Equipment and Calibration History

History for Licor LI-7810 TG10-01751

Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
6726 2024-05-13 Lab none Loaned Loaned none Loaned to Rob Rhew and Charlie Diaz. They are planning a field campaign this summer at Dutch Slough and first want to test out the analyzer in the lab. Borrowed with our smart chamber sn 82S-1555, the analyzer AC plug/charger, 3 batteries total, one set of tubing, and both manuals.
6481 2023-12-01 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2023-08-22
Zero Air at ???psi, AMP CA04119 4223.8 ppb CH4 at ???psi
CO2 zero Offset: -0.024ppm
H2O zero Offset: -10.52ppm
CH4 zero Offset: 0.129ppb
CH4 span Offset: -1ppb
Notes: Calibration in the lab before Kuno's field campaign next week. Ran zero and span gases at our usual flow rate of 2 SCFH and plumbed the system with the recommended 30cm vent before the air inlet to vent excess air pressure and to prevent diffusion of ambient air into the gas stream. I waited until the slope of H2O was <0.002ppm to set the zero. I waited until the slope of CH4 was <0.002ppb to set the span. Plan 45min+ for H2O zero to stabilize. I forgot to write down the exact CH4 span offset, but I saved a screenshot and estimated the offset based on the graph.
6395 2023-08-22 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration:
Zero Air at 900psi, AMP CA04119 4223.8 ppb CH4 at 850psi
CO2 zero Offset: -20.9ppm
H2O zero Offset: -93.5ppm
CH4 zero Offset: 0.1ppb
CH4 span Offset: 33.7ppb
Notes: First calibration in the lab for sn TG10-01751. Ran zero and span gases at our usual flow rate of 2 SCFH and plumbed the system with the recommended 30cm vent before the air inlet to vent excess air pressure and to prevent diffusion of ambient air into the gas stream. It took more than 45min for H2O zero to stabilize.