU-0674 LI-7550 Upgrade Interface LI-7550 Updated the 7550 firmware from v6.5.5 to v7.0.1. Improved interface, support for SmartFlux, bug fixes.
2014-10-02 AIU-0674 LI-7550 Upgrade Interface LI-7550 Updated the 7550 firmware from v7.0.1 to v7.3.0. Fixed bug that can cause the instrument to restart unexpectedly, added 7700 data to interface can view/log power Vin, other minor bug fixes.
2015-11-11 6763 NL115 Installed Installed on the existing CR1000 that collects met data. This will be used to collect the high frequency PAR from the rotating shadow band while the bugs are worked out.
2016-04-13 AIU-0674 LI-7550 Upgrade Interface LI-7550 Updated the 7550 firmware from v7.3.0 to v8.0.0 skiping version 7.5.0 Relevant 7.5.0 changes: Main Window is now resizable, Added serial number entry for sonics, Help update, Fixed timeout when saving config files Relevant 8.0.0 changes: Separate bandwidth settings for analog inputs and gas channels, Detection of new RS instruments, Additional calibration coefficients, Added sonic software version entry, Added chopper temp logging
2016-12-21 AIU-0674 LI-7550 Removed Interface LI-7550 This 7550 box was damaged in the field. The door was left open and the circuit board got wet. Brought back to the lab for testing and repairs. LI7500 head sn 75H-2668 was deployed with the unit when it was damaged.
2016-12-29 AIU-1557 LI-7550 Installed Interface LI-7550 Installed at Twitchell Alfalfa after old AIU was damaged in rain. Installed together with 7500 head sn 75H-2514
2017-08-23 AIU-1557 LI-7550 Upgrade Interface LI-7550 The firmware was upgraded from v8.0.0 to v8.7.5
2017-12-18 AIU-1557 LI-7550 Upgrade Interface LI-7550 The software on this 7550 box was down graded from v8.7.5 to v8.5.0
2018-06-13 6763 NL115 Removed Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
2018-06-13 AIU-1557 LI-7550 Removed Interface LI-7550 Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
LED sensor
2013-05-24 LED-04 LED-NDVI Installed Installed on the radiation post in the alfalfa field west of the scaffolding.
2013-07-26 LED-04 LED-NDVI Removed Removed from Alfalfa site for calibration
2013-07-26 LED-06 LED-NDVI Installed Installed on radiation boom in Alfalfa field.
2013-05-24 11662 AM16/32B Installed Multiplexer Radiation Installed on the radiation post in the alfalfa field west of the scaffolding to collect the radiation data.
2013-05-24 6767 AM25T Installed Multiplexer Thermocouple Installed in the box at the Alfalfa tower to collect data from soil sensors
2014-05-13 6767 AM25T Removed Multiplexer Thermocouple Removed from the Alfalfa tower. This multiplexor failed in the field over a couple of weeks. It was replaced with AM16/32 sn 1164
2014-05-13 1164 AM16/32A Installed Multiplexer Thermocouple Installed on the Alfalfa tower to replace AM25T sn 6767 that failed. This multiplexor was only reading 15 soil thermocouples, however it did not seem to be working either as all TCs were reporting nearly the same values. It was left in place just in case.
2014-06-05 1164 AM16/32A Removed Multiplexer Thermocouple Removed from Alfalfa to be replaced by repaired AM25T sn 6767
2014-06-05 6767 AM25T Installed Multiplexer Thermocouple Reinstalled at Alfalfa after being repaired by Campbell. Removed AM16/32 sn 1164
2014-08-13 14049 AM416 Installed Installed with the soil co2 system at Alfalfa
2015-06-09 14049 AM416 Removed Removed from Twitchell Aflalfa with the soil CO2 system. An entire new CR1000 based system was swapped in.
2015-06-09 1164 AM16/32A Installed Multiplexer Soil CO2 Installed with the new soil CO2 box.
2016-03-24 6767 AM25T Moved Multiplexer Thermocouple Moved the AM25T from the data logger box at the tower to the soil CO2 data logger box. New SoilT TC profiles will go in out there.
2018-06-13 11662 AM16/32B Removed Multiplexer Radiation Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
2018-06-13 6767 AM25T Removed Multiplexer Thermocouple Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
2018-06-13 1164 AM16/32A Installed Multiplexer Soil CO2 Installed at East Pond to replace one with worn out channels. This one came off the decommissioned TA site.
Narrow Band
2017-02-01 882103036 SRS-Ni NDVI Installed Narrow Band NDVI Incoming Installed on the Twitchell Alfalfa tower radiation boom to measure incoming NDVI bands.
2017-02-01 882103061 SRS-Ni NDVI Installed Narrow Band NDVI Reflected Installed on the Twitchell Alfalfa tower radiation boom to measure outgoing NDVI bands.
2017-04-10 913003006 SRS-Pi PRI Installed Narrow Band PRI Incoming Installed at TA as the PRI_in sensor. SDI-12 ID is A.
2017-04-10 913003007 SRS-Pi PRI Installed Narrow Band PRI Reflected Installed at TA as the PRI_out sensor. SDI-12 ID is F.
2018-06-13 913003007 SRS-Pi PRI Removed Narrow Band PRI Reflected Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
2018-06-13 913003006 SRS-Pi PRI Removed Narrow Band PRI Incoming Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
2018-06-13 882103061 SRS-Ni NDVI Removed Narrow Band NDVI Reflected Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
2018-06-13 882103036 SRS-Ni NDVI Removed Narrow Band NDVI Incoming Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
Net Radiometer
2013-05-24 1570 NR01 Installed Net Radiometer 4-way Installed at the Twitchell Alfalfa site on the radiation post in the field west of the scaffolding
2013-06-05 020476 CNR1 Installed Installed on the radiation post at the Twitchell Alfalfa for a cross comparison with the Hukseflux NR01 sn 1570
2013-06-13 020476 CNR1 Removed Removed from the radiation post at the Twitchell Alfalfa field due to bad readings on all channels. Later determined that the SWin channel was accidentally put into the second COM channel on the multiplexor.
2013-06-18 020476 CNR1 Installed Installed on the radiation post at the Twitchell Alfalfa for a cross comparison with the Hukseflux NR01 sn 1570
2013-06-27 020476 CNR1 Removed Pulled the CNR1 off the Twitchell Alfalfa tower. Was being tested alongside the NR01 at the site. Now in the lab.
2018-06-13 1570 NR01 Removed Net Radiometer 4-way Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
PAR Sensor
2013-05-24 110338 PQS 1 Installed PAR Sensor Incoming Installed at the Twitchell Alfalfa site. This PAR sensor is mounted to measure incoming PAR. This sensor is on the radiation post in the field west of the scaffolding.
2013-05-24 110339 PQS 1 Installed PAR Sensor Reflected Installed at the Twitchell Alfalfa site. This PAR sensor is mounted to measure reflected PAR. This sensor is on the radiation post in the field west of the scaffolding.
2015-10-15 040411 PAR-LITE Installed PAR Sensor Diffuse This sensor was installed with a rotating shadow band to measure diffuse PAR. The CR1000 met program was updated appropriately.
2018-06-13 040411 PAR-LITE Removed PAR Sensor Diffuse Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
2018-06-13 110338 PQS 1 Removed PAR Sensor Incoming Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
2018-06-13 110339 PQS 1 Removed PAR Sensor Reflected Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
2017-05-10 49187-109 TE525MM Installed Precipitation Installed at TA to the same pole as the soilco2 datalogger enclosure and wired it to the met CR1000. We realized this wiring under-measured precipitation and re-wired to a CR10x on 2018-02-13.
2018-06-13 49187-109 TE525MM Removed Precipitation Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
RH & Temp
2013-05-24 G4540021 HMP60 Installed RH & Temp Installed at the Twitchell Alfalfa site.
2017-02-14 G4540021 HMP60 Removed RH & Temp Removed from Twitchell Alfalfa b/c RH values were slowly drifting to 0
2017-02-14 L1740420 HMP60 Installed RH & Temp Installed at Twitchell Alfalfa
2017-12-18 L1740420 HMP60 Moved 0 Installed at Twitchell Alfalfa for an inter-comparison of HMPs
2017-12-18 G4540023 HMP60 Removed none Removed from Eat End for a 24hour side-by-side comparison at Twitchell Alfalfa
2017-12-18 G4540025 HMP60 Removed Removed from West Pond for 24hour side-by-side comparison at Twitchell Alfalfa
2017-12-18 L2310736 HMP60 Removed 0 Removed from Sherman Wetland for 24hour side-by-side comparison at Twitchell Alfalfa
2017-12-18 U2120013 HMP45A Removed 0 Removed from Mayberry for 24hour side-by-side comparison at Twitchell Alfalfa
2017-12-18 G4540021 HMP60 Installed 0 Installed at Twitchell Alfalfa for an inter-comparison of HMPs
2017-12-18 W0730036 HMP45AC Installed Installed at Twitchell Alfalfa for an inter-comparison of HMPs
2017-12-18 U3030041 HMP45AC Installed Installed at Twitchell Alfalfa for an inter-comparison of HMPs
2017-12-18 T2130005 HMP45AC Installed Installed at Twitchell Alfalfa for an inter-comparison of HMPs
2017-12-18 L2310711 HMP60 Installed Installed at Twitchell Alfalfa for an inter-comparison of HMPs
2017-12-18 U3030046 HMP45AC Installed Installed at Twitchell Alfalfa for an inter-comparison of HMPs
2017-12-18 T1250012 HMP45AC Installed Installed at Twitchell Alfalfa for an inter-comparison of HMPs
2017-12-19 L1740420 HMP60 Moved RH & Temp Moved back up to its usual position near the 7500 from the HMP inter-comparison height.
2017-12-19 W0730036 HMP45AC Removed Removed from the HMP inter-comparison at Twitchell Alfalfa
2017-12-19 G4540021 HMP60 Removed 0 Removed from the HMP inter-comparison at Twitchell Alfalfa
2017-12-19 U3030041 HMP45AC Removed Removed from the HMP inter-comparison at Twitchell Alfalfa
2017-12-19 G4540023 HMP60 Removed none Removed from the HMP inter-comparison at Twitchell Alfalfa and returned to East End
2017-12-19 G4540025 HMP60 Removed Removed from the HMP inter-comparison at Twitchell Alfalfa and returned to West Pond
2017-12-19 T2130005 HMP45AC Removed Removed from the HMP inter-comparison at Twitchell Alfalfa
2017-12-19 L2310736 HMP60 Removed 0 Removed from the HMP inter-comparison at Twitchell Alfalfa and returned to Sherman Wetland
2017-12-19 U2120013 HMP45A Removed 0 Removed from the HMP inter-comparison at Twitchell Alfalfa and returned to Mayberry
2017-12-19 L2310711 HMP60 Removed Removed from the HMP inter-comparison at Twitchell Alfalfa
2017-12-19 U3030046 HMP45AC Removed Removed from the HMP inter-comparison at Twitchell Alfalfa
2017-12-19 T1250012 HMP45AC Removed Removed from the HMP inter-comparison at Twitchell Alfalfa
2018-01-11 G4540021 HMP60 Installed 0 Installed on Twitchell Alfalfa for another comparison. Last time the TA HMP60 had spiders in it and a slow fan.
2018-01-31 G4540021 HMP60 Removed 0 This golden HMP60 sensor was brought back from TA to the lab at the conclusion of our HMP comparison.
2018-06-13 L1740420 HMP60 Removed RH & Temp Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
Soil Moisture Probe
2013-05-24 377/008 ML2x Installed Installed at the Twitchell Alfalfa site. This probes was installed horizontally at 10cm below the surface.
2013-05-24 377/009 ML2x Installed Installed at the Twitchell Alfalfa site. This probe was installed vertically at 20cm below the surface.
2016-03-02 377/008 ML2x Removed Removed from -10cm at the Alfalfa tower due to cable damage from farm equipment and sheep.
2016-03-02 377/010 ML2x Removed Removed from -20cm at the Alfalfa tower due to cable damage from farm equipment and sheep.
2016-05-12 377/010 ML2x Installed Installed at -20cm to the northeast of the soil co2 box
2016-05-17 377/008 ML2x Installed Installed at -10cm to the southeast of the soil co2 box
2018-06-13 377/008 ML2x Removed Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
2018-06-13 377/010 ML2x Removed Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
2018-06-13 54/016 ML2x Removed Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
2018-06-13 54/007 ML2x Removed Soil Moisture Probe SoilCO2 A Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
Solar Controller
2013-05-24 11400080 PS-30M Installed Installed in the box at the Alfalfa tower. Connected to one 140W panel and two G27 batteries.
2018-05-10 12501584 PS-15M Removed Solar Controller Removed from East Pond. Replaced by 30A controller.
2018-05-10 11400080 PS-30M Removed Solar Controller Removed from Twitchell Alfalfa to swap out a 15A version to be installed here.
2018-05-10 11400080 PS-30M Installed Solar Controller Installed at East Pond in a new smaller box on the solar system to replace the two 15A charger controllers that were running in parallel.
2018-05-10 12501584 PS-15M Installed Solar Controller Removed from East Pond in favor of a 30A version and installed at Twitchell Alfalfa
2018-06-13 12501584 PS-15M Removed Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
Solar Panel
2013-05-24 11ZV0M0861 KD140SX-UFBS Installed This panel was stored in the trailer at Twitchell. It was installed on the new Twitchell Alfalfa tower.
2013-10-24 11ZV0M0860 KD140SX-UFBS Installed Add to the existing panel at Alfalfa due to low battery power outages.
2018-06-13 11ZV0M0860 KD140SX-UFBS Removed Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
2018-06-13 11ZV0M0861 KD140SX-UFBS Removed Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
Weather Station
2017-09-07 A000251 Mark I Installed Weather Station Installed at Twitchell Alfalfa with Joe Berry. This was just a quick stop on our way to Tonzi and Vaira.
2018-06-13 A000251 Mark I Removed Weather Station Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
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