Equipment and Calibration History

History for Licor LI-7810 TG10-01589

Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
6821 2024-08-16 Lab none Returned Returned none Hannah Adler (Jackie Matthes's student) helped us return all of Adina's equipment to UCSC
6817 2024-08-12 Lab none Calibration Lab none Zero Air, 1450psi, Last zero 2023-12-01
CH4 zero offset: 3.30ppb
CO2 zero offset: -8.7ppm
AMP CA03923, 3386.5ppb CH4, 488.75ppm CO2, 1500psi, Last span 2023-12-01
CH4 span offset: -0.5ppb
CO2 span offset: -1.25 ppm
Previous weight: 0.9971
New weight: 0.9972
Notes: Calibration in the lab before Kuno's field campaign next week. Ran zero and span gases at our usual flow rate of 2 SCFH and plumbed the system with the recommended 30cm vent before the air inlet to vent excess air pressure and to prevent diffusion of ambient air into the gas stream. I spoke with a Licor technical person at AGU (Graham I think) who said that because the laser is tuned to methane, we only need to wait for CH4 to stabilize for the calibration (don't need to wait for H2O).
6820 2024-08-09 Returned none Borrowed Lab none Borrowed from Adina Paytan (UCSC) for Kuno's wetland chamber campaign next week
6819 2024-02-02 Lab none Returned Returned none Sylvian returned all of Adina's equipment to UCSC
6818 2023-12-03 Lab none Calibration Lab none Zero Air, >500psi, Last zero ??
CH4 zero offset: -7.601ppb
CO2 zero offset: 6.771ppm
AMP CA04119, 4223.8 ppb CH4, ??ppm CO2, >500psi, Last span ??
CH4 span offset: 30.72ppb
CO2 span offset: ??
Previous weight: ??
New weight: ??
Notes: First calibration in the lab for UCSC sn TG10-01589. Ran zero and span gases at our usual flow rate of 2 SCFH and plumbed the system with the recommended 30cm vent before the air inlet to vent excess air pressure and to prevent diffusion of ambient air into the gas stream. I forgot to write down the psi for both tanks, but they should be both >500psi based on notes from other calibrations from around this time. I waited for more than 45min for H2O zero to stabilize, however at AGU I talked w/ Graham from Licor and he said we actually don't need to wait that long for the zero, Since the software only calibrates the CO2 zero, we actually just need to wait for CO2 to stabilize. For our own TG10 analyzer, we also had a large H2O zero offset for our first calibration (offset of -90ppm), but it was much more reasonable for the second calibration (offset of -10ppm).